Maig 4, 2024 Live from the road

Zadar - Pag

Reported by Gianluca Marangon 51.0 km

Good morning Zadar :) The day started with a lovely meeting on the National Square with the Athletic Club Alojzije Stepinac and children from the city's Cultural Group.

Dobro jutro Zadar :) Dan je zapoceo susretom na Narodnom Trgu sa Atletskim Klubom Alojzije Stepinac i djecom iz Kulturno Umjetnickog Drustva.

The children recited some beautiful poems on peace.

Djeca su izrecitirala predivne poezije o miru.

And off we go, running for peace through the streets of Zadar...

I krecemo trcanjem za mir kroz Zadar...

The runners from the Athletic Club were speedily carrying the torch toward Murvica.

Trkaci iz Atletskog Kluba su hitro nosili baklju prema Murvici.

Thank you Athletic Club Alojzije Stepinac for this meeting and for helping us carry the torch today. Special thanks also to Slobodan Miolovic, Club director, who organised today's event, giving the opportunity to the runners and children of Zadar to carry the Peace Torch. In 1994, Slobodan held the Peace Torch when the Run was passing through Zadar.

Hvala Atletski Klub Alojzije Stepinac na ovom susretu i to sta ste nosili balju sa nama danas. Posebno se zahvaljujemo i direktoru Kluba Slobodanu Miolovicu koji je organizirao danasnji event i pruzao priliku trkacima i djeci iz Zadra da nose Baklju Mira. 1994. Slobodan je nosio Baklju Mira kada je Utrka prolazila kroz Zadar.

Our next destination is Pag, a lovely island on the Croatian coast.

Nasa sljedeca destinacija Pag.

On the main square, we had a presentation of the Peace Run.

Na glavnom trgu odrzali smo prezentaciju Utrke Mira gradanima.

The many people present, had the opportunity to hold the Peace Torch and share their wishes for world peace.

Svi prisutni imali su priliku drzati Baklju Mira i podjeliti njihove zelje za mir u svijetu.

Thank you Vesna and the Tourist Board of Pag for this lovely meeting and warm welcome into your beautiful town.

Hvala Vesna i Turisticka Zajednica Pag na takvom lijepom susretu i dobrodoslici u vas predivni grad.

And thank you for the delicious lunch boxes.

I hvala vam na ukusnom rucku.

The town chefs prepared a traditional Fritaja (omelette) for all present. Everyone was excited :)

Gradski kuhari su pripremili tadicionalnu Fritaju za sve prisutne. Svi su uzbudljivo cekali :)

Crossing the bridge in the old town.

Prijelaz kroz most u starom gradu.

Delicious lunch + beautiful view = Joy

Ukusan obrok + predivni pogled = Sreca

After our visit to Pag we make our way back to the mainland.

Nakon nase posjete na Pagu krenuli smo trcati prema kopnu.

Beautiful nature all the way :)

Predivna priroda kroz cijeli put :)

We met for the second time with local running legend Lovre Kalac who helped us carry the Peace Torch from Policnik to Visocane and later in the day from Donja Slivnica to Posedarje, his home town.

Susreli smo se po drugi put sa Zadarskom legendom u trcanju Lovrom Kalacom, koji nam je pomogao nositi Baklju Mira prvo is Policnika do Visocana i kasnije u danu iz Donje Slivnice do Posedarja, njegov rodni grad.

'May my heart offer happiness-flowers to each and every human being' -Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Balogh Zsuzsi (Hungary), Daniel Novak (Hungary), Gianluca Marangon (Croatia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Martin Lindner (Austria), Michaela Zdeňková (Czech Republic), Miroslava Nováková (Czech Republic), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Tihomir Cundić (Croatia), Uddyogini Hall (Australia), Vera Marques (Portugal).  
Gianluca Marangon, Gordana Petrovčić
The torch has travelled 51.0 km from Zadar to Pag.

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