Qershor 10, 2013 Live from the road

Perth, WA

Reported by Amalendu Edelsten, Grahak Cunningham, Stacey Marsh

We all gathered at Hyde Park, in the City of Vincent, a region of Perth ...

Hyde Park is one of Perth's most popular and beautiful parks ...

... nestled amongst tall trees, grassed areas and playgrounds. It has two lakes and is undergoing renovations so will look even more beautiful in the coming months ...

Arriving early, we each had time to prepare ourselves in our own ways ...

The Mayor of Vincent, Alannah MacTiernan attended the ceremony to welcome the Peace Run and inaugurate Hyde Park as a "Sri Chinmoy Peace Park" ...

... along with students from neighbouring schools Sacred Heart Primary and Highgate Primary ...

Their school choirs started proceedings beautifully, with Highgate teacher Jerard Smith accompanying his students on guitar ...

... Sacred Heart Primary sang with gusto and were pitch perfect. Led by choir teacher Francis Amoscarto, their singing matching their smiling faces. John from Move Productions was on hand for the sound and the gentle notes of children's voices was heard by everyone throughout Hyde Park ...

We are all gratitude to these two wonderful schools, their students and staff for helping make this such a special occasion ...

Our team then gave our own Peace Run presentation ...

... and the beautiful new plaque dedicating Hyde Park as a "Sri Chinmoy Peace Park" was unveiled ...

Press were there, from the local Guardian Express ...

The flame that symbolises all our aspirations ...

... which were shared and expressed with full heart and enthusiasm by all present ...

Mayor Alannah MacTiernan then led the children around the lakes of Hyde Park ...

... it was a special occasion, a special day.

From Hyde Park, we went straight to nearby Highgate Primary School to visit with the rest of the students – (only Years 7 and 8 had come to the Peace Park Inauguration to sing for us) ...

To start the ceremony the Years 7 and 8 sang again. The first song was a rap song that Marhawi rapped with the other students singing ...

... then they sang the song that they had performed at the Peace Park dedication. Some of the words of the song were:

'I can change the world with my own two hands,
I can make peace on earth with my own two hands.'

... Two perfect songs for the Peace Run!

Then it was our turn to present some thoughts and feelings on peace ...

... and to share some peaceful moments within ...

There are students from 68 different nations at Highgate Primary ...

... and it seems this school has always been very multicultural as our fellow Peace Runner and past pupil of Highgate – Hastakamala Diaz – informed us. She has always held fond memories of this school and the harmonious feeling that was and still is here. She asked the students to sing with her their school song and surprisingly after over 20 years, she still remembered most of it – even though they had changed the tune a bit!

We light the torch at the last moment for representatives from each of the classes to hold ... the moment the torch was lit, the room fell silent ...

... the Peace Torch truly embodies the hopes and dreams of humanity and this reality flickered into our vision when the flame danced on top of the Torch.

With some time before the next school, we found ourselves at Zoe's Cafe, who are exhibiting some of Sri Chinmoy's prints. We all stopped in for a photo and a take away cuppa. Here's our girls team who have run from Adelaide to Perth, on our second last day together ...

The boys team had meanwhile made their way to North Balga Primary School ...

We were welcomed by their English Language Teacher, Linda Griffin and their deputy principal, Grant Kennedy, who gave a stirring welcome and introduction speech. The children gathered to hear about the meaning of the Peace Run ...

... then watch the Peace Run DVD with us ...

... to share a few moments of peace inside our hearts ...

... and joined in a stirring rendition of the World Harmony Run song.

The school has children that speak over 30 different languages and many have immigrated from war-torn countries, so the message of the Run was very poignant for them ...

Deputy Principal, Grant Kennedy accepts our Certificate of Appreciation ...

After our soulful meeting, where classes displayed the peace lamps they had prepared for the occasion ...

... and peace torches ...

... we gathered outside to pass the Peace Torch around ...

... amongst a very happy group of world citizens ...

... and for a lap – which quickly became two – around their basketball courts.

After such a wonderful meeting, there was only one activity worthy to follow – lunch!

Our final school for the day – where all our teams joined up again – was St Gerard's School ...

... we were meet by Martine Sheppard, who had worked so hard at preparing the students for our arrival ...

... we actually arrived a wee bit early and so had time to greet Daisy who had also popped into St Gerard's for a visit. We couldn't resist giving her a pat and a rub ...

As we entered the hall we saw all the artwork and poetry the students had created for the Peace Run ...

During the ceremony a number of students came up and read out their poetry:

Peace Run is so cool
Peace Run gives peace to the world
The torch will give you peace.

Peace Run is for me
Peace Run helps communities
Peace Run helps us all.

We can all make Peace
People are running for Peace
Peace Begins with me.

We sang together ...

... performed a few of our skits on the theme of peace and harmony ...

... and watched the Peace Run DVD.

Year 5's had made a book for us. Nikki came up and said that they had written reflections based on the Peace Run Motto – "Peace begins with me". They had thought about their own lives and their interactions with their family, communities and the world at large. They thought about small ways they can make a difference in the world. Feeling that everyone no matter how young or old, rich or poor, black or white, in some way is able to bring a little more peace and joy into their own world and into the world of those around them.

They hoped we would enjoy reading their thoughts. Thank you so much to Year 5: we have all really enjoyed reading your thoughts and will take these with us as we continue on our run!

The Years 5 and 6 then came up to sing a song for the Peace Run ...

... Gabby came up to receive the Certificate of Appreciation for the school and is pictured here with MP Janine Freeman and Martine Sheppard.

After the meeting inside, we all went outside to hold the Torch and run around the oval. Local MP Janine Freeman lead the way ...

... and then passed it on to the next person.

A fitting close to our 'official' duties for the day ...

Immediately following our ceremony at Hyde Park earlier, we were approached by one student's parent. Sandy introduced herself and said she owned a restaurant in Northbridge and would like to feed us all. Regal on Roe served us up a right royal feast!

Sandy and her staff were heartfelt and generous, and the delicious Chinese food was gratefully enjoyed by us all!

We came home to discover that our visit a few night's ago with Circus Joseph Ashton is now featured on the website of the World Circus Federation!

Torch carried by
Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Antara-Prabhat Kalajian (United States), Anubha Baird (Australia), Baigal Kim (Mongolia), Bayarkhuu Batbayar (Mongolia), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Emily Oliver (New Zealand), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hastakamala Diaz (Australia), Helena Mazáková (Czech Republic), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Oyungerel Seded (Mongolia), Prabuddha Nicol (Australia), Sarankhuu Jargal (Mongolia), Sipra Lloyd (Australia), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Steve Elliott (Australia), Sukhajata Cranfield (New Zealand), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Vidagdha Bennett (Australia).  
Antara-Prabhat Kalajian, Harita Davies, Kaspars Zakis, Sarankhuu Jargal, Steve Elliott

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