Tet. 30, 2013 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner

We continued our journey to the North. Today we approached Lalibela, a historic place in the centre of the Ethiopian Highland.

as we slowly climbed higher and higher, the countryside changed...

...a school in the middle of the forest...

..still green fields. The mountain in the background are far over 4000m high....

..we reached the highest point on our today's journey: in over 3600m altitude wheat still grows....

...a spectacular view into the highlands....

...the highest point....

...we decided to run a few km on our way to Lalibela. We truly underestimated the altitude: each km in this hight felt like dying (...all four of us suffered at 3400m...)

...we reached Lalibela. The city is famous for its historic churches, carved out of solid stone, 900 years ago...

St. George - greetings from the Templar Knights....

..also the access roads are carved out of the rock...

...the many details surprise the visitor...

...little caves for a retreat...


...and inside - one piece of art!

This is the only building made of several stones - all other churches are carved out of solid rock...

...we took also a trip through the historic city....

..it seems time has stopped here...

..our new friend: Hirut from Lalibela. Thank you for the nice tour!

...and for the cofffee!

...we organised a Peace Run through the city....

...a few kids gathered on our way to the school...


...as we visited this school years ago, we were happy to come once more....

..the kids lined up for us!

...our song was highly appreciated......

..after the presentation we took the kids once around the school....

Thank you Lalibela for the nice welcome!

Torch carried by
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Pedja Knezevic (Serbia), Sead Unkic (Croatia), Yohannes Asmare (Ethiopia).  
Dipavajan Renner, Kaspars Zakis

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