Gus. 8, 2014 Live from the road

Bennington (VT) - Henniker (NH)

Reported by Harita Davies 98.0 mi

Thank you so much to Julie Walker and Arun Hein for a delightful nights accomodation in their beautiful Vermont Farmhouse. Julie innocently invited us back whenever we want to come...we hope to be taking her up on that offer more often than she could possibly imagine!

We sang Julie Sri Chinmoy's Thank You song, she was a very compassionate audience!!

While the boys went out running, the first stop of the day for the women's team was to the Bennington Recreation Centre, where the day camp children were eagerly waiting with a colourful hands on painted banner.

passing the peace...

Thank you to camp director, Tracy Knights, (holding the certificate), for her enthusiastic organisation!

Unfortunately our trusty "Charcoal" had to take a ride to the local garage for some unexpected servicing.

a humbling experience so close to the end of the run...but luckily short lived, a new battery and all was well!!

Our next stop was to Wilmington, where we were hosted outside Bartley's Books and officially welcomed by Gretchen Havreluk, the Wilmington Economic Development Specialist, representing the Town Manager, Scott Murphy. Also present were Adam Grinwold, Executive Director of Wilmington Works, and Ashley, representing the Chamber of Commerce, as well as some lovely local townspeople.

Also present was our delightful Vermont local coordinator, Akhanka Perkins, who organised every detail of our time in Vermont.

Julie was very moved by the message of the Peace Run, and spoke beautifully in support of Sri Chinmoy's Vision for the Peace Run beginning with each one of us.

We all shared our wishes for peace...

Ashley from the Chamber of Commerce offers her goodwill.

Adam Grinold, Executive Director of Wilmington Works.

Gretchen offered very enthusiastic support on behalf of the town of Wilmington...

and we offered her our Certificate of Appreciation in return.

Yatkara was thrilled to meet some fellow Canadians, (although Yatkara is Ukranian he lives in Canada), also travelling the roads!

It looks like some big people live in Vermont!

A young peace-loving friend we met as we ran down the road...

Where did that runner go??

Arpan still running along Eternity's road in the last week of a four month adventure.

Ogdiiv and Arpan nearly opted for a faster team with motorcycles...

but decided to stick to running, one step at a time..

Jumping for joy because...

...we are almost done.

Dennis has also been on the road for almost four months.

Dennis finds some new friends.

Harita hits the road smiling.

Ogdiiv is flying.

Sandro has been on the Peace Run since Florida.

A wonderful panorama of the green green mountains of Vermont, as far as the eye could see.

You cannot help but be all smiles.

What a view...

Our super Vermont Coordinator, Akhanka, even supplied us with a gourmet vegetarian lunch in between ceremonies..

We were all so happy we didn't know what to do with ourselves! How about a bit of Yoga, for chipmunks.

Well fed and recharged, we ran through the famous Brattleboro covered bridge to our next ceremony.

Aparanji, from Brazil, leads the way.

The day camp children of Living Memorial Park were super enthusiastically waiting to greet us all.

An attentive audience.

The Brattleboro Interim Town Manager, Patrick Moreland, also came out to welcome the team and offer his own heart-felt words of encouragement.

Thank you, Patrick, for your enthusiastic oneness with the Peace Run!

Finding Peace in the heart.

Kanyaka from Bali runs with the children.

Patrick Moreland leads the children for a little Peace Run around the park.

Sharing the torch.

Peace is beautiful!

A big thank you to Akhanka the great for a wonderful experience in idylic Vermont, we wished we could stay longer, but New Hampshire was beckoning...

Our final appointment of the day was with the Mayor of Keene, which happens to be in our next state, New Hampshire!

The Keene Mayor, Kendall Lane, kindly presented us with a Peace Run Proclamation. It proclaimed today as Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day in Keene.

The Mayor reads out the Proclamation very beautifully and clearly.

Mayor Lane was happy to receive our Certificate of Appreciation in return. We are very grateful to public servants who come out to offer us their enthusiastic encouragement and support.

And it was time for the women's team to hit the road...Kanyaka had her first ever experience running in America, quite different from Bali, as you can well imagine! She exhibited tremendous bravery, and smiled all the way.

Tavishi from Australia also experienced her first Peace Run leg in America. She is a super excellent runner, and a wonderful addition to our team as we enter the final week of our epic four month journey around North America!

Nature's beauty helps us
To be as vast as possible,
As peaceful as possible,
And as pure as possible.
-Sri Chinmoy

Mahasatya relaxes after an eventful day!

Please send us a message, we would LOVE to hear from you!

See who is sending us messages

Torch carried by
Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Odgiiv Jadambaa (Mongolia), Pragati Pascale (United States), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Arpan DeAngelo, Harita Davies, Pragati Pascale, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 98.0 mi from Bennington (VT) to Henniker (NH).

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