Message the Team


Send a message to the team. We'd LOVE to hear from you! Below are some recent messages...

Best of luck to all Peace Run team members! We thoroughly enjoy reading your daily reports and updates. A special shoutout to Egi, the talented photographer, for capturing such incredible moments. Keep up the fantastic work!

Toki San, Mongolia

Hi and greetings to the whole team! Love your photos and stories and smiling faces - would love to dip my toes (or more) in these waters! Keep enjoying your journey - amazing how you get such a long run so well organised!

Vasanti, Germany

Fantastic photos and totally transports me there- thank you

Carole, Australia

What a sight to see you carrying that brightly lit torch on a rainy stretch of backroads in CT! Best of luck on your journey and in spreading the message!


8/14 @ 7:53 - Kudos! My wish for inner peace exist with Peace Run. May everyone live in harmony within the world! Keep running and spreading the word!


All of Calais Maine is talking about your wonderful visit this morning. Peace be with you all throughout your mission of peace and love. May your message resonate around the world! We can send you a copy of any newspaper coverage when our local weekly newspaper appears a week from today. Can you suggest the best address to send the newspaper, and to whose attention? Our best wishes and enthusiastic support will accompany you as you continue your run for peace. You are all always welcome in Calais, Maine!


Thank you, heroes of the open road! We loved having you in Ontario, and miss you, but get great joy from the faithful daily reports which have such a variety of places and people, all receptive to the message of peace. Go, Peace Run!


Thank you for sharing the joy and inspiration of your mission through beautiful pictures and commentary. You are doing such important work! Peace and love to all,

Laurel, Brahmata's mom

Great job in Chicago and it looks like they really felt the energy and joy of the Peace Run! I'm still living off my Peace Run high and hope it lasts until my next Peace Run!! Keep up the great work!


Very happy to see all the happy faces on the Peace Run! And so excited also very proud to see Putu from Bali there represents Indonesia!

Kanyaka from Bali

Hi! Loving all the beautiful scenery and seeing all the peace you're spreading to so many people . As far as the selfie contest team C with those bright smiles keep it up! See you soon in Chicago.


Every day I look forward for new pictures and reports. Even though I finished my American journey in Oklahoma, I feel that my heart is still with you and you are in my heart. Thank you very much for the amazing photos and tremendous inspiration. My admiration.

Svetlana from Izhevsk

Just saw you near Milbank, SD! keep up the great work!


As I am not only an enthusiasic peace lover, but also an enthusiasic mom, I vote for team B with Nikolaus.

Rotraud from Salzburg, Austria

Thank you so much for visiting our school in Kingston, WA on June 14th! I hope your run will always stop by our school as a way of planting the seeds of peace in the minds of our youth who will soon take over. I wish you continued peace on your journey! Aho Mitakoye Oyasin (we are all related),

Diane StewART

This July 4th is an honor to pay tribute to the sacred principles articulated by Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers in their Declaration of Independence. As we celebrate America’s 242nd birthday, these universal truths continue shining forth in the spirit of America’s small town warmth—as shown by Sidra, her Mom and communities welcoming Peace Run with such sincere love, joy and enthusiasm. (In 1998, we ran by the town of Arpan in South Dakota. ;) These priceless memories nurture us through the years, and decades to come.

America means speed:
Speed to run the fastest.
America means victory:
Victory over ignorance.
~ Sri Chinmoy; Founder,

BTW Team, my vote is a three-way tie for your selfie competition based on two simple criteria: creativity and insouciance. Congratulations! and continue sharing your contagious happiness and smiles.

Sunamita; Taos, Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom Town (2014)

Wow you folks are really moving through the US meeting and greeting lots of nice people and seeing the sights! I am glad that bull was behind the fence even though it wasn't much! I bet you could feel the breeze from those big wind turbins. Keep it up!


Grateful for your photos and reports. Great job team! Keep going and thank you for your inspiration!


Scenery is beautiful. So nice to see my San Diego friends enjoying so many good ecounters and spreading of Peace and shared fun!

Donna Gookin

Hi Team! We miss you and being with the Team the ever unrolling peace road you tread. But we'll take as second place the great photos stores you weave! Carry onward and we'll meet again. Thank you!!!!


Thank you for being here with us in Harlowton with the children who were taking part in the HAPY summer program. We enjoyed your presentation and appreciate the time you spent with us.

Julie Wojtowick

Hello Peace Runners, Full of admiration for what you are doing. Peace & Joy,


Hi I loved joining the Peace Run for a few days in Oregon, days I will cherish forever. All the best as the run heads to Canada then back to the U.S. See you Sunday at the Peace Arch!


Dear Peace Runners, I have been following your progress every day -- and thank you for bringing peace to our peace-thirsty land and people. I will always remember seeing Sri Chinmoy in New York at the start of the Peace Run! I have never seen such beautiful eyes and peaceful face before! Thank you for bringing us the spirit of Sri Chinmoy wherever you go. I have the feeling that you are the new hope for peace here and everywhere! With a smiling heart,

Simon R.

Dear Sarankhuu & Mongolia Peace Run Team, Your incredible enthusiasm for Peace Run—from organizing Mongolia’s runs to include China and running all those miles—is divinely uplifting! The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is amazing in connecting our towns, nations and millions of people around the world, isn’t it? The world is wonderful, as you say. More so when we’re all aware of our aspirations to live peacefully as one family. Viva! Viva!

Sunamita, New Mexico, Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom State (2000)

Hi Team. Greetings from Mongolian Peace Run Team. This world is wonderful. We are doing the same thing in different part of the world. See you soon!


We are looking forward to seeing you Wednesday at Redwood Coast Montessori! We have runners onboard to go with you from Alice Birney school all the way through town along the bay, over the bridges across the bay and on up the peninsula to our site. See you soon!!


So glad to see the photos of my friends from San Diego on their journey to spread the words of peace and love throughout the world! .Thank you!


Thank You all for stoping in Tijuana. Project Bala Zavala Running Team Welcomes You anytime. Sincerely

Javier Zavala, Coach

Very inspiring photos and stories, especially from the Grand Canyon. I am so glad all of you had the chance to experience this Wonder of the World firsthand, (and foot). The peace one feels there can be deeper than the Canyon itself. I hope it has strengthened and fed you all to keep up the great efforts of sharing and spreading peace everywhere you go, even on the busiest highways. I hope to see you soon and join in again on feeling and spreading peace as we move forward, making progress every step of the way. Enjoy the breathtaking California coast and stay safe.


Happy to see you passed along the prayer stick given in Memphis. So inspiring to leave in such a perfect location. The pictures of nature were absolutely stunning. Peace & Oneness,


Your comment about the birds, and the torch flame looking like a bird -- in fact quite a few of the photos showed bird-shaped flames-- made me smile, because just yesterday I read in the Globe and Mail that 2018 has been declared the Year of the Bird-- by many organisations like Audubon Society, National Geographic, and others. Birds, birds everywhere. It's a good sign.
Happy running!


Thanks for your inspiration and the great photos. Our hearts are running with you.

Mohan -- Connecticut

Dear Rotraud, Runners & Everyone,

Thank you so much for your support of peace and friendship from around the world!The Land of Enchantment is beyond thrilled in taking steps with you, as shown by heartfelt messages of welcome from our leaders (May 13, May 14). Clearly, we all resonate in our diverse and unique ways with Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy's message: "Peace means a flood of love in the world-family." Peace Run would not be possible without tireless and selfless runners who wake up every day offering their best--like Nikolaus. I love how everyone can remain so cheerful, especially under trying conditions running on our high mountain desert! For Peace, Light and Beauty ~

Sunamita, Santa Fe, Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom Capital City (2014)

Dear Peace Run team, I follow you almost every day online and not only because my son Nikolaus is member of your wonderful team (by the way, Nikolaus, I knew immediately it was you reporting on may, 14 th, when I read "one can feel the thin air---or rather you can´t.."). Thank you all for bringing peace in the world and sharing the messages of Sri Chinmoy.

Rotraud Scheiderbauer, Salzburg, Austria

Keep up the good work team. Been following you online. Very inspiring. Really looking forward to seeing you here in San Diego. Peace and love!

Pransukh Julian Marks

Hey Team! The San Diego Centre is looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!


What wonderful work you all are doing. Blessings on everyone of you!

Lonnie Rankin, Santa Fe, NM

Hello Yesterday es had in Germany in Freiburg a group of students from UNICEF. They had papers to write dreams. I wrote Peace. Then we sang together Imagine from John Lennon accompanied by a man playing Piano. Then we let the ballons fly. I make Sewa in a Sikkh Temple. Sikkhs have the largest Community kitchen in the World. The food is for free. I wish you a nice Run. I will always remember the great time I had on the Run in the States together with Arpan, Tom, Boijayanti and Harita. Keep up the spirit.


I spent almost 2 weeks on the Peace Run with such an amazing team. I had a fabulous time. Totally exhilarating way to see the USA. From Atlanta to Oklahoma City, totally new to me. The people were so open and friendly and excited about peace. So this city girl doesn't know her donkeys from her horses. Haha. But I had so much fun with you guys. Thank you to the wonderful team for this transcendent experience. Keep the Peace train going. Miss y'all so much! In Oneness,


OK, little Kaspars, I am sending you and the whole team greetings and we are so excited that we will have the Peace Run soon here in San Diego and see all you beautiful peace runners! Keep up the awesomeness that I see you are creating!!


Hello, Peace Runners -- the photos and stories every day are so fun and inspiring! You are doing an awesome job, meeting so many wonderful people and sharing the message of peace. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Santa Fe!


Bravo, road warriors for Peace and Oneness.May the force be with you..Spread the light!


Hi team!!! The pictures are awesome, it looks like you are meeting so many great people along the way. I hope you are enjoying your time on the road, it sure seems like you are. I am thinking of you everyday! Happy running! I can't wait to join you this summer :)


We saw two runners with torches on Sunday, May 6, 2018 in North Little Rock, AR. Did not know about this effort until then. I feel very fortunate to have seen the runners and wish you all the best. I love your message.

Mary Ann Yaich

Hello all the Peace runners! Greetings from Bali for all of you! Thank you for the report updates almost everyday 😄


My family and I were visiting Guin this past week, staying at the Relax Inn. We saw ya'll pass by! Thank you for being ambassadors for peace in this confusing and trying world.

Wanda Clark

Dear North American Peace Run team and organisers, congratulations to everyone! The photos and reports look REALLY FANTASTIC! So much light, sweetness, dynamism and happiness in the photos!! The soul of America must be jumping for joy right now!!!! God bless you for this most important and superexcellent work that you are all doing to make our world a better place. :-)


 Dear Organizers, I am interested in participating in the PEACE RUN caravan. what arrangements to make? I am a resident of Kinshasa.


Great photos and report of running through Virginia yesterday! 


 Dear Peace Run Team,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your inspiring running and wonderful stories of your adventures across America and Canada! I have followed your journeys almost every day and have come to deeply appreciate your struggles for Peace at a time when the world needs it and you so badly.
Looking forward to seeing you in NY and at the UN! Thank you also for the lovely card with all the signatures. It inspires me as well!

With Gratitude and Love, Bhitihara, New York

Members of my school cross country ran part of the relay Wednesday afternoon. Great experience for the kids. They really enjoyed it.

Thanks, Coach John Toth
Providence, Rhode Island

Last evening I was driving from Bennington, VT to Rutland, VT and passed a lone torch holder running on Route 7...I was so happy to see her and I waved. Soon after I saw the van and looked up Peace Run. What a blessing to have so many wanting to spread peace. I want that line runner to know she made a difference to me...much love.

Pamela Hansberry, Vermont

Hello everyone,

Hope you are getting lots of nice summer weather to accompany you on the run!
It has been so wet in the UK even by our standards ;o)

Thanks for posting all the great phots lookin forward to hearing all your stories in NY...

Dave, UK

It was great to join the team in Chicago. I feel proud that in today's world and times, peace is such a rare commodity. I hope and believe, initiatives like these do its bit. I plan to participate for longer duration the next time. Shall practice running until then :)

Minu Mittal,

Such a pleasure to meet you today. My heart is full of greatfulness for the message you are spreading around the world! I am anxious to share your web site and message with my school in the hope in integrating it into our curriculum, organizing a visit, and supporting the team!

Peace be in every step,
Deb Davis-Young,
Sullivan NH USA

Amazing, Arpan, and congratulations for showing that age is no barrier to self-transcendence. Also, what a great team to support you and share your great moment!!

Pujari, San Diego

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARPAN. We had a full moon hike and concert in the ravines last night ( cello, guitar, voice and drums) to send you good energy . Wishing you a beautiful birthday all year long. Best wishes from the team at Ancient Echoes.

Jo, Laura Trey

Just saw a runner near Viroqua, wanted to stop and provide encouragement and thanks but wasn't able to. Best wishes to you all!

Kristin, Viroqua

Saw two of you running down Hwy 61 toward Red Wing MN, saw your shirts and decided to find out more; what a cool pursuit/ organization! Thanks for doing what you are doing!

Erinn, Red Wing, Minnesota

I just met one of your runners, Yuudhan!!
What a wonderful experience and a great organization! I want to be a part of this! I am a school teacher and I believe in this whole heartedly.. I would love to get more information on how to get a run going with my school or the Chive organization. Yuudhan was running along the road in Ashby MN when I called out to him and he came over to share the message of peace. Thank you thank you!!!

Kristy, Ashby, Minnesota


Hi guys!
Congrats on your great success and continued joy in my 2 favourite states ( besides NY) North Dakota and Minnesota.
And many happy greetings to my dear Malianga!
Greetings from Canada!

Purnakama, Winnipeg, Canada are so amazing and so strong.....We are all so proud of you! I know you will do awesome. I am sending you strength of mind and body and lots of love.
Love ya ,

Good morning beautiful Peace Runners.. Blessings.
The beginning of any great journey begins with a first step.Thanks to Sri Chinmoy and each one of you, your steps have carried a presence of Beauty, Peace and Joy to Herschel and the ravines..May your steps echo and reecho around the world and beyond. with the messages you are carrying and sharing,..My Heart thoughts and Gratitude are with each and everyone of you.,""Merci"" semble petit dans le grandeur de vos pas.En esperant que c'est un simple au revoir.. . A la prochaine, et Bonne Journee.

Jo, Saskatoon, Canada

So proud of you guys!
Hello to my friend Pierre!
May you all have a joyful and fullfilling experience!

Gabriel, New York

So many wonderful, wonderful photos of your beautiful and very full day ....from Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island to White Rock, the Peace Arch at our border, a Buddhist monastery and a Hindu temple and cultural centre in Richmond and then to honour Sri Chinmoy!! Hard to believe all this happened in one day! So many peace blessings!:-)

Jhamala, Victoria, BC, Canada

Go Team North America!!

keep on running, keep on smiling and keep on making and enjoying the magic of the Peace Run.

Saranyu, Australia

We so enjoyed your visit to the Castle Rock Senior Center. It was fun to meet everyone. We are already talking about your next visit in two years. Have a safe run to the finish line.

Myron, Castle Rock, Portland.

Hi, I met the runner who was in Tenino, WA. today and it was super inspiring. Thank you for bringing light and love to the world.

Wendy, Tenino, WA

Hello Peace Runners!
Just want to let you know that your smiles and offerings of story and photos are inspiring us... way over here in Hawaii!
This particular posting of your time in Oregon on June 15th was particularly interesting.
Thank you all!!
Love and Aloha from us all here in Hawaii :-).

Savyasachi, Hawaii

This is for the US team. Just wanted to to say it was a pleasure meeting you guys while you came through Klamath, home of the Yurok Indian Reservation, and was an honor to give you a gift of food.

James Dunlap
Former Chairman of the Yurok Tribal Council, Klamath, California

Our small church met you in Gualala, Ca yesterday, and I want to send you best wishes for safe running and congratulations for spreading your message around the world.
Do you have logo merchandise for sale? I think that would be a good fund-raiser!

All the best!
Steve, Gualala, California

Saw you running with the torch, today, along the Sonoma, CA coastline. Then saw the support van in Valley Ford. I had to do a little research to find out more about your cause. Very inspiring, and I am proud to have seen you. Thanks for representing me and the rest of the world.

Monica, Sonoma, California

I had the privilege of meeting some of your folks today on the Central Coast of California while I was riding my bicycle.
It was great meeting you all and chatting for a few minutes.
I admire their dedication to the cause!
Drive on!!

Tim, California

Hi Melinda,
You do like to run!!!!!!
It is great to see photos of you at the Grand Canyon...
A great ambassador for World Peace.
Bless you.

Warm Wishes, Jennifer Hornsey, Australia

Big hugs to Saranyu.
So proud of you big sister xx

Irene Pearson, Australia

Hi Atul from your workmates in OZ! Looks like you're all having a great time.

Ruth Whiting, Australia

It was a pleasure to have met you all.

Drew Gray

To make our world better place to live,we always need peace,harmony and brotherhood.
What “Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run” is doing,it's totally incredible.I would be very glad,if I can make little part of it.

I wrote a little article about “Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run” and my friend Pierre.It was published on Bangladesh in Bengali language then translated it in english and put it in my blog.

Here is the link:

Apu, Marseille , France

 I met you at the Americinn hotel and just want to say that what you all are doing is so great for the world! The world needs peace now and people need to take action and be motivated like you to make a change. I appreciate everything you do!

Sarah Koirala

Our staff and boys had a great time hearing your story today at Tulsa Boys' Home. Keep up the good work on your journey.

Best Regards..
Mike Murphy, Tulsa, Oklahoma

My boys and I had just finished our run and we're heading home when we saw your runner going east on hwy 20 in front of the Collinsville OK high school ! Was exciting to see him! Wish we would have know would have loved to run a bit with him! Good luck!! God speed!

Becky Captain, Collinsville, Oklahoma

Saw you guys running on the highway, near Bartlesville, OK. Thank you for running for peace, our world could use more of that.

Mary, Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Great photos of all your adventures and manifestation! Looking forward to seeing you all in San Diego and California !!!

Pujari, San Diego, California

Hi guys.
Greetings and best wishes from the European Team. We are following your progress across America with interest.
How's the new RV doing?
We are 3 months into our journey and on our 11th country.
We are currently in Serbia and the reception from the people has been fantastic with both local and national media coverage. Some of us became overnight celebrities appearing on television, hahaha!
Next country will be Bulgaria!
Another day, another country.
Keep running and keep eating, or is it keep eating and keep running? lol

Satyagraha, Maldova

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak with one of your runners in Kansas City, MO. He was on Raytown road and he is from Australia. It was such a privilege to chat with him, (I didn't get his name though). He was gracious enough to allow me to hold the torch for a bit, (a complete and total surprise). I was thinking that I would get a great video but it was so much more than that. He allowed me to take his picture, which I will try to upload from my phone. Thank you for making my day!

Matt, Kansas City, Missouri

Great seeing everyone in St. Louis!
Good luck as you go West.

Chetana, New York

Do you run all the time? Thank you for running for peace.

LADARUIS, Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Hope you guys find some peace and quiet...Have a nice day.

Jasten, Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Dear peace run i love your pictures.

Andrea, Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Thank you for coming to our school and for also coming to our little city

Your Pal,
Taniyah, Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Good running . Think's for coming to DIS.:)

Austin, Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Very happy to see all the Peace Runners reports and photos almost everyday!
Also I am so excited to see Tavishi running the North American Peace Run again for the second time! When will you join the Peace Run in Bali? :)

Kanyaka, Bali, Indonesia

It was such a pleasure and honor running with you gentlemen through Covington, TN. Thank you for your message and inspiration. Stay safe, and see ya next time!

Kris, Covington, Tennessee

I am very glad Mississippi offered you the highest level of Hospitality today as our way of living Magnolia(ly) is a personal experience.

Dan, Mississippi

Hello, on Friday, May 6, 2016 the Peace Run came to our school Council Traditional in Mobile, Al. It was a pleasure seeing you all again. I am a Spanish teacher at the school. Thank you for your time and your kindness.

Sandra Muncy, Mobile, Alabama

I love the idea of a global event that inspires peace in every corner of our world. I'd be honored for such an event to travel to New Jersey!

Shannon, New Jersey

I was so happy to see your runner pass through Pensacola today running north on Scenic Highway. Photo posted @theliteratetedneck (thats me) if I cannot attach. Good luck to all participants!

Jennifer, Pensacola, Florida

We got to see you yesterday (05/01/2016) on Hwy 17 in Yulee Florida..We were selling Peanuts at our peanut stand and took pictures with you...God Bless and Have a Safe Journey.

Kenneth and Wanda, Yulee, Florida

It was enlighting to meet your team at the beginning of your walk at the Savannah waterfront on 4-29-16. David Bowman and I were thrilled to provide info to you'all about Savannah. Good luck on your American tour.

David, Savannah

Hi Runners for Peace,

What an incredible journey you have undertaken. I will be looking for you on Bristol Rd tomorrow as you approach the City of Brotherly Love.

Always onward... for PEACE.

Wayne, Philadelphia


This email is long coming and is for the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run RV. When I saw the photo of you with so many happy people on the West Coast I jumped for joy! What an incredible accomplishment and now you have made it all the way back across America to NY. Your service to the run and to all you meet is unconditionally good and great! We are all so proud of you, dear and strong Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run RV!!!!!!!!!!!
a proud friend,

I had the extreme pleasure of meeting part of your team running through Deep River Ct. today. They were running up 80 by the ponds near the stop sign. I took pictures of them and had some taken of me by the driver with the team even got to hold the torch. I forgot to get a selfie of me with you wonderful group...I wish you success and a healthy safe run. Peace is such a wonderful thing I just wish it were obtainable for all...May God keep you all safe. Peace I posted your photos on my facebook it was an honor to meet you and you made my day.

Donna Clark

Arpan, Dennis, Mahasatya, Sandro---So happy to see you in your final days. You were all such an inspiration to me in California and the West Coast and now seeing you all at the end of your epic journey through North America gives me joy! See you Soon!


Wonderful photos of beautiful Vermont, especially of the chipmunk! I certainly enjoyed your being here! Thank you!
Enjoy your last few days.
In gratitude,

Welcome back. Congratulations for making the long journey love and peace.

Srutavinda and Subhamaya

Sorry I couldn't be at the farm with Julie to welcome the Peace Run Team. It is always a celebration when you run into Vermont.

Thank you for your heroic sacrifice to spread the vision of Peace. We can feel your hearts presence here at the farm, long after you have continued down the road.

See you in New York!


 Hello to Tavishi from Australia. And a big hi and welcome to the team to Kanyaka and Sweta from Hridayinee and Suhashini in New York. See you again upon the teams return here on the 15th August. Have a wonderful Peace Run journey!

We finally got word that you were rushing off to Keene, New Hampshire. We're sorry we missed you! A crowd of us were ready with peace music blaring in downtown Brattleboro, Vermont. We had a great time anyway; we talked about peace, played peace games and passed our own peace torch (which happened to be a phone!). Thank you for what you are doing.

 Your runner ran through Kennebunk, Maine a few minutes ago.

I have a short video.

If you would like to share an image:

Thanks so much to the Peace Run team for coming to Quebec and Montreal . We are so happy that the Peace Torch was able to be shared with so many! It was a pleasure having you visit us, and getting to meet so many inspiring runners from so many countries! Please come back to visit any time. Thank you, merci, gracias grazie, spasiba 😄✌️💜peace, paix, pace, mir, heiwa, salam, shalom! Devaki and Vidura Groulx - Montreal. 

It was lovely to see you all at Ottawa yesterday. I think the Peace Run initiative is very positive and inspire all who see it, especially children.


Sooo good to see you all with those Happy faces!!! Congratulations for this wonderful job! (Also good to see Aparanji shining).
Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you team David can be little part of your run. We're so proud of you. God bless you and have a safe finish on your peace run ... We'll watch every day of your run till finish.

David and family

Proud of all of you.....Great pictures.. .GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.  Your pictures tell me how the people perceive the peace run...the expressions , the smiles....the pictures tell me how you feel...wonderful job...hi to my brother ARPAN...please...hope see you soon to have lunch.
 Mario from NY

It was a pleasure to see the Peace team run through Harbor Country Michigan taking time to stop in New Buffalo, sharing singing and painting leaving us sure that one day strong wills of gentle souls may one day take over the world. God speed through our beautiful World.

dee dee

 Loved seeing all the GREAT peace runners in my home town of Minneapolis--city of lakes and a great creek...Minnehaha. You have come so far since I last saw you in Vancouver. I had so much fun on the Peace Run with all of you and I won't forget it! You are doing a fantastic job of spreading LIGHT throughout the USA and Canada!!


Just last night I got back home after spending a month on the road. As I was running through different places and meeting so many children and grown-ups I could see how diverse this planet of ours is. Yet, we all have the common yearning for the more joyful and peaceful world.
I am really grateful to the team for being so awesome and to all the people I met on the way for all the kindness, good wishes and cheers.
Thank you North America!
Thank you PEACE RUN!


 I just drove past three amazing runners! So wonderful till see you in Rice, Mn!!!! So glad to see you here in small town Minnesota!!!!


What an inspiring group you are! Thank you so much for stopping in Park Rapids on your trek. The kids and I from Century Adventures thank you for visiting and sharing with us.


Hello Peace Runners,

The selfie competition is no competition at all, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" definitely takes the cake.

I am missing you all and the road! (Running without the torch just isn't the same)

Enjoy Saskatchewan and stay dry.


 Hey boys
Miss you all!
From your Selfie i would vote -for 100 % non GMO combining the names of boys -
Denis The Good , Jatkara The Bad ,Arpan The ugly! First place
Second place i would give to -The cowboy shot.
Keep it up!
You all look Great !!!!


We are all voting (our team) for the tech-assisted 'selfie' of Kaneenika, Savita and Prapti. Great pics everyone!!


 Hello everyone :)))! I have been following you and remembering all the beautiful places in BC and Alberta. Nice photos! You guys are having too much fun;)....the best selfie? It is very hard to decide; they are all unique, cute and funny...but if I have to really choose 100% non GMO is #1....and I really want to know the finals from "Good, bad and ugly"!!!
Keep up the good work!...not in selfies, but in running....or perhaps both?! haha


Your Selfie competition on †he 8th of July is so hilarious! It made me laugh a lot! I like the 100% non GMO team members, the Good The Bad and The Ugly, the tech-assisted version of the selfie and also the cool cowboys! I think they are all great and someone should buy you a big jug of ice cream as a reward! Thanks for the joy!

 Hi team. Keep up the good work! I just wanted to vote on the selfie photo contest. I vote for the 'Good, Bad and the Ugly' I think its in the right order... Santiva

 I vote for the new-cd-cover like photo:
It looks as if Sandro has just returned from 4 hour faerie walk wandering among flowers, his head in the sky, Mahasatya after 3 weeks on a Neera diet, and Salil grabbing all fame for himself! Nice shot and editing, though :)


......definitely 'The Good The Bad and The Ugly'.


Hey I'm that friendly biker -
I'll try to link your site to - my travelogue.

Great meeting you. Good luck with the rest of the run.


Peace Run Team Family,

Thank you so much for spreading Peace June 26th and for including Russ and I in your inspiring activities from Port Townsend to Port Angeles WA. Stota and Abanna your plans offered beautiful fruits in both cities and all along the way. You both are amazing. We loved it! This was my birthday celebration this year and thank you for letting me help with giving out water to the runners a few times, especially thanks to Rupasi. I especially enjoyed seeing the children add their wishes for World Peace to the millions of other's wishes who have held the Peace Torch. I loved hearing Daulot and Arpan and all the others talk to all the children. Hearing the bright kids so cleverly guess where we were all from, all the "countries", like NY, Seattle, San Diego, Mongolia, Austria, Poland, Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia ... I hope I didn't forget anyone... winning the contest so we "had" to sing to the children was so fun! Singing the Peace Run song again was a joy! Thank you for the Mexican Birthday Dinner Stota and Daulot and everyone who joined us. And thank you Nayak for being part of this special day by calling just as all the inspiring Port Angeles events concluded the day, to thank me for being born (always your special way of saying Happy Birthday).

Peace Runners, have a great time in lovely Victoria Canada and on Galiano Island at the Peace Statue. I wish I could be there with you.

Love to you all,
... Keep Dreaming of Peace for all our 7 Billion Brothers and Sisters. Keep smiling with the children!

Your sister, 100 miles south of Port Angeles, Julie

 Hi to THE team!
As you make your way to Canada, you carry this symbol of peace between our nations and all the nations of our fragile world. This uplifting message that you bring with you, in your hearts and in your every-day steps for peace brings hope to all the generations of today, young and older alike.
Desmond Tutu's quote surely applies to this run as it was addressed to its founder Sri Chinmoy: "Perhaps the world continues in existence only because of people like yourselves who help to hold it in being".
Happy running. Peace to all. Happiest Canada and USA celebrations. And welcome to Canada !


Hi Runners! Great seeing you in my home state of Oregon--can't wait to see you in Washington!
Love seeing all the pictures in the reports, glad you went to the format that allows you to add so many more pictures, especially of all the wonderful world-servers in Portland!

See you soon!


 Dear Runners,

I am so fortunate to be part of the North American Peace Run team 2014 from St. Louis to San Francisco!
Thank you so much for your daring enthusiasm and oneness.
The outer journey, I will always remember and cherish.
The inner journey, I will always treasure forever.
Keep running, keep smiling, and see you soon very soon in NY.


It is so nice to see you all beaming and running up the West Coast!
There are so many great photos, and it is truly inspiring to follow the blog.
Your heart's joy shines through those bright smiles.
I ran from San Francisco to New York with the Peace Run in 1987, (which makes me sound really old!) and I can't believe Arpan is still the team captain, as he was back then! Way to go, Bro! I hope you enjoy the places I coordinated - Portland, OR and Southern WA, which come up in a few days. Give 'em heck, Palash! Congrats to Kaneenika, after the 10 Day race, this must be like a walk in the park!
Love, Peace and Joy,

 Hi Team,

It was so great to spend the day with you all in San Francisco. It was such a positive lift which I am still treasuring and I won't forget anytime soon. Keep up the wonderful work and hope to see you all again in the near future.

Happy running!!


Hello to everyone on the team! I had such a good time on the Peace Run for the last three weeks, it was hard to leave. I enjoyed everything starting with running through the beautiful countryside, friendly people, super excited children and a great team. On the Peace Run one forgets about all the small problems of life and begins to feel the world expanding and expanding, one can feel a sence of freedom and joy. Wishing you happy running and blisful spreading of peace! See you somewhere in Canada.

 Hello everyone! Just got back from Father's day weekend in NY. The 3100 mile race is on!
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful team :)!!! I had such a nice time on the run. I already miss you all and the life on the road with everyday new experiences. All the best to you all in spreading the inspiring and beautiful message of Peace Run. See you in Ontario :)


Congratulations on your message of peace. Keep up the good work.


 Hi to the runners-for-peace A++Team! We follow u day by day through your amazing photos + reports. Wow, what an exciting run! You will have a full evening of slide show during August! All is great in Ottawa. Baladev - Medur have reached NYC today, for Baladev to start the 3100 challenge. Our hearts are with you all; keep up the great spirit!  Please bring with u some of that home-made ice cream for local consumption !!


Hello Manoshri and Gautami!

You are really missed here at home, but it's okay because the world needs you :-). I hope that you've had a good start to the run the past few days, I wish you very well.


Untuk Suhasini aku sangat bangga kamu mewakili Indonesia khususnya Bali di acara Peace Run disana.
Aku akan selalu merindukanmu ada di Bali.
Tetap semangat dan salam sama semua pelari dan terutama Harita terima kasih atas undangannya untuk aku ikut juga berpartisipasi nanti selama seminggu di bulan Agustus. Sampai ketemu segera!


 I was honored to meet Harita and Anna, quite by chance, in Hermosa Beach. I was quite taken with Harita's amazing swimming/bodysurfing and introduced myself. Both young women are so charming and inspirational. Good luck to them and all the athletes!

San Diego

To all the runners, A huge THANK YOU from Serbia! You all radiate incredible joy and oneness. Gorgeous and breathtaking scenery, amazing people on the road and immense inspiration every day make my day. The world looks like a much better place! I wish you smooth and delightful rest of the Run. You all are truely a shining example!
Once again THANK YOU and keep going, dear sisters and brothers


 Hello, Peace Run Team and Peace-Dreamers!

Thank you all so much for the great memories and happy times I shared with you during my time on the run! And equal thanks to everyone I met on the way who encouraged me, gave me water, or expressed their own wishes for humanity. The vision of the Peace Run is clearly universal. What a perfect way to unite the world! Please continue spreading your sincere goodwill, determination and commitments to peace.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Pranlobha, Seattle WA

 I really enjoyed seeing the Peace Run in Long Beach, California! I had just read about it in the the Grunion Gazette, and there he was, a vibrant, healthy Mahasatya Jancza, from Poland, running north at the Marina, on Pacific Coast Highway. I got out of my vehicle and cheered and jumped up and down! Peace Be With you~ We say at my church. Let's RUN the words~

Mary Anne

 My wife Iolanda had the opportunity today June 7th to meet the team at the self realization center in Encinitas California and join in on a peace meditation with them . A young lady from Russia let us hold the torch and took pictures.

What a great event this was and so encourged after meeting all of you.


Dear Peace Runners in the US.
Greetings from the Faroe Islands Peace Run. We were just enjoying the beautiful photos from the US run and feeling the shared joy through them.

Keep enjoying your journey and sharing your peace.

Love to all,
Faroe Islands Peace Run team,
Kagni, Laufey, Zuzana and the boys

 Amazing pictures!!! We were very glad to have stopped to chit chat with you all!!! Seeing photos from the peace run route and other countries is truly showing oneness!!!! Peace!!!

Marci F.

 Looking good guys! Especially Harita! Keep up the great running.--Ali

Congratulations on sharing the spirit of the Peace Run so well with us all. The joy and happiness and peace expressed by the Team and all you meet jumps right out of the pictures and into my heart. Wonderful! Gratitude

 Dear Peace Run team! Be ready for some swimmers to join!
At least water temps will be a bit higher than in Iceland :)

Enjoy! - Vasanti

THANK YOU for sharing your message of peace with the community of Pagosa Springs! Your visit had a positive affect on so many of us, both young and old. May your steps be light, your strides be long, and may peace run alongside you on your journey.

Sending smiles,



Just returned from a brief and very active weekend in San Diego - and all I can tell you - EVERYBODY in San Diego is really excited to welcome you later tonight. So is Los Angeles, of course, even though we still have to wait a whole week before we can welcome you.
Your pictures and your stories are so heart warming, your smiles and the energy that radiates from the pages so awesome, can't wait to see you all. In the meantime --- a big, bigger, biggest GRATITUDE to all of you. Bigalita

 You guys rock!
Drink lots of water!
You look so sun-kissed and strong.
We love the email photos!
your other mom,

Nancy R.

Hello to all runners - messengers of love and peace!

SO-o-o-o wonderful to watch your reports with amazingly beautiful pictures. Looking at your eyes and smiles is enough to start smiling too :-) and to feel joy that radiates from your hearts!


Jayasalini, RU

 Hi Bashata,

Nice to see you at the Peace Run. We are already preparing ourselves for the European Final in Belgrade, and watching Peace Run Teams all over the world is the way how to stay isnpired.
Say hello to girls, Pranloba, Manoshri, Harita, and boys too.

Have a nice time and lucky running, love

Hey everyone!I just received your card in the mail -- thank you so much! While I'm at home with my broken ankle, I'll be living vicariously through all of your adventures out on the road on the Peace Run. Have an amazing time in San Diego!

Best wishes to the Peace Run team,

 Dear Peace Runners... whoever is posting is the news is doing an Awesome job! Capital A! The photos and stories make me feel like I'm there with you all and we at Peace Garden are checking the news all the time...that fur hat really suits you should bring it back to Canada for our FREEZING would never be cold again...and the lamb! Omg cute!!! Hope you are all eating enough looks likw the peace run is spreading so much joy! Thanks for the inspiration!

Pushpa rani

 Hi Everybody,

It looks like a great adventure out there. I can feel the Peace and Happiness.

Keep it Real!


To Harita - loved the photos--the cliff village would have been special to visit.
Do you listen to cowboy music when you run through Utah? guess no
Bet you miss the sea and expanses of water.
How can people thrive so far from the sea-us dolphin kiwis find this a challenge.

Hugs and love from dad

Hello Runners!

You are all looking so vibrant and happy and the scenery looks incredible, wow! Am living vicariously through you until I join the run next month (can't wait!). Manoshri, I was so jealous that you got to hold that adorable lamb :) So nice to see you all spreading the message and the smiles, it looks like you are meeting such nice people. Wishing you all health, happiness and unforgettable moments.

Lots of love, Brahmata (Canada)

Click here to see Brahmata's inspired artwork.

We await your return to the land of the Hopis and The Navajos. Be safe as you all make your way here.


 Hi to your new team member, Mahasatya from the UK, the isle of kings, soon to be separated from Scotland. And yeah also to the others, i mean everyone on the team should be greeted. There is far more that unites us, then divides us. Cheers.

Matthias, Germany

My name is Renee  and I was blessed to wait on Arpan this morning at City Market in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I enjoyed hearing about your travel. I wish you all a very safe journey on your Peace Run. I hope you had a wonderful stay in our little town.

 Renee, CO

 Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for a great time on the run!
Just looked at yesterday's activities and feeling a little nostalgic. The places you are passing look beautiful.
All my best wishes to everybody,

Chetana, NY

Hi everybody!!!!!Good run and stay healthy.How is it going, Harita?:))
Special hi to Manoshri and Gautami! And Suhashini!!!!So nice to see you on the road of great America!!!!!!Hope to see you soon!!

Ratuja, Belarus

Hi from New Zealand to Harita, Pranlobha and all the running heroes :) It's so inspiring to see the Peace Run every day with all the beautiful photos and smiles all around. Each day is a new journey covering not only the physical distance travelled but the length and breadth of the world with peace and light. As I write this message in the winter's night looking towards you over the sleeping Pacific Ocean I can imagine the flaming torch beaming out its warmth, kindling hearts around the globe. Lots of joy to everyone!

Emily, New Zealand

I am so proud of all of you! See you in California in a few days. The Pacific Ocean is calling you.

Jennifer, CA

Cheers and high-fives to you all! The dream is unfolding smile by smile. I just love seeing every single face and every peace prayer. Keep it up!

Kaushalya, Canada

So great to meet you all in Santa Fe. Keep up the good running for such a good cause! Peace to all and all of us, one!

Lonnie, NM

Hi Arpan and all the running heroes! Best to you all on this incredible journey of peace all over North America. You now have our best runners from Ottawa on the team!! The rest of us are with you in spirit, awaiting your visit here. The Source of this energy that you share, this message of oneness-peace, is writing a new chapter in history. Happiii running!

Utsahi, Canada

Texmex, texmex, texmex. Greetings and have a good stay under the desert heat. And greetings and wishes and hopes and dreams. May they all be fullfilled.

Matthias, Germany

You all look like you are having such a wonderful time, enjoying the run through beautiful countryside and nature. Keep up the good work!
We are up in Vermont. Hope to see you all when the Run passes through.
With our love ,

Hi, Team!!! Miss you already, have checked the report and its so strange not to be there. Will be following you every day! Thinking of the Peace Run journey with you brings up a sweet feeling. Thank you so much for being such wonderful team members.

Love, Vera (Russia/New Zealand)

Dear runners, Divine Heroes! I wish you joy and good health on the road. Special greetings to my sister Bashata. Best wishes from Serbia.


I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the runners west of Tulsa, OK on Thursday May 22nd. The idea of a peace run is fantastic. It appears you are opening hearts as you go along.

Tom, US

Hello Peace Run North America! I fell a little behind so I am just getting caught up with you in St. Louis! Everyone is looking so strong ... continuing to share Peace and Harmony in North America in such a meaningful way. I'm sending a special shout-out to the girls team!! Sending prayers wishes for a continued safe journey. You are accomplishing what others only dream to do --- spread peace in a very tangible way ... Til the next message.

Lunthita, US

Hi Arpan and team! Can't wait to see you all in San Diego!! We are looking forward to it. Keep up the good running and smiles through America's Heartland!

Pujari, San Diego

Untuk Suhasini, tetap jaga kondisi dan tetap semangat larinya ya! :)
Salam dari Bali untuk semua pelarinya terutama Harita dan Chetana.

Kanyaka, Bali

Be a true friend
Of your own heart.
Lo and behold,
All will befriend you. Sri Chinmoy.

Good job runners!!!!
I’m so happy to see you in Peace Run site!

Apara, from Brazil

Hello to my Kiwi friends Harita and Vera. A big hello to new team member Suhasini. Glad to hear you made it there :) Wishing you all a wonderful, joy-filled, peace-sharing, blissful time on the US Peace Run. Love from New Zealand!!


I just saw your van in Lawrence,Kansas. I was on my way home from a long trail run or I would've stopped. Now, after seeing what it is, I'm sorry I didn't. I wish you all the best.

Allen, MO

Thanks to all the runners for inspiration and amazing pictures.
You are the real heroes. We look forward to meeting with the team in Windsor
See you soon.

Igor & Anna, Russia

It was great to chat with your runner when she came through Sedalia, Mo on May 18, 2014.
May Peace Follow you all on your adventures! (see Kevin's photo)

Kevin, MO

Arpan, Thank you so much for allowing us to visit your campsite earlier today. It was an absoute privilege, and well worth the couple of hours driven just to shake hands with you and your team. Until today, we had not heard about your organization. For certain, your mission and selflessness to promote peace, is admirable and quite humbling. All our best. ~

Maria, John & Joseph, MO

Just passed some runners on 50 Hwy heading towards KC, MO! Safe running!!!!!!

Dawn, MO

Cathy Oerter and I are together looking at the beautiful pictures of peace! Thank you for the amazing energy that reaches out through this site and straight to our hearts! I look forward to meeting you in LA!

Kimberly, LA

It's an inspiration to be part of the PEACE RUN! And it shows. Thanks for spreading the light, good luck, and I pray for your legs to be strong, your meals to be nourishing, and your days to be filled with joy. Gratitude***

Jagadhata, NY

Yesterday, two of your wonderful Peace Run runners came through Bardwell, Kentucky. Arpan DeAngelo, from New York City, and Sandro Zincarini, from Italy, were so very considerate, allowing me to photograph and giving me a brochure. The photos and an article will appear in next week's issue of Carlisle Weekly. Thank you for your wonderful organization!


Hi. I'm 13 and I think I saw you running in Newbern Tennessee. Thanks for the wave. Way to go!


Hey Team!! Thank so much for my card, I deeply appreciate it from the whole team. San Diego is really looking forward and gearing up for your arrival! We do have some great events planned (and also some quality free time :-) We are off to Borrego Springs for joy days this weekend. Pujari has put together quite a plan for us out in the blazing desert! Keep shinning brilliantly out there!




Hello my dear runner friends. Thank you for the opportunity to run for peace. As always each child's face brings its own special inspiration. I have been thinking of you all and send my love.

Cathy Oerter

Hello again peace run team I just wanted to say thank you for responding when I wrote you the poem I'm happy you enjoyed it and I have a question' are you all going to Albania for the peace run? I was just wondering because my parents are from there.


From the Team: Hi Fabiola, nice to hear from you again. Yes we did go to Albania and here is the report from that day.

I just read about your wonderful visit to Tampa Bay and am immensely inspired! I am so happy that Cathy Oerter was with you also. She is so wonderful with children! Thank you!!!


Our family is traveling home down Hwy 49N and have passed several of your runners. Hats off to all of you, and may there be Peace on Earth....

The McKinney's

Dear Peace Runners, I gained so much being a part of the team this week. Now, viewing the events and visiting the site, I get to relive these precious moments all over again. I continue to wish you all the best. My prayers are with you for a continued safe, peaceful, inspiring, joyful, and fulfilling journey. What youbare doing is definitely making a difference in the lives of all you meet-- from student to principal, from worker to restaurant owner, from traffic police to mayor ... You help us to really feel that we are one family. Til the next message ... :)


Hello Team, Great job! Special greetings to Denis. I wish you inspiring and fulfiling run, my friend. Best wishes from Bulgaria.


Here's the link to the story that aired in Hattiesburg tonight when.


Dear Peace Run Team, my class all sent you poems when you were at my school but I was sick the day that u came so now I will right you a poem.

When will there ever be peace ?
No more dying, war, and hatred.
All loving to each and everyone
For that is the way God intended It to be.
No more suffering, no more pain when will all these formal things go away?


Brothers and sisters you are doing fantastic job...I am proud of all of you...I wish I can run one of this days with the team....A big hug for all of you...Brother ARPAN are the beeeeeeest


Hi Peace Runners thank you for the inspiration you gave me. Keep running and smiling. A big Ciao to my Italians brothers: Sandro and Arpan. Runningly,


Hi to the team all the way from Australia! Have been following the Peace Run as you have made your way to FL. It looks so wonderful, seeing all the smiling faces warms the heart on these cold winter days here in Australia. I look forward to following your progress over the next 3 months! Make sure Harita is kept real busy, I hear she has lots of spare time ;-)


We just had the Euorpean Peace Run in Switzerland. Can't get enough of good news from all of you and around the world from the Road! Thanks for the daily reports.


Saw the runners today in South Alabama and just learned of your organization! What a wonderful way to promote peace and friendship around the world! Hat tip to all involved in this vision!


Hello runners!! It was so wonderful meeting you all and joining you on the run from Pensacola, Florida to Robertsdale, Alabama. You are such an inspiration and a group of uplifting people. I'm so glad I could be a part of it with you! Safe travels!!


hello dear runners!!!! pictures look amazing, your journey is inspiring! big smile from New Zealand!


Hi to the Team from Iceland. Great to see all the pictures and follow up on your progress. With so many great cooks on the Team the meals must be a real treat! Keep up the good work!


yehooo springs! So beautiful...I was there about 15 years ago when I spent some time in Tampa. At that time there were also cute maneetees. Well anyway it is a great joy to follow your journey! Special greetings to Abhejali!


Runners, It was great to have you in Orlando/Lake Mary and spend a couple of day's with you. Thank you so much for what you are doing, it is very inspiring. Good luck on the rest of your journey.


I am hoping to see and run with the runners and the children there in August


Harita and all the awesome Peace Runners! Thank you for all you are doing on the road in America. It is enormously inspiring and humbling to follow your activities via the Peace Run website each day. We look forward to welcoming you to San Diego in a few short weeks. Best,


Dear Peace Runners, Thank you so so much for all your selfless service you are offering. I follow you online from the very first day. Thanks a lot for all your great photos and comments. It brings me back all the sweet memories of the Peace Run in the USA I took part in 2 years ago. The work you are doing for the world's peace is so so important...Keep going!!! On your way I wish you lots of open hearts, peaceful minds, perfect running weather, inspired and inspiring people, effortless running, and most of all lots of peace and joy. With all my gratitude


Hi Guys! Hope your having a good time. I'm jealous of your warm water swimming! We are just preparing for the UK Peace Run the European Team will be here next week. Regards,


Dear Peace-Runners, good job spreading all this light. Keep it up. Hello Dr. D (Dennis)! how is it going. Hope you enjoy the run. Your smiles say: Yes! All the best to you all and happy peace spreading.


Hope all is well. I always look forward to see where you will be each day.Beautiful and as always wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing best wishes to the whole team.


Hi, you all are great!!! Have fun and take care!


Hi team, Judging from your great photos it seems that you are happy, well and having fun. Keep running and we are looking forward to seeing you on the west coast in June. I can't believe you will be running there! Lots of love from the Sunny Canary Island of La Palma,

Prasasta and Vajin

Looking good! Well done all of you but particularly Harita! Glad to see you managed to catch a few "bodies" on the way. All the best,

Ali Davies

Hi Peace Runners.. It is great to see you on the road.... happy days, you are all looking terrific! It is hard to believe you will be arriving in Seattle end of June... so many more miles to run. Thank you and ENJOY!


Hello Peace Run Runners We are so excited to see you all traveling from place to place interacting with people and spreading the message of Peace to everywhere you go. May God Bless you all in everything you do and your travels.

Daniel and Claudia

Hey, great going Team! Awesome inspiration. Keep up the smiles and miles.


Keep up your good energy & power legs, Peace Runners!


Hi runners - best wishes from Germany! Very inspiring to follow your footsteps through the US while organising some part in Europe. The world is eager to receive and feel the message and the light of the torch! It is so great to see all the kids sharing their wishes for peace and oneness and putting them into the torch! Enjoy your journey, don`t get lost - and thanks for the great daily updates!


Hey all! Following you on your way over to the west coast! I'm just about to head to Yosemite and do some camping before I hike the Pacific Crest Trail back up to my hometown of Eugene, OR. And once you get up here I'll head on the road and lighten your load by running a good amount of miles for ya. Can't wait! ya'll looking good so far. Keep it up!


Hello, I had accidentally come across your organization and was immediately inspired! I, myself, try my hardest with each passing day to advocate for peace. I also am a very active and healthy person who focuses on not only physical but mental health as well. Thank you so much for spreading Sri Chinmoy message across the world! Namaste.


Thank you for contributing and sacrificing your time for World Peace! God Bless You!


Hi Arpan and all the team, I read your repports every day and I like all your photos, keep running and smiling. Thank you.


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