Qershor 28, 2014 Live from the road

Victoria, Canada - Galiano Island, Canada

Reported by Natabara Rollosson 6.0 mi

The Victoria Sri Chinmoy Centre hosted the team and sent us off in the early morning to the Ferry.

The team left Victoria in a convoy to leave Vancouver Island by Ferry for Galiano Island. We all love any boatride, which is naturally accompanied by much anticipation, excitement and merriment

Mahasatya has a special concoction of numerous running enhancing powders that he makes each morning. He calls it "coffee". We know better!

On the ferry, Arpan plays his favorite video game called "Runporter.app" in which one selects and deletes photos and adds exciting captions. The high score and highlights are featured online each day.

Dennis gazes at the small islands and makes sure the boat steers clear of any hazards.

The band's new album cover. Guess who is lead singer.

A view of the bow of the ferry and the open waters.

Another ferry makes its way through the scenic Salish Sea, a.k.a. the Straight of Georgia.

The Captain of the Queen of Cumberland made an announcement to all the ferry riders about the Peace Run and joined us on the bow for a group photo.

Others traveling on the ferry enthusiastically joined for the photo.

The beauty of the islands captivated us all.

Travelers from Scotland enjoyed hearing about the Run and we shared stories of running through Edinburgh with Rugby star Gavin Starks.

Photos of the torch flames added to the beautiful landscape.

Sailing takes me away to where I'm going, do de do...

Dennis is always ready with a brochure to give to a seafairing traveler he might meet on the high seas.

At first when someone pointed them out, it wasn't clear that these bald eagles were real. However they were real and truly majestic, carrying themselves with an air of nobility. Much like a lion is king of the jungle, these avians sit at the top of the forest trees and are surprisingly plentiful in this region.

The ideal mode of transportation here.

The rocky coastline makes an incredible contrasting bridge from sea to forest, making it a perfect foundation for incredible coastline cabins.

The run began as we got off the ferry, and we were welcomed by descending wetness.

Deer here roam quite freely.

Dennis in his signature Luna all-weather-all-terrain sandals.

We'll skip the part where we made a wrong turn.

We arrived at the inauguration of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Park.

Cinematographer and AP await the coming runners.

Runners arrive at the ceremony, hosted by Baliyan Jim Barrineau, speaking from a recently carved podium. Baliyan inaugurates the Sri Chinmoy Peace Park, named "Tapovan".

Paul Leblonde receives the Torch-Bearers Award, introduced by a board member of the Galiano Conservancy. Paul is a co-leader of the Galiano Trail Society.

A representative of the Galiano Conservancy speaks.

Bowie Keefer stands tall and receives this year's Torch-Bearer Award for expanding trails on Galiano Island as a means of expanding the uplifting experience of nature access on the Island. Both Paul and Bowie are co-leaders of the Galiano Trail Society.

Residents of the Island in the audience enjoyed the ceremony under the canopy of trees.

Bowie Keefer, a physicist residing in Galiano, describes how the Peace Run and the Peace Park were great examples of thinking globally and acting locally.

Vilupti Barrineau, the inspiration behind Tapovan, brought everyone together to bring the vision of the park to fruition.

Udar Robinson spent weeks working tirelessly on the plaques with quotes by Sri Chinmoy that are dotted along the trail to the top of the hill.

Bowie and Rene Zich cut the ribbon officially opening the park to the public!

Rene single-handedly built the trail leading up the mountain to the statue of Sri Chinmoy. This included installing an extremely helpful system of rock-anchored ropes.

An incredible musical prayer was performed by Kathleen Suarez and Hans that filled the forest with audible beauty. The song was "The Prayer" by Celine Dion (Canadian!) and Andrea Bocelli.

Baliyan makes sure everyone keeps as calm as he somehow always manages to remain.

The torch was passed among all those who attended.

Emile Charbaneau is a forester who help sculpture the incredible view at the top of the mountain at the statue. He also cleaned up the broome.

Udar and Hossein share the torch. Both worked together on the plaques.

Papaha (far left) also helped with the plaque installations.

No ceremony is complete without cake!

Vilupti cuts the cake for everyone. We are very grateful to her for her hard work at coordinating this important event and allowing all to enjoy this magnificent forest pilgrimage.

The torch was carried up the mountain, leading a procession of peace.

Plaques featuring aphorisms on peace were installed all along the trail.

We met at the top of the mountain where a majestic statue of Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run, was installed last year. The incredible view was misted out at the time of the photograph -- stay tuned for better pictures that attempt to capture the splendor of the view.

Peahens eat from a slate in front of Bowie's cabin.

Bowie was extremely kind and invited members of the men's team to stay in his rustic cabin.

Dennis extends a hand of peace (and bird foot) to the very approachable wildlife.

A bear guards the shower house.

The peacock emerges!

The cove by Bowie's cabin gave us immense joy -- and frigid, eye-opening dips!

Gazing at the horizon was hypnotically soothing.

Prapti, Captain of the Canadian Peace Run, was lead chef for the evening meal.

The women's team prepared a great meal for us.

It was a wonderful way to end the day on Galiano Island. Thanks to the great organizing skills of Vilupti, Baliyan and their helpers, it was truly a day to remember and cherish.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Bigalita Egger (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Jennifer Cluck (United States), Kaneenika Janakova (Slovakia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Rupasi Young (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy).  
Accompanied by  
Sulabha Wisniewski (CA)
Arpan DeAngelo, Brahmata Michael, Salil Wilson, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 6.0 mi from Victoria, Canada to Galiano Island, Canada.

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