Tet. 24, 2013 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner

We left Addis Ababa behind and started our journey south-wards towards the lake region...

Soon the country side changed and the nature took over....

...an obstacle...

...many more obstacles...

...the lakes are getting closer...

...and the sun is getting hotter...

..Ethiopia has almost 90 Million people and is now the second-largest country population-wise in Africa...

...Roman style...

We reached after a 4-hour journey Hawassa, a pearl in the South of Ethiopia.

...our first running in Ethiopia!

...and our first meeting brought us to the "Benevolence Primary School" in Hawassa.

...an acrobatic welcome...

..the kids gathered on the school yard...

...and while the actions with the song the dust-clowd started to rise...

...at the run around the school the dust rose even higher....

...and never calmed down. A group picture like in the desert. A big "Thank You" for this especially nice and warm welcome!

Coffee - lovers will have a good time in Ethiopia!

..Coffee is served in an old traditional way - accompanied with incense...

Food tastes great, too! Enjera, as the bread is called here, comes with a big variety of dishes...

...public transport...


...and cats...

...wood business...

Next was the SOS Children Village in Hawassa.

We went to one class room and presented the Run.

Peace can be felt in the heart...

...after the presentation we went outside for the passing of the torch...

Thank you for the spontaneous meeting. We really enjoyed it!

The Hawassa lake is most beautiful. It's a nature resort with untouched nature and a rich Flora and Fauna...

...almost sun-set and the colors explode...

...and finally we reached the "B.N.B. School". Most schools in Ethiopia teach all grades, so we went to the 3rd - and 4th grades into the classroomes...

...back on the board...

...and finally we moved the kids to the field...

...last instructions...

...and one of the best Runs with the kids took off!

...it was a demonstration of enthusiasm...

Thank you Hawassa for the great time we spent there! The Peace Run will be back!

Torch carried by
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Sead Unkic (Croatia), Yohannes Asmare (Ethiopia).  
Dipavajan Renner, Kaspars Zakis

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