Nën. 14, 2013 Live from the road

Panaji, Goa

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo

On various mornings young athletes come to train at the local track in Panaji for track and field events. This young athlete is throwing the shotput.

Ashok gathers together the young athletes to take part in this Peace Run event.

Coach Devi Gaokar (center), is happy to have her athletes participate in the Peace Run.

One of the children even volunteered to use our video camera to film the event.

Arpan offers an exercise in feeling peace and harmony in the heart.

All of the athletes seem to understand the source of peace within themselves.

The World Harmony Run song is played on the harmonica by Arpan as Devashishu sings for the children

These young athletes are enjoying the ceremony and getting ready to run with the torch.

Coach Sunil Naik carries the torch as the children follow around the grass track.

After a couple of laps everyone had a chance to happily carry the torch for peace.

The children were very happy to pose for photos with us and the torch as we stayed around to answer questions and talk with some of the children who really wanted to be peace runners.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Ashok Parulekar (India), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain).  
Arpan DeAngelo, Ashok Parulekar, Devashishu Torpy

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