Korrik 7, 2013 Live from the road

Patreksfjörður - Búðardalur

Reported by Gautami Sýkorová, Harita Davies 174.0 km

Last night some members of our team were extremely fortunate to take a side trip to Látrabjarg, the western most point of Europe. The scenery along the way was exquisite...

Í gærkvöldi áttu nokkrir liðsmeðlimir því láni að gegna að heimsækja Látrabjarg, vestasta odda Evrópu.

Látrabjarg also happens to be home for a large population of Puffins!

Látrabjarg er einnig frægt fyrir lundana sem búa þar

Kaya makes a new friend!

Kaja eignast nýjan vin

Landing is not so easy in high winds.

Það er krefjandi að lenda í vindi sem þessum

We were all charmed and delighted to see so many Puffins at such close range.

Það vakti mikla lukku að sjá svo marga lunda í þetta mikilli nálægð

Sadly we had to say goodbye to our wonderful local coordinator and good friend Laufey. We surprised her with a certificate of appreciation signed by the whole team.

Í dag þurftum við, því miður, að kveðja Laufeyju, sem er ekki bara góður skipuleggjandi hlaupsins, heldur einnig góð vinkona. Við komum henni á óvart og afhentum henni viðurkenningarskjal sem allir í liðinu höfðu skrifað undir.

Luckily we will reunite with Laufey in Reykjavik at our closing ceremony at the end of the week.

En sem betur fer munum við hitta Laufeyju aftur þegar við komum til Reykjavíkur í vikulokin.

Jóhann putting in the miles.

Jóhann leggur sitt af mörkum

Kaja running up a big hill.

Kaja hleypur upp langa brekku.

At the end of Laufey's run she noticed a sheep with her head stuck in the fence. She tried to help free the sheep, but because of the horns it was well and truly stuck. Luckily Jóhann's team drove by just in time for Natabara to resourcefully clip the fence and free the sheep!

Um það bil er Laufey kláraði sitt hlaup tók hún eftir kind sem hafði fest höfuðið í girðingu. Hún reyndi að leysa hana, en rollan sat föst vegna hornanna. TIl allrar mildi keyrði lið Jóhanns fram hjá á þeirri stundu og Natabara gat skorið kindina lausa.

Neelabha is photographed by a passing tourist.

Tag team running!

We were fortunate to be met by some local runners 8 km out of Budardalur who ran the entire distance into the town.

When we arrived in Budardalur we were met by many more locals.

A moment's peace.

These kids were so enthusiastic about holding the torch.

The president of the municipality council receiving our certificate of appreciation.

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Danival Toffolo (Iceland), Gautami Sýkorová (Slovakia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Karolína Hausenblasová (Czech Republic), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Neelabha Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Suchitra Sugar (Hungary), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Tomaz Pivec (Slovenia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Gautami Sýkorová, Neelabha Šenkýřová, Suren Suballabhason
The torch has travelled 174.0 km from Patreksfjörður to Búðardalur.

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