Korrik 1, 2013 Live from the road

Akureyri - Sauðárkrókur

Reported by Salil Wilson 125.0 km

Our first event began in Akureyri with, Mayor Eirikur Bjorn Bjorgvinsson, Council member Hlin Bolladottir, and President of the Town Council Halla Björk Reynisdóttir along with the team.

Some of the local architecture.

The Akureyri police made sure we we safe and sound running up the hill to the Peace Tree planting.

Young Akureyri citizen make a wish for peace.

We were sorry to lose Anushobhini (second from left) and our dear Chinese runners Wu Yixuan and Yao yun. Neelabha also says farewell.

Suren and Hlin Bolladottir get started up quite a steep hill.

Hlin Bolladottir still in the lead with the rest of us straggling along behind.

Planting the peace tree.

Hold up your right hand...

...and put it on your heart. Now let's take a quiet moment to feel the peace in our heart.

Learning the actions to the song is always lots of fun.

Peace Tree plaque.

The whole crowd.

The local municipal leaders get together for one last shot...

...and the future leaders share their thoughts about peace and things like that.

Wu Yixuan and Yao yun by the Peace Tree.

Suren interviewed for the local

The women's team are all smiles. Iceland will do that to you.

Tomaz, one of our newest team members from Slovenia, gets us started for the day.

Just as we were getting started a Belgian family alighted from their car and held the torch.

The next runner was Apaguha who found himself on the other side of the lens for once.

Then Pranava got out to stretch his legs.

Salil, back from Oslo, added his miles to the cause.

As we've become accustomed to the massive glacial valleys provide a breathtaking back drop to your run.

As we ran into Hörgarsveit Ragnheidur M. Þorsteinsottir joined us for 9 km.

Ragnheidur M. Þorsteinsottir is an excellent runner, when she´s not doing her farming chores she regularly practices running as well as doing a lot of hiking in the nereby hills.

Members of the Hörgarsveit municipality welcomed us.

Hjalti Johannsson, Mayor of Hörgarsveit, welcomed us and encouraged us in our journey.

Pranava Runar Gigija presents Hjalti Johannsson with a certificate of appreciation.

Ragnheidur M. Þorsteinsottir happily receives her certificate of appreciation.

The newly dedicated Hörgarsveit peace tree.

See the Hörgarsveit shield on the top left of Peace Tree plaque and note the silhouhette of the mountain skyline - now take a look at the next photo.

See were they got that from. Apparently this skyline was formed by a galcial valley collapsing in on itself and this rugged skyline remained.

A famous poet from the area just near where the Peace Tree was planted.

Young Benedict got us started as we had to get back on the road.

Apaguha gets fancy with the shutter speed - note the blurry water. He wasn't that happy with the shot but we liked it.

Apaguha finished off our last miles up quite a steep hill.

Suren and Simon attached a Peace Tree plaque at Akrahreppur Municipality.

As we made our way into Sauðárkrókur we were met by a lot of enthusuastic runners.

Stretch after the run outside the ubiquitous swimming pool.

Everyone gets a chance to hold the torch.

Holding the torch and stretching - multi-tasking!

Suren and the running coach - Árni Stefánsson of the club Skokkhópur Sauðárkróks ö thanks for keeping us company as we ran into town.

We were extremely grateful to receive a delicious free meal from Olaf´s House, very generously donated by the owner Krístín Magnúsdóttir holding the torch, Inga Ólafsdóttir (left) and Bryndís Hallsdóttir (right).

Suchitra, our new team member, running her first steps, with Neelabha and Laufey to our first ceremony in Dalvik.

Nyjasti hlauparinn okkar i lidinu, Suchitra, tekur her fyrsta hlaupasprettinn med Neelabha og Laufeyju ad fyrstu athofnin dagsins a Dalvik

Local youth made this peace tree plague stand

Ungir Dalvikingar bjuggu til stand fyrir skiltid

and brought the Peace-Tree.

og kom med fridartred

Plantig of the Peace-Tree in the beautiful park.

Thau grodursettu tred i fallegum gardi

The organizer of the local event in Dalvik, Arni Jonsson, holding the peace torch.

Skipuleggjandinn okkar a Dalvik, Arni Jonsson, heldur her a fridarkyndlinum

The local event photographer holding the torch.

Upplysingafulltruinn fekk einnig ad halda a kyndlinum

The tree-planting experts holding the torch

Serfraedingarnir i trjaplontun halda her a kyndlinum

Valur and his wife met us in the town of Olafsfjordur. He is an expert in gardening and gave us a warm welcome.

These lovely girls also met us in Olafsjordur and got to hold the torch.

Valur was very enthusiastic and inspired by the message of the Peace run and created a spontaneous tree planting ceremony with the young gardeners in town in just few moments.

Valur var svo ahugasamur um fridarhlaupid og bodskap thess ad hann setti upp grodursetningarathofn med vinnuskolanum a orskommum tima.

Everybody helped planting.

Allir hjalpudust ad vid ad grodursetja.

Our last ceremony of the day was in the beautiful town of Siglufjordur. There we met a group of lively and active kids.

Sidasta heimsokn okkar var a Siglufjord. Thar hittum vid hop af mjog hressum og skemmtilegum krokkum.

They were very sincere in finding peace in their hearts

Thau voru mjog einlaeg og fundu frid i hjartanu

Active participation in our World Harmony Run song.

Thau toku virkan thatt i lagi Fridarhlaupsins

Everybody got a chance to hold the peace torch

Allir fengu taekifaeri til thess ad halda a fridarkyndlinum

Running with the torch around the field

Hlaup med kyndilinn a vellinum

Everybody loves the torch

Allir elska kyndilinn

Beautiful harbor in Siglufjordur

Falleg syn yfir hofnina a Siglufirdi

In the evening we enjoyed a wonderful meal provided to us by the restaurant Solvik in Hofsos

Um kvoldid nutum vid matar i bodi Veitingastofunnar Solvik a Hofsosi

Our gratitude to Dagmar, the owner, and Solrun for their warm hospitality.
Dagmar we are really real! :)

Okkar bestu thakkir til eigandans Dagmar og Solrunar fyrir frabaerar mottokur. Dagmar thetta er alveg satt! :)

Torch carried by
Antana Locs (Canada), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Danival Toffolo (Iceland), Gautami Sýkorová (Slovakia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Karolína Hausenblasová (Czech Republic), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Šimon Hausenblas (Czech Republic), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Tomaz Pivec (Slovenia), Wu Yixuan (China), Yao yun (China).  
Apaguha Vesely, Salil Wilson, Suren Suballabhason, Tomaz Pivec
The torch has travelled 125.0 km from Akureyri to Sauðárkrókur.

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