Prill 3, 2014 Live from the road

Jajce - Banja Luka

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 80.0 km

Our last day in Bosnia! Jajce was greeting us...

The city is beautifully located within mountains and waterfalls...

Pupils from the secondary school awaited us...

...and joined us for a scenic run through the historic city.... impressive crowd of runners...

...we reached the school...

Actually two schools together welcomed us and performed for us.

The city representative received the torch...

A big "Thank You" to both schools!

After the meeting the kids took the oportunity to escape from school for that day...

Thank you Jajce!

...80km along the river...

Irena enjoyed her last day on the team for now...

...and we were welcomed in Banja Luka.

Athletes lined up on both sides and carried the torch into the school.

An excellent choir.

The sign says: yours is the first step!

The kids performed for us...

The school happend to be Amur's former school. They honored him with a nice painting. guessing game...

Thank you for the enthusiastic welcome!

...we went on to meet Mrs. Jasna Brkić, the deputy mayor of Banja Luka.

Mrs. Jasna Brkić received the torch and after a short presentation we planted another Peace Tree.

This tree was number 20 in a series of 50 planned trees for this year!

Peace and Freedom live together...

A short, symbolic run...

The kids had so much fun that we decided to run more...

Our next meeting brought us once more to the Office of the High Representative in Banja Luka.

OHR Ambassador Mrs. Ulrike Hartmann gave us a warm welcome!

...a nice conversation...

Our last meeting of the day brought us to the stadium in Banja Luka.

The team captains from ten different sport teams lined up and carried the torch in a relay once around the track.

Mrs. Nada Tešanović , Minister for Family and Youth, received the torch and welcomed all the athletes warmly.

It was a very nice experience for our international team to mix with so many athletes from different sport: Mixed Martial Arts, Hockey, Rugby, Running, Football, Track and Field and several others...

Time for group pictures...

Thank you Banja Luka for hosting the Peace Run! It was time for us to say good bye to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We spent incredible 4 days in your country and enjoyed your hospitality and friendship.
It is an honor for our team to carry your wishes for Peace and Harmony with us all around the world!

Torch carried by
Amur Basic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dragan Nikolic (Serbia), Irena Majerová (Czech Republic), Lucas Buchta (Czech Republic), Marc Schrader (Germany), Thomas Strohn (Germany), Tihomir Cundic (Croatia), Tom McGuire (New Zealand), Vladimir Salnikov (Moldova).  
Vladimir Salnikov
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Jajce to Banja Luka.

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