Korrik 7, 2014 Live from the road

Kimberley, British Columbia - Blairmore, Alberta

Reported by Amburoha Davydova, Kaneenika Janakova, Prapti Jensen 163.0 km

Many thanks to Lisa Oldenburger, Manager and Shari Leyte, Guest Services Coordinator of Northstar Mountain Village (pictured in middle with the Torch) for making us feel so welcomed and providing such beautiful accommodations. It was so refreshing and luxurious for all of us on the team who have been camping out endless nights.

Sunrise out our back window.

Our early morning visitor.

Arpan in full stride after a great nights sleep at the Northstar Mountain Village in Kimberley.

Sandro on the road to Fernie, BC... beautiful mountain views

Beautiful views all around in fact.

Fernie City Hall

Mayor Mary Giulliano gave us a warm welcome into the lovely town of Fernie, BC

Mayor Mary Giulliano and Councillor Dan McSkimming accompanied us into town.

Fire Chief Ted Ruiter invited us to board the antique fire truck for a tour of main street.

Councillor Dan McSkimming reads the Proclamation of Peace and Friendship signed by Fernie Town Council and countless other towns and cities across Canada and the Untied States.

Striding down Fernie main street.

Onward to Sparwood, what a beautiful route through the mountains.

Thanks to the great sign post direction... we made it to our ceremony.

Sparwood locals greet us on way into town.

A moment at Sparwood Peace Monument.

Mayor Lois Halko welcomed us and received the Peace Torch on behalf of Sparwood Community.

We also had a chance to meet the local summer camp children

Look at those smiles, beautiful!

Everyone took a moment to 'feel the peace' in their heart.

Mayor Lois Halko graciously received our Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the community of Sparwood.

Now you can see one of the world's largest trucks.

Elfs or Children?

Back in time...

Now the real running begins... we tried to keep up to these local hot shots. Actually it was an honour to run with these Sparwood students who are all competing in the BC Summer Games in a few weeks.

A hot and sunny run!

We regrouped at the end of our run for a final group picture.

Savita, now totally inspired by the young athletes tries to keep up the pace.

Beautiful country views all along the way.

Kanala bounds along eastward on highway 3

Denis has good style

Some American cyclists stopped at roadside to learn about the Peace Run

Mountain Goat even came down to see the Torch pass by...

Oregon tourists entering Alberta took a moment to snap some pictures and hold the Peace Run Torch

Finally reaching Alberta

It was so beautiful we had to stop by the water and....

... and dive in.

Salil giving directions... "allright, here we are".

Dinner time at the "Lost Lemon RV Park".

This beautiful little creek/river rolled along our dinner table.

Sandro and Denis did not make it to the dinner table.

...however they were fresh for evening entertainment.

A "MUG SHOT" Gratitude to Sparwood Mayor Lois Halko and the community for the fantastic vacume thermos mugs. We are enjoying our final evening tea together as Savita and Brahmata are leaving our team tomorrow.

Torch carried by
Amburoha Davydova (Ukraine), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Kanala Bolvanska (Slovakia), Kaneenika Janakova (Slovakia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Savita Shivaji (United States), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Arpan DeAngelo, Brahmata Michael, Prapti Jensen, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 163.0 km from Kimberley, British Columbia to Blairmore, Alberta.

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