Prill 26, 2013 Live from the road

Canberra, ACT - Brindabella

Reported by Prachar Stegemann 80.0 km

A journey that will encircle Australia with a flame of peace, is underway.

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run (known between 2005 and 2012 as the World Harmony Run) seeks to give outer form to the inner yearning we all feel. The torch we carry does not stand for any theory, creed or ideal; rather it reflects the flame we nurture in our hearts, the hope and dream of peace – inner and outer; personal, communal and global peace. [pictured is Sri Chinmoy, who founded the global Run in 1987]

A team from 25 nations will carry this torch in relay, right around the continent over the next 112 days and 15,500 km, visiting schoolchildren, community groups and civic leaders and participating in community events along the way.

The Run this year starts and finishes in Canberra, in honour of the Centenary of our nation's Capital. Just as Canberra was inspired by a dream of oneness, a dream of peaceful and fruitful cooperation between the people, communities and States of what were originally several separate British colonies; just as Canberra was envisioned as a meeting place, a focal point for common purpose, for the strength of diversity-in-unity of a young and vibrant Nation; so too the Peace Run celebrates our oneness – through all our myriad-hued, beautiful and vibrant differences.

As the runners progress from town to town, they will carry with them letters of greeting from the ACT Chief Minister and Patron of the Peace Run, Katy Gallagher [pictured with the Peace Torch, earlier this month], addressed to each Mayor, Shire President and State Premier they will meet along the way. The Mayors in turn will respond with a letter of congratulations and goodwill for the people of Canberra – a symbolic way of connecting the capital with the nation, and the nation with its capital.

Representing the Chief Minister at today's Opening Ceremony at Regatta Point was the ACT Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury. Mr Rattenbury, himself a noted athlete who has represented Australia in triathlon, spoke on behalf of the Chief Minister and offered her very best wishes to the runners for their forthcoming journey.

Sri Chinmoy's "Peace Run" song was sung by the combined running team, bringing with it a lively spirit of energetic, happy optimism.

Legendary marathon runner and Patron of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, Robert de Castella offered some inspiring words. He praised the objectives and courage of the runners, and remembered fondly his meeting in New York in the early 1980s with the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. He spoke eloquently of the spiritual dimension in the quest for peace, and the union of the physical and spiritual that the Peace Run strives to encapsulate.

The first Peace Run Torch-Bearer Awards for 2013 were then presented – the first to Robert de Castella; the second to renowned entertainer and Artistic Director of the Centenary of Canberra, Robyn Archer.

Ms Archer spoke in glowing terms of the role the Peace Run will play in connecting Canberra with the whole of Australia in this Centenary year, and very kindly appreciated the singing of the running team.

She enthused about the simplicity and elegance of the Peace Run and its message and offered heartfelt appreciation for the team and their efforts.

With a real sense of anticipation of the stupendous adventures ahead, Robert de Castella lit the Torch and the international running team, led by ACT Minister Shane Rattenbury, set foot on its journey – first around Lake Burley Griffin, then headed for the hills…

Our team of five runners set out to cover the distance of 45km as soon as we were finished with the opening ceremony.

Our route included running through the country side of Canberra and then the Brindabellas (NSW). We were setting ourselves to cover some serious off-road hills.

Our silent warrier and NSW state coordinator, Sukhajata, didn’t waste a second and sets off to get the ball rolling.

Steve the Barber is now and will be known as Steve the Peace Runner. Steve sold his barber shop business with an inspiration to courageously cover the 112 days of Peace Run. Hats off to my dear brother!

Drishalu from Austria, a great Peace Run veteran who has previously joined the Run all around Europe and the USA, has come to Australia to cover this whole epic journey.

... and there is this Indian boy, Atul, who just can't help himself to run as soon as he grabs the torch. Atul is also coordinating the whole Queensland run for two weeks during Jul - Aug.

These kind of nice scenery kept us refreshed and deviated our mind from the steep hills we were running.

Finally, the day was finished with lots of gratitude, joy and no injuries!

Following the Opening Ceremony, our first day started running out from Canberra towards Tumut. Above was the wide Australian pale blue sky and ahead purple mountains lined the horizon. A cool Autumn breeze was gently blowing. Our first two runners, Helena from Czech Republic and Zina from Moldova set off on Cotter Rd holding the torch together for their first few steps.

We set down Varunavi from Switzerland after 5K for the next section. After a short wait with flies, ants and gently rustling trees the first two arrived beaming with joy.

The softly coloured terrain was lightly undulating and had scattered trees.

The hills started to get steeper as we moved towards the Brindabella mountains. The hill I ran up, which I actually wasn’t meant to run up, was particularly steep!

Stacey – one of our National Coordinators and a Kiwi, took the next 5K, (going the right way!) and Harita also Kiwi and Abhejali from Czech Republic ran a stretch together into the mountains crossing a couple of tucked away creeks.

As we were waiting for our last runner to come in, Justin pulled up on his motocross bike with a couple of mates following in a car. They are on their way to a rally in Tumut and stopped to enthusiastically hold the Peace torch.

Torch carried by
Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Atul Arora (India), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Nurari Merry (Great Britain), Rathin Boulton (Australia), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Steve Elliott (Australia), Sukhajata Cranfield (New Zealand), Zina Palic (Moldova).  
Accompanied by  
Shane Rattenbury, Bob Harlow
Noivedya Juddery
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Canberra, ACT to Brindabella.

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