Qershor 24, 2013 Live from the road

Vik - Skaftafell

Reported by Salil Wilson 134.0 km

As usual Pranava gets us off to a good start.

Pranava kemur liðinu af stað um morguninn

The mobile cheer squad, led by Palash whoop´n and holler´n, never fails to put a spring in your step.

Palash stjórnar hreyfanlega klappliðinu

See the spring in Salil´s step as he makes his way past yet another breathtaking monolith.

Salil í tekur góðan sprett í

Simon, our fastest runner, makes his way past, as we said, another breathtaking monolith. The scale of land formations here is truly on a whole different level.

Simon er fótfráastur okkar allra

See that monolith in the background - yep words kind of fail you when presented with this kind of awe inspiring beauty every time you turn a corner.

Ótrúleg náttúrufegurð

We arrive at Kirkjubæjarklaustur village to help the local children plant a Peace Tree.

Komið í Kirkjubæjarklaustur og friðartré er plantað í samvinnu við krakkana á svæðinu

But first we have to run with the torch.

En fyrst þarf að hlaupa með kyndilinn

Everyone gets a chance to hold the torch.

Allir fá að halda á Friðarkyndlinum

and make a really important wish for peace.

og hér er borinn fram mikilvæg ósk um frið

Learning the actions to our World Harmony Run song.

Krakkarnir læra hreyfingar við lag friðarhlaupsins

The children all put some dirt on the tree as part of the planting process.

Allir krakkarnir settu mold á tréð

Then we had a photo by the new dedicated Peace Tree.

Svo fengum við mynd af hópnum við hið nýja friðartré.

Then the children led us out.

Krakkarnir fylgdu okkur svo í burtu

After we finished our miles we stopped in at a stunning waterfall.

Eftir að við kláruðum hlaup dagsins skoðuðum við fallegan foss.

The wildflowers are very pretty.

Blómin eru mjög falleg.

This area is where a huge eruption took place in the late 1800´s. Over one million people globally lost their lives from this event. Over 10% of Icelanders. People speculate that if such an eruption took place on the scale of this previos one all flights in the northern hemisphere would be grounded for 18 months and satellite communication no longer work.

The next eruption is not expected for another 200 years, but it could happen tomorrow! In other, words nobody really knows.

Á þessu svæði varð mikið eldgos árið seint á 19. öld. Meira en milljón manna í heiminum fórst / 10% íslendinga. Því er spáð að ef svipað eldgos yrði í dag yrði öllum flugum aflýst í 18 mánuði og gervihnattasamband eyðilegðist.

Ekki er von á eldgosi héðan fyrren eftir 200 ár, en enginn veit fyrir víst hvenær það gerist.

Meanwhile the girls team was busy planting a tree in Vik.

Stelpurnar gróðursetja tré í Vík.

After enjoying the beautiful surrounds Gautami got the team started.

Gautami kom liðinu af stað eftir að hafa notið morgunútsýnisins.

Laufey was next.

Laufey var næst.

Gautami takes eating on the run to a new level.

Gautami er hæfileikarík.. hún getur borðað og hlaupið á sama tíma.

Karolina was happy to tiptoe through the lupins.

Karólína naut þess að hlaupa meðal lúpínanna.

Harita looks like she´s running on top of the world.

Harita svífur yfir.

Inspired by the rock sculpture Gautami strikes a yoga pose - Gomukhasana kind of!

Innblásin Gautami fer iðkar jóga á islenskum steini.

Laufey takes a wellearned rest.

Laufey tekur sér verðskuldaða hvíldarpásu

Some interested picnickers make a wish for peace.

Áhugasamt fólk óskar sér friðar.

Team B started this morning in the beautiful island of Vestmannaeyjar, after an evening ferry ride the day before

We met kids from ÍBV sports club at the football field

Everyone was eager to hold the torch

Off we run!

With the islands' striking background

Many thanks to coach Jón Óli at ÍBV sports club who organized this meeting

TV reporter Gísli Óskarsson came and asked the kids: "What is peace?" All of them had a good answer. The news aired on Iceland's Stöð 2 in the evening.

Our trip to Vestmannaeyjar ended with a tree-planting in the town centre.

From left to right: Suren, Gígja who is a reporter for the local paper and Kristín Jóhannsdóttir, cultural director of the town.

After taking the ferry back on to the mainland, our team still had to finish some miles from yesterday

Several scenic waterfalls were strewn alongside our path

Leading us up to a striking finish

This hill is called Stóri Dímon.

Pictures from the scenic Seljalandsfoss. We admit, it was purely a touristic stop!

Torch carried by
Antana Locs (Canada), Gautami Sýkorová (Slovakia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Karolína Hausenblasová (Czech Republic), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Palash Bosgang (United States), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Šimon Hausenblas (Czech Republic).  
Gautami Sýkorová, Harita Davies, Karolína Hausenblasová, Pranava Runar Gigja, Salil Wilson
The torch has travelled 134.0 km from Vik to Skaftafell.

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