Tet. 5, 2013 Live from the road


Reported by Ondřej Mocný

Early in the morning before sunrise we climbed up the hills to watch the ballons with tourists go up.

It was freezing bloody cold; zero degrees.

The sun started slowly lighting up the chimneys and valleys.

There's a crazy amount of balloons going up every morning.

The sunrise is always powerful but here it's something special.

It's a total paradise for a photographer like Apaguha.

We were invited to local food competition organized by the municipality to officially finish the Run in Kapadokya.

But first a local artist, Nami Araz, took us inside his new gallery.

He is creating paintings in a special Kapadokyan style with inspiration from Japan. We loved very much the colors and plasticity of the paintings!

We ran in to the main square.

Suddenly meeting father of our old ultramarathon friend Grahak Cunningham from Australia! The world is small.

The chefs took a photo together before starting the competition.

We ran in...

...and offered the torch to the Mayor of Göreme.

All the chefs wanted to take pictures with us as well.

And food-tasters did too.

Ümmühan from the municipality received the Certifiate of Appreciation on behalf the town.

And we were shortly interviewed by the competition moderator.

Local officials from Kapadokya reading through our leaflets.

Ali is the man! He helped us so much on this run with translations, organization and also running! He's returning back home to Alanya.

We had a nice run between the chimneys.

No chance we would miss these landscapes for nice photos, would we.

It was an easier day today and great finish in Anatolia!

"I look to the world with an open heart full of pure feelings and friendship."
-- Atatürk, 1933

Torch carried by
Ali Gültekin (Turkey), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Jitendra Schmitz (Germany), Milan Javornický (Czech Republic), Ondřej Mocný (Czech Republic), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Puneeta Makowka (Switzerland), Vanya Popinska (Bulgaria).  
Apaguha Vesely, Pranava Runar Gigja

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