Gen. 24, 2024 Live from the road


Reported by Harita Davies, Sweta Pradhan 2.0 km

A team of 80 runners from over 20 countries began our 2024 Pokhara Peace Run today! We were thrilled to be led by our dear friend Laxmi Magar, a well-known Nepali mountain biking champion, pictured centre, along with Nepali Peace Run team members.

Local Peace Runner Gaurab Sah proudly representing Nepal holding a Flag

Our first school was Mount Annapurna Secondary School. We have been here before with the Peace Run and they had a wonderful presentation prepared for us!

We were all greeted and offered khadas (ceremonial welcome scarves), and marigolds.

Harashita Sunaoshi from Japan.

The children had prepared beautiful artwork on the theme of peace which was displayed in the school entrance.

We had some esteemed local representatives join. Mr. Hari Prasad Parajuli, Chairman of Nepal Ex-Sportsman Forum also kindly joined the event.

School principal, Mr. Saindra Shrestha, gave the team a most heart-felt welcome.

Nepal Peace Run coordinator, Sweta Pradhan, introduced our team.

Our dear friend Tej Sir is also a Former Group chairman of Mount Annapurna school!

Abhinandan from Australia led the students in an exercise expanding peace in their hearts.

Tej Bahadur Gurung Sir, Vice President of Nepal Olympic Committee, IPP Nepal Ex-Sportsman Forum introduces Mr. Khadga Bahadur Rana Bhat, Founder Chairman of Nepal Ex-sportsman Forum, legendary athlete and coach to receive our Torch-Bearer Award.

Khadga Sir with our Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson holding the Peace Run Torch

Children performed a traditional dance for us.

This girl read a poem she wrote for the occasion.

The kindergarten children had to enjoy the program from behind a fence, which didn't seem to bother them at all!

Laxmi having the children guess her village!

Peace or not peace? Peace Runners from Portugal and Guatemala in action!

We offered an artwork by Sri Chinmoy and Certificate of Appreciation to the school.

Time to run! Around 130 MASS students along with 80 from Peace Run Team headed to run around 2 mile loop outside the school in the local community area.

A street fruit vendor looks on with a smile as the rally of students and Peace Run team marched on to circle around the community.

High Five to Pranjal Milovnik from Slovakia

Running in to our second school, SOS Hermann Gmeiner Secondary School Gandaki.

Dhavala Stott from Great Britain getting High Five

SOS students cheering the Peace Run Team as we entered the school premise with a Peace Run Torch.

The school had a huge welcome banner printed for the occasion!

School Principal, Mr. Chudamani Subedi, spoke beautifully about the significance of the message of the Peace Run.

There were 600 children present for our presentation.

Students performed a cultural dance to welcome our Peace Run Team.

Students feeling peaceful as our team member led them to Feel Peace in the Heart exercise.

Sweta leading the children in the World Harmony Run song.

Gabriele from Guatemala in full action in a skit

Not peace!

Now that is peace!

Presenting A Certificate of Appreciation from the runners from around the world.

We also presented A Jharna-Kala Artwork by Sri Chinmoy

The School Principal offered a Token of Love; A beautiful Mug with School's 50 years in Nepal logo print.

Executive Director Salil Wilson is presented with a beautiful artwork by one of SOS school students as A Token of Love.

We thanked the teachers for the significant role they play in serving humanity through the children.

Laxmi led the teachers in a lap around the courtyard!

Time to run!

Penny Nam from South Africa running cheerfully with the school kids.

It is always so special to make friends with the children!

Milan Javornicky from Czech Republic is all smiles with the kids around.

These girls were so happy to be photographed with Laxmi!

Peace does not mean the absence of war. Peace means the presence of harmony, Love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love In the world-family. ~Sri Chinmoy

Thank you to all the organisers and participants for such a special morning with the beautiful children and people of Pokhara!

Torch carried by
Devesh Ghimire (Nepal), Dhanu Alaimo (United States), Gaurab Singh (Nepal), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Krishna Kushwaha (Nepal), Mamta Mehta (Nepal), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nrishata Kies (Germany), Oliveria Lopez (France), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Papaha Gosline (United States), Pramod Shah (Nepal), Prerana Mehta (Nepal), Rajendra Sharma (Nepal), Rambha Prajapati (Nepal), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shant Kumar Mehta (Nepal), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Sujal Mehta (Nepal), Sushila Lohani (Nepal), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal).  
Dhanu Alaimo, Nrishata Kies, Shyamala Stott
The torch has travelled 2.0 km in Pokhara.

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