Qershor 30, 2013 Live from the road

Laugar - Akureyri

Reported by Apaguha Vesely, Suren Suballabhason 72.0 km

The morning surprised us with a beautiful weather.

Góða veðrið í morgun kom okkur á óvart

Quick dry bread for breakfast on go. This is probably Karolina's recipe for staying slim.... :-)

Þurrt brauð í morgunmat á hlaupum! Þetta er sennilega leið Karólínu til að halda sér í formi

Suren took the the first hill as a morning challange.

Suren tók fyrstu brekku dagsins sem áskorun morgunsins

On the other side of the hill we saw the justly famous Godafoss waterfall from a distance.

Við hinn enda brekkunnar sáum við hinn fræga Goðafoss í fjarlægð

The direct translation of Godafoss would be: Waterfall of the gods

Goðafoss eða Foss Guðanna

Shall we ride down this waterfall in kayak?

Ætti maður að prófa að fara á kayak niður?

Yes, let's do it !

Af hverju ekki?

These girls even enjoy it !

Þessar stelpur nutu þess.

Piece of cake!

Ekkert mál!

We took more safe approach.

Við vorum aðeins varkárari!

Moving on to the fjord of Eyjafjordur, we headed north

Við nálguðumst svo Eyjafjörð

At the church of Laufas we stopped to wait for children who were to join us for a run

Við biðum við kirkjuna Í Laufási eftir krökkum sem vildu hlaupa með okkur

People come from all over to look at the church and the old farmhouse. These nuns are from Brazil

Fólk kemur allsstaðar að til þess að skoða kirkjuna og bæinn í Laufási. Þessar nunnur eru frá Brasilíu

Braving the northern wind, these kids started running with us to the village of Grenivik

We were really amazed at the kids for their tenacity. The distance between Laufas and Grenvik is almost 10km, but all the kids ran most of the distance, stopping only from time to time to get a lift in a car.

We have to mention all the names of these brave children: Jon Thorri Hermannsson, Bjorn Runar Thordarson, Holmfridur Duna Thorsteinsdottir, Gunnar Berg Stefansson and Briet Bra Bjarnadottir

Here we see the two runners who ran the whole way with us, father Hermann Gunnar Jonsson and son Jon Thorri Hermannsson

It is now hatching time for the arctic tern in Iceland. Every year they make the long journey from South-Africa to Iceland

They still keep going!

Natabara spots an elf that looks like a miniture Apaguha standing on bales of hay.

Finally we reach Grenivik

Members of the community came out the campground where the peace-tree would be planted

Mayor Gudny Sverrisdottir makes a wish for peace

The community had chosen a beautiful location for the tree

It´s hard work to plant a tree

Certificate for the community, received by Mayor Guðný Sverrisdóttir

Certificate for the sports club, received by the kids

And then we wanted to honour Jón Þorri, who ran all the way from Laufás without stopping in a special way. It was also the custom of Sri Chinmoy to honour people by lifting them

The Peace tree

Local James Bond :-) (according to Natabara)

Meanwhile, the girls team was to the south of us and ran to Eyjafjarðarsveit community

A peace-tree is planted and time to pose for a group photo

Young at heart

Hey, this big guy stole my torch! No, it was just a statue at the Safnasafnið museum, where we stopped on the way to Akureyri.

Here, a local runner, Guðrún Nýbjörg Sæbjörnsdóttir joined us

Akureyri, our destination

Guðrún kept a good pace and the boys had to keep up to her

This big cruise ship was in the Akureyri harbour

The final sprint in Akureyri

And here we are, 12km later

Justifiably proud runner

Many thanks to Sundlaug Akureyrar swimming pool, for inviting us to the pool

At the end of the day, the boys' team was kindly invited to dinner at Suren's aunt's place, Hrefna G. Torfadóttir, who is here pictured with her husband, Magnús Gauti Gautason and the boys' team

And then it was time for ice-cream!

Við fórum svo að sjálfsögðu til Guðmundar Jóns frá Holtseli og fengum okkar bragðbesta og ferskasta ísinn á Íslandi(Holtsels hnoss). En við höfum ávallt lagt leið okkar til hans frá 2009 þegar hringurinn hefur verið hlaupinn. Til að gleðja okkar erlendu sem og innlendu hlauparana. Takk kærlega okkur!!!

Laufeys lovely parents came out to meet us today. They held the torch and made a wish for peace. They later invited the girls to the house for cooking and made them a delicous desert. Thank you so much!

Yndislegu foreldrar Laufeyjar komu og hittu okkur. Þau héldu á friðarkyndlinum og sendu góðar hugsanir. Síðar um daginn buðu þau stelpunum heim að elda og bjuggu til ljúffengan eftirrétt. Takk kærlega fyrir okkur!

They both held the torch

Þau héldu bæði á kyndlinum

Torch carried by
Antana Locs (Canada), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Chahida Hammerl (Iceland), Danival Toffolo (Iceland), Gautami Sýkorová (Slovakia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Karolína Hausenblasová (Czech Republic), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Neelabha Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Palash Bosgang (United States), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Šimon Hausenblas (Czech Republic), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Apaguha Vesely, Gautami Sýkorová, Shyamala Stott, Suren Suballabhason
The torch has travelled 72.0 km from Laugar to Akureyri.

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