Tet. 25, 2013 Live from the road

Addis Ababa

Reported by Dipavajan Renner

October 25th is United Nations Day! We followed a very short-notice invitation to be part of the celebrations of the Greek Community School in Addis Ababa.

Children from 55 nationalities visit the Greek Community School: a very impressive number.

Our team was invited into the guest tent...

The kids got ready for the parade of nations....

A very colorful entrance....

All flag bearers lined up and Mr. Y. Prasad, the Director of GCS, gave an opening speach.

...the performances started; carefully documented by big and small...

His Eminence, the Arch-Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, attended the special celebrations.

tha flag-parade was followed by themes which concern the U.N.

..middle East and Greek dancing....

..during the performances the torch was passed around the spectators...

So serious?

...much better...

Guest of Honor was the Greek Ambassador in Ethiopia.

The 3rd grades performed to the music of "Heal the World"...

...all former U.N. General secretaries....

The traditional Ethiopian Amharic dancing...

Our team got ready for the presentation of the Peace Run.

His Eminence, the Arch Bishop blessed the flaming torch....

...and passed it on to the Greek Ambassador.

...he passed the torch on to the children....

...who carried it twice around the grounds.

Actually they where supposed to take only around one loop, but they couldn't be stopped...

...the program continued and we enjoyed the remaining time by talking to the spectators...

The organizers: a very nice event!

A big "Thank You" to the Greek Community School for this heartfelt, warm meeting. We really enjoyed the hospitality and friendship. The ideals of the U.N. are definitely on high ground here!

Once more our gratitude to His Eminence, the Arch-Bishop and to His Excellency, the Ambassador of Greece for being part of this celebration.

A random meeting made our participation in this nice event possible. Thank you for hosting us so spontaneously at your school!

An exhibition about the U.N. by the children ended the celebrations. Hopefully to meet you again!

Torch carried by
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Sead Unkic (Croatia), Yohannes Asmare (Ethiopia).  
Dipavajan Renner, Kaspars Zakis

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