Korrik 18, 2014 Live from the road

Minneapolis,WI - La Crosse, WI

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo, Mahasatya Janczak 62.0 mi

Mahasatya running his first few miles on this peaceful morning

Salil heading towards our first ceremony

Amburoha was intervewed by the local media in Winona

After the interview she was joined in a short run with the torch.

Meanwhile we had a very enthusiastic welcome at the Rochester Boys and Girls Club

High fives all around.

Arpan introduces the Peace Run to the children

It was a very diverse group of children here.

The children join us in our song and actions.

Another exercise. This time we try to feel peace in our hearts

Jennifer, the Coordinator for Academic Success, kindly received our Certificate of Appreciation which is signed by many of our runners from all parts of the world.

The children made country flags for us. Salil, from Australia, found his flag make by this very artistic young peace lover.

Jennifer leads us all for a short run

The children happily ran all around the club.

Lydia wears her peace heart. She has the same first name as Arpan's mom which he was happy about. There aren't too many Lydias in America.

Another great country flag. Can you guess which country it is?

It's a LOVE thing.

Red seems to suit this young man well, like the flame of our torch.

Thank you Boys and Girls Club of Rochester.

Yuyudhan, originally from Rochester, is being interviewed by Kimberly Davies from KTTC FOX47

Dennis answers some questions

Pavaka speaks with an interested future peace runner.

In Rochester we had lunch at Yuyudhan's parents' house, Edythe and Chuck Hoppe. This was a real feast. They were very generous...

and Happy. We felt like we were right at home

Edythe made many delicious pies for us as well.

Happy Birthday Arpan!!! 62 years young charging his batteries for his 62 mile run tomorrow to celebrate his Birthday which is actually on Wednesday.

Edythe was like a kind mother to us all.

Arpan with Edythe and her friend "Killer" McCoy (as she sweetly calls herself). We are grateful to her for helping Edythe prepare all the delicious food.

Our next visit was at Boys and Girls Club in La Crosse. This time Dennis explained to the children why peace is so important in our lives

Time for the guessing game. Mahasatya explains the game

Finally we agreed that if they all guessed where we were from we would sing them a song.

They guessed and we sang one of our songs together with some actions.

The counselors were all enthusiastically participating as well.

Marilyn, Site Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club, cheerfully takes part with the others.

Our acting... Who is going to pick up the fallen runner now? OK,I will grab the legs this time

Everyone judges whether each skit demonstrated peace and harmony or not.

Two TV stations came to cover our event.

Many smiles during our presentation

Cameras all over the place

Marilyn gets the torch to lead the staff members around the gym on a peace run while the kids cheered loudly.

Passing the torch to each other is an important element in our Peace Run.

Imani received our Certificate of Appreciation with a big smile.

Imani leads the children on a Peace Run outside.

Some kids had some help during the run.

Passing the torch and making a wish for peace.

I got it

I got it too

Some of the children got our official Peace Run T-shirts.

Thank you Boys and Girls Club of La Crosse for your enthusiastic participation.

Our next stop was at The Children's Museum in La Crosse.

We gave a presentation to a small group of children and their parents who were visiting the museum at that time.

Time for a geography lesson.

Leanne Pellinger, Marketing Director, kindly helped to arrange for our visit here as she has done in the past as well. We are very grateful to her and her staff.

Christina Knudsen, Project Director, looks on as Leanne accepts our Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Children's Museum

We are very grateful to the Children's Museum and the children and their parents for a sweet ceremony at this exciting place.

Now its time for a little exploration. Do you know this one, Run,run,run,run,run,run...?

This Canadian fireman was checking to see if our torch was safely lit or not.

Better bring out the fire engine to make sure the runners don't start a fire.

Sandro beat us all badly in this interested and unusual reaction game. Is that peacefull?

Arpan is interviewed by the youngest news anchorwoman.

La Crosse is an attractive city with very unique sites.

Please send us a message, we would LOVE to hear from you.

See who is sending us messages.

The Hoppes (Yuyudhan and his parents,Chuck and Edythe) kindly came to our hotel with some food to join us in dinner. We are so grateful to the Hoppe family for all the kindness and generosity.

Torch carried by
Amburoha Davydova (Ukraine), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Pavaka Ritchot (Canada), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada), Yuyudhan Hoppe (United States).  
Accompanied by  
Malijanga(BA), Anamika (BD), Aparanji (BR)
Arpan DeAngelo, Salil Wilson, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy, Yuyudhan Hoppe
The torch has travelled 62.0 mi from Minneapolis,WI to La Crosse, WI.

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