Qershor 11, 2013 Live from the road

Perth, WA

Reported by Stacey Marsh

Today was a big day for us, as it was our main Perth City reception, so we were up early to prepare ... but first, the boys team paid a visit to Manning Primary School, in South Perth ...

... when we arrived, the kids were doing what kids do ...

We were greeted by a delgation of students, and the Mayor of South Perth, Sue Doherty ...

... Hasti was part of our greeting committee, and proudly showed us some of the artwork which the children here had prepared for the Peace Run ...

... this artwork inspires our runners so much, we cannot express to all the children in all the schools, how grateful we are for your soulful contributions ...

The Mayor offered an inspiring speech on the importance and significance of peace ...

... and invited the students to visit the statue of Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy in the Scented Gardens, which was installed by her City of South Perth ...

The students too, played an active role in the proceedings ...

... feeling the source of peace, within our hearts ...

After presenting Certificates of Appreciation to both the school and the Mayor ...

... the Mayor led us all outside for a run around the oval with the Peace Torch ...

... the Torch was passed around a large circle, with everyone adding their own wishes and prayers for peace to the collective aspiration which the Torch embodies ...

Then it was time for our team to depart, for across town, preparations were well under way for our main ceremony here in Perth ...

... a huge screen at the Wetlands Ampitheatre was playing the Peace Run DVD as the crowds gathered ...

... artwork from schools we have visited along our route since Adelaide adorned the stage ...

... and students from Tuart Hill Primary School ...

... and Ellen Stirling Primary School ...

... waited expectantly for the program to commence ...

Grahak Cunningham was our MC for the day ...

... he firstly introduced Tavishi Matthews, who spoke about the Peace Run and its Founder, Sri Chinmoy ...

... then ...

... the runners arrived ...

... and the whole audience stood to welcome us and applaud as we entered ...

The team sang Sri Chinmoy's Peace Run song and then each runner announced which country we are from. Each time a runner said they were from Australia, it was met with the loudest cheer!

Peter Watson MLA was invited to speak. Peter is a former Olympian and commented that the last time he held a torch like this was for the Olympic relay, but that he felt the Peace Run was a greater relay as it does not just promote sports – but sports and peace. He asked the audience to look at all the Peace Runners and commented that we all looked fit! He said that through sports you stay fit and you are happy ...

Derek Nannup played the Didgeridoo for us. This was the first time a number of our runners had heard the didgeridoo and we were all moved by the experienece and his expert playing ...

A Perth flautist – Jemma Armstrong – played some of Sri Chinmoy's music while students from each of the schools came and recired a aphorism of Sri Chinmoy's on the theme of Peace:

"Peace mean a flood of love in the world family."

"A moment's peace can and shall save the world."

"Try not to change the world – You will fail. Try to love the world – Lo, the world is changed, Changed forever."

"Exhale the dust of the past. Inhale the fragrance of the future."

Tuart Hill Primary choir were then invited onto the stage and performed four beautiful songs, under the guidance of their music teacher Di ...

One song touched our hearts so much. This is a well known song to all Australians, but for us international runners we had never heard it before. I looked around and saw Australians singing along and all of the people hearing it for the first time, moved to hear a song that seemed to embody the soul of Australia. Some of the words for our non-Australians reading this:

"I came from the dreamtime, from the dusty red soil plains, I am the ancient heart, the keeper of the flame, I stood upon the rocky shore, I watched the tall ships come, For forty thousand years I'd been the first Australian.

"We are one, but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come. We share a dream and sing with one voice: I am, you are, we are Australian."

Prabuddha Nicol introduced the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award ...

We were honoured to have with us today, Bob and Lynne Schickert to both receive this Award. Bob and Lynne have participated in athletics since their early school days, from track and field through to ultra-marathons. They have played an integral part in the formation, support and directing roles for the Victorian, West Australian and National Masters Athletics for over 30 years. Their continual work and encouragement is still being appreciated throughout the Oceania region ...

Peter Watson then was invited to come forward to also receive the Torch-Bearer Award. Peter was a world class middle distance runner and sub four minute miler. He represented Australia at the 1968 Olympics and the 1974 Commonwealth Games. Since entering the political arena as the Member for Albany, he still dedicates his time to coaching and umpiring in junior sports such as athletics and basketball. He is also patron, committee member and advocate for numerous sporting and community groups ...

Ellen Stirling Primary School then came up to sing “The Prayer” and “Brighter day tomorrow” under the guidance of their Chior teacher, Mirasol Diaz.

10 doves were then released by students from Mercedes College, Tuart Hill Primary and Ellen Stirling Primary. The doves represent the significance of the upward movement we want to take towards Peace. Dove D'Amour kindly supplied these beautiful doves ...

At the conclusion, the Peace Runners stayed to mingle with some of the children, and to offer to everyone the chance to hold the Torch and make their own wish or prayer for peace ...

Derek Nannup also stayed after the ceremony and spoke with many of the children and runners and gave some of us the opportunity to play (well try) the didgeridoo ...

Here we meet Anne Diaz who – you guessed it – is Hastakamala's mother. It was wonderful to meet one of the parents of a Peace Runner!

Jon and Isabela of Move Productions, who took care of the sound for both yesterday's and today's Peace Run ceremonies here in Perth ...

Our boys team are sincerely grateful to Perth City YHA who have so kindly and compassionately put us up – and put up with us! – for the four nights we have stayed here in Perth. Your hospitality has been extraordinary, thank you!

Torch carried by
Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Antara-Prabhat Kalajian (United States), Anubha Baird (Australia), Baigal Kim (Mongolia), Bayarkhuu Batbayar (Mongolia), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Emily Oliver (New Zealand), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hastakamala Diaz (Australia), Helena Mazáková (Czech Republic), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Oyungerel Seded (Mongolia), Prabuddha Nicol (Australia), Sarankhuu Jargal (Mongolia), Sipra Lloyd (Australia), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Steve Elliott (Australia), Sukhajata Cranfield (New Zealand), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Vidagdha Bennett (Australia).  
Antara-Prabhat Kalajian, Kaspars Zakis, Sarankhuu Jargal

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