Qershor 27, 2013 Live from the road

Guatemala City - Antigua

Reported by Dipavajan Renner

Welcome to Guatemala! We were happy to run once again in the ancient country of the Mayas....

...traditional busses conquer every part of the country...

...what would be Guatemala without coffee?

Finally our Run started with a nice downhill: children athletes from San Lucas near Guatemala City joined in and together we carried the torch into their community.

The kids were great in shape - they run usually 5-10 km per day!

We reached the city hall of San Lucas.


...the mayor received the torch and welcomed us with kind words....

...after the official meeting we "highjacked" a local gymnastic event.

...a short presentation - and all the people passed the torch from hand to hand...

...finally a symbolic lap for Peace...

Thank you San Lucas for the nice event!

...the kids kept running towards Santiago.

...beside more kids running literally a "band wagon" made its appearance...

...towards Santiago...

...the band gave us a powerful welcome...

...and the city representative greeted the runners..

..also the military joined...

..thank you Santiago!

...even the mayor participated...

We left Santiago and headed for Antigua. The dense jungle greeted us with a powerful green...

...a heartful meeting along the road...

...we ran into a TV team...

We reached Antigua. The old city is a well-restored memory from colonial times....

...some "gringos' joined in....

...we ended our Run in the centre of Antigua. Thank you for the nice, inspiring day!

Torch carried by
runners Guatemala (Guatemala).  
Vettri Angel

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