Qershor 7, 2013 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner

We love Maribor!

...we prepared for an intense day...

...and we arrived in the Primary school "Janka Padežnika"...

..all the schools of today are good friends of the Peace Run, so we were looking forward to see again many familiar faces!

Thank you "Janka Padežnika"!

...new traffic signs...

..."Franceta Prešerna" primary school was next...

...a musical welcome...

...secret service?

...the "revenge" of the stamps: for a change one kid stamped us!

Thanks "Franceta Prešerna" for the nice welcome!

...and we went on to the primary school "Borcev za Severno Mejo":

...a teacher's punishment...

...a very dynamic Run!

Thank you "Borcev za Severno Mejo"!

..and our last school: "Toneta Čufarja" primary school was our last school of the day...

...the children awaited us some distance before their school and joined us running there...

...the "Master of Ceremony" was leading through the program....

...after the meeting we were treated with a great lunch! Thank you "Toneta Čufarja" for the hospitality!

After the lunch we arrived in the Magdalenski Park, where former MP Mr. Rudolf Moge and a representative of the city of Maribor, Mr. Marjan Kosi awaited us.

Mr. Moge is a very good friend and supporter of the Peace Run. Many times he supported the Run and helped in countless ways. Together with the city representative he received the peace torch...

The park hosts a statue of the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, who was a personal friend of Mr. Moge.

Thank you for the hearty meeting!

...we enjoyed a Run through the city of Maribor...

...new friends...

...a perfect meeting: an ice cream store!

A big thank you to the "Iglu Pastry Shop" for treating our team with delicious ice cream!

...some team members really went for it...

...later on we arrived at the feet of Pohorje, a mountain near the city. Together with some local hikers we carried the torch to the top....

...a nice hike through the forrest...

...and a tough climb...

...there is an easier way, too...

...a great view from the top is the reward for the climb...

...and a final group picture. A great day came to an end....

Torch carried by
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Endre Olah (Hungary), Inese Gaile (Latvia), Jose Arriaza (Guatemala), Kristaps Gailis (Latvia), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), slovenian runners (Slovenia), Yahva Hoffmann (Japan).  
Luis Angel

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