Qershor 7, 2014 Live from the road


Reported by Laufey Haraldsdottir, Uddipan Brown 130.0 km

It was 9 degrees and moistly foggy with a light breeze- perfect conditions to run the Torshavn Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k.

I dag var der 9 grader, fugtigt og tåget og let vind, perfekt vejr til at løbe Tórshavn Maraton, Halv-maraton og 5km.

At the start, we met our friend Hallur, who had his game face on, as he was about to run the marathon.

Ved startlinjen mødte vi vores gode ven, Hallur, som var meget koncentreret da han skulle løbe maraton.

Apaguha ready for the Half, while Uddipan looks a little concerned at the prospect of running the full Marathon.

Apaguha er klar til halvmaraton, men Uddipan ser lidt bekymret ud ved tanken af at løbe maraton.

Purna-Samarpan was also ready to run the Marathon.

Purna-Samarpan var også klar til at løbe maraton.

And they're off!

Så tager de afsted!

Hallur looking dangerous.

Hallur ser farlig ud!

Our photographer looked a little overloaded.

Vores fotograf så lidt belastet ud af sager...

Our good friend Borgarhjørt Holm, Hallur's sister won the Half Marathon.

Vores ven Borgarhjørt Holm, Hallurs søster vandt halvmaraton.

Hallur's Mum Katrin was a key marshal at one of the road intersections.

Hallurs mor, Katrin, var en af vagterne og passede på at alle løb den rigtigte vej.

Half Marathon winners.

Halvmaraton vinderne.

Actually, Apaguha was first across the line in the Half-Marathon in a time of 1.23.01, but because we were invited to run free of charge, he was ineligible for the Winner's prize.

Apaguha vandt halv-maratonen med tiden 1t, 23min.01, men da vi inviterede til at deltage gratis, var han ikke berettig til første prisen.

While our intrepid runners were out on the course, the team gave a presentation...

Imens de modige løbere var på banen gav resten af holdet en præsentation.

... and led the 5k warmup.

... og varmede folk op til 5 km løbet.

Our friend Heðin Mortensen, the Mayor of Tórshavn, offered his support for the healthy aspects of running in his city...

Vores ven Heðin Mortensen, Tórshavns Borgmester, gav en tale omkring hvor sundt det er at løbe og opfordrede sine borgere til at løbe.

... and then we were off in the 5k!

... og så tog vi afsted til 5km løb!

Happy helpers.

Glade hjælpere.

Our friend and Member of Parliament of the Faroe Islands, Bjørt Samuelsen, doubled as a Race Marshal today.

Vores ven og medlem af Parlamentet, Bjørt Samuelsen, var en af hjælperne i Maratonen.

A young person getting an early taste for racing.

En ung borger for en tidlig smagspröve på at löbe.

A very happy and efficient Red Cross crew.

Meget glade og effektive hjælpere fra det Röde Kors.

It turns out that the gentleman pushing the baby stroller in the 5k was none other than Robert Vilhelmsen, Founder and first Race Director of the Tórshavn Marathon.

Så viste det sig at ham der löb med barnevognen de 5 km og endte med at bære fakkelen i mål, var ingen anden en Robert Vilhelmsen der startede Tórshavn Maraton for 12 år siden.

Hallur was happy to cross the line in third place...

Hallur var tilfreds med sin tredje plads...

... while Uddipan was simply relieved...

... men Uddipan var lettet over at komme i mål...

... and Purna-Samarpan, still recovering from a six day race, crossed the line calm and collected.

... og Purna-Samarpan, som stadigvæk er ved at komme sig efter 6 dages løb, kom i mål stille og rolig.

Happy winners.

Glade vindere.

Old friend and adventure racer Stefan Schlett, who ran many of our ultra distance races in New York in the eighties and nineties. He is one of two people to have raced across three continents - America, Australia and Europe.

En gammel ven og eventyrs-løber Stefan Schlett, som har löbet mange af vores ultra-maratons i New York i ´80 og ´90. Han er en ud af to mennesker der har löbet gennem tre kontinenter - Amerika, Australien og Europa.

New friend Annette Fredskov, who recently completed the amazing feat of racing 366 Marathons in 365 consecutive days.

Og en ny veninde, Annette Fredskov, som for nylig er færdig med et fantastiskt projekt, at løbe 366 maratons på 365 dage i træk!

We presented Johan Simonsen, the current Race Director of the Tórshavn Marathon with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Vi gav Johan Simonsen, nuværende o af Tórshavn Maraton et certifikat som tak for hans arbejde og vores deltagelse.

Hallur with all his medals. He had to race away to direct the Faroe Islands Athletic Association Youth Track Meet, held that afternoon. What a guy!

Her er Hallur og alle hans medaljer. Han måtte skynde sig videre for at styre den færøske Atletiks Forbunds ungdomskonkurrence om eftermiddagen! En utrolig mand!

On our way to the track meet we ran into his wife and our host Elisabeth...

På vej til den konkurrence mødte vi Hallurs kone og vores vært Elisabeth...

.... and her son Elias, who was competing at the track meet.

... og hendes søn Elias, som konkurrede den eftrmiddag.

Scenes from the Faroe Islands Athletic Association Youth Track Meet.

Syn fra konkurrencen

Also competing was our good friend Gunnar, who ran with us on our last visit two years ago.

Vi mødte også vores gode ven Gunnar, som løb sammen med os sidste gang vi var på Færøerne. Han konkurrerede også.

Our friend, Maria, also ran with us two years ago.

Vores ven, Maria, løb også sammen med os for 2 år siden.

Dinner was kindly provided for us by the Hvonn Brasserie....

Vi fik aftensmad sponsoreret af Hvonn Brasserie....

.... and was utterly delicious.

... maden var fantastiskt god.

After dinner we strolled around the city like true tourists, a happy ending to a truly satisfying day. Thank you Tórshavn!

Efter maden gik vi rundt i byen som rigtige turister. Meget god afslutning på en fantastisk dag. Tak Tórshavn!

Torch carried by
Anne Leinonen (Finland), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Purna-Samarpan Querhammer (Germany), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Uddipan Brown (New Zealand), Zuzana Klásková (Czech Republic).  
Anne Leinonen, Apaguha Vesely, Suren Suballabhason
The torch has travelled 130.0 km in Tórshavn.

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