Qershor 6, 2014 Live from the road

San Diego, CA

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 2.0 km

Mahiyan from San Diego led the group of runners to the Edison Elementary School this morning.

We had a large group of runners offering our program to a large and very enthrusiastic audience of children and staff out on the play ground.

Some of the children had very appropriate signs for the occasion.

Many of the children here speak Spanish.

A rainbow for peace.

Vasudha leads the children in actions to our song.

The children try to feel peace and harmony in their hearts.

One of the Torch Bearer Award recipients whose kindness and service to the school deserves much recognition.

There were four Awardees today along with Derek Murchison, the Principal who received the Award last time we came to visit.

Homagni interacts with the children.

Harita leads the children in a Peace Run around the playground as the children take turns carrying the Torch.

Three of the Torch Bearer Awardees enjoy a lap around the field together.

Having fun for peace.

Mahiyan offers a colorful painting for peace by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Three friends

Some of the students happily share the Peace Torch.

Our largest team so far, with Derek Murchison, Principal of Edison.

Mr. Murchison was happy to carry the Torch out with us as we left the school.

Our next school was in the afternoon. Toby Dorion carries the torch as his dad, Mark, joins him. They came all the way from El Paso, Texas to join us today.

Toby and Mark enjoy the ceremony at the Adams Elementary school in San Diego.

It was a beautiful afternoon in Normal Heights as we made our presentation.

Manoshri and Gautami, sisters from Slovakia, offer the children a traditional Slovakian song.

Bhasata from Serbia tries to help the children guess which country she is from.

Pujari from San Diego works as a substitue teacher here at the school.

Sarvodaya is from Ukraine.

Sujantra, from San Diego, offers his peace to the children.

Mark and Toby offer their hint so the children can guess where they come from.

Trying to feel peace and harmony in the heart.

The children were quite excited at some of the skits we offered them.

The children judge whether the skits were examples of harmonious behaviour or not.

The children enthusiastically participate in actions to our Theme song.

It was a special 'Funny Hair Day' in the school today.

Many students were very happy with our program today.

Some of the children even offered their own energetic dance performance.

Jennifer, from San Diego, reads out a Proclamation from Senator Diane Feintstein declaring this day Peace Run day in San Diego.

The Principal at the Adams School, Sylvia Mc Grade, accepts our Certificate of Appreciation.

Three awardees of our Torch Bearer Award with Principal McGrade of the Adams School. These volunteers and staff members offered very helpful and valuable services to the school over the years.

The Principal and teachers run for peace.

One of the teachers leads the children around the field on their own fun Peace Run.

Pranlobha shares our Peace Run flag with the students running for Peace.

Each child received one of our colorful Peace Run cards.

Sharing the Torch for peace.

Jennifer and her 92 year 'young' Grandmother.

Two friends.

A happy peace lover.

A quote by Sri Chinmoy which was engraved at the school 28 years ago.

The women's team at Jyoti Bihanga Restaurant with Pranlobha (center), who sadly had to leave us today to go back home to work. We are very grateful to her and her brother Antara-Prabhat who also left today for home. We are extremely grateful to Mahiyan and the staff at Jyoti Bihanga for feeding us sumptuously with incredible food all these days we spent in San Diego.

One of the many unique and colorful flowers that dot the landscape here in San Diego.

In the evening we were entertained by Shambhu Neil Vineberg, the first Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run from 1987 through 2001. His wonderful performance was held in Papaha's Art Gallery which displayed many beautiful and colorful forms of art and photography related to the Peace Run.

We are extremely grateful to Shambhu for his music which was very beautiful and soulful.
It was a great way to end another exciting day on the Peace Run in San Diego.

Please send us a message, we would LOVE to hear from you!

See who is sending us messages.

Torch carried by
Anna Khimchinskaia (Russia), Antara-Prabhat Kalajian (United States), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Bashata Cimesa (Serbia), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Gautami Sýkorová (Slovakia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Haryaksha Knauer (United States), Homagni Baptista (Australia), Jennifer Cluck (United States), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Mahiyan Savage (United States), Manoshri Sykorova (Slovakia), Papaha Gosline (United States), Pranlobha Kalajian (United States), Pujari Schaffer (United States), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sarvodaya Grygoryivskyy (Ukraine), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Sujantra Mckeever (United States).  
Accompanied by  
Toby Dorion, TX, Mark Dorion, TX, Vasudha, SD
Arpan DeAngelo, Bashata Cimesa, Dennis Gribok, Harita Davies, Papaha Gosline, Sandro Zincarini
The torch has travelled 2.0 km in San Diego, CA.

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