Maig 11, 2019 Live from the road

Viña del Mar - La Calera

Reported by Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo 69.0 km

Check out the video highlights from today.

Today, on the team's final full day in Chile, we commenced our run from the beautiful city of Valparaíso. Here, Chintamani is all bright smiles and ready to begin the run!

Hoy, nuestro último día completo en Chile, comenzamos el día en la bellísima ciudad de Valparaíso. Chintamani se encuentra simpática y lista a que comience el día.

Judging by the road signs, it looks like Nikolaus, Udayachal, and Carlos are closing in on the destination for the day: Los Andes. Good job guys!

De acuerdo a los letreros, parece que Nikolaus, Udayachal y Carlos se acercarán a la destinación muy pronto: Los Andes.

Atul, a very kind, thoughtful, and self-giving member of the team, who originally hails from India, makes some friends (both human and canine) while out carrying the peace torch.

Atul, nuestro gran amigo, que viene de la India, le pasa la antorcha a various nuevos amigos!

Nivedak and Vaibhava hit the open road!

Shumbani from Guatemala and Chintamani from Austria finish off the girls' team final miles!

Shumbani de Guatemala y Chintamani de Austria completan las los kilometros finales para el equipo de las mujeres!

Goga and Boijayanti log in the miles.

Atul meets a more playful ambassador of peace while out on the road!

Atul y su nuevo amiguito!

Yolanda, from Guatemala, logs in her first miles on the run.

Yolanda, de Guatemala, corre sus primeras millas en la Carrera por la paz.

Our great team captain, "Don" Bhanshidar, buys some fresh veggies for the team!

El gran capitán, Don Bhanshidar, compra vegetales para el equipo.

The team also met some very cute and endearing llamas in the town of Los Andes! They are sweet, curious, and packed with personality.

Llegamos a conocer muchas llamas en Los Andes! Son animales bien curiosos, dulces, y extrovertidos!

The boys' team stops for a team photo at a very steep curve in the mountains.

Los muchachos posan para fotos en las montañas!

Udayachal courageously braves the raging currents of a babbling brook.

Udayachal, de la República Checa, valientemente supera las corrientes fuertes de la quebrada!

Beautiful cacti dotted the landscape along today's route, up and down mountainsides, alongside roads, and in many gardens!

Vimos gran variedad de cactus a través del paisaje árido en Los Andes!

Mariana, from Argentina, enjoys a moment of silence before taking off with the torch.

Mariana de Argentina, invoca un momento de silencio en su corazón antes de correr con la antorcha.

Many a cargo truck passed us along our run today!

Nos pasaron muchos camiones a lo largo de esta ruta!

Carlos and Istidad can't contain their joy while out running in Chile!

Istidad y Carlos, ambos de Guatemala, no pueden contener su alegría en visitar Chile.

Vaibhava leaps across a brook. His dynamism and enthusiasm knows no bounds.

Vaibhava salta a través de la quebrada, tal es su entusiasmo y dinamismo.

The team waves on some fellow travellers.

Santiva poses for photos along the beautiful and untouched landscape.

Santiva toma un momento para apreciar la naturaleza y el paisaje majestuoso.

Torch carried by
Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Atul Arora (India), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Carlos Albero Ramos De La Vega (Guatemala), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Istidad Alvarado (Guatemala), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Nivedak Corradini (Italy), Salil Wilson (Australia), Santiva Morrison (United States), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Udayachal Šenkýř (Czech Republic), Vaibhava Kuschnow (Austria), Vettri Angel (Guatemala), Yolanda Ramirez (Guatemala).  
Gordana Petrovčić, Santiva Morrison, Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 69.0 km from Viña del Mar to La Calera.

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