Gus. 11, 2014 Live from the road

Rye Beach, NH - Boston,MA

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 50.0 mi

We are very grateful to the folks at Shel-Al Campground for a lovely campsite last night. They have hosted us many times in the past as well. Arlene, Linsey and Patty accept our Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of Shelly and Allison and all those who made our stay a comfortable one.

Aparanji from Brazil is ready to run along the beautiful coastline of New Hampshire.

Kanyaka from Bali, Indonesia, meditates on peace before her morning run.

Harita's turn to carry the torch along the New England shoreline.

She finds some very interested people to share the torch with.

Making wishes for peace.

A very friendly and helpful officer gets a chance to hold the torch.

Harita and Pragati give the officer a little briefing how far we have come since April.

A police escort shows up for support.

The whole team with our helpful State Police Officer.

Making our way to the YWCA Children's Camp in Newburyport.

We were able to make our presentation in a nice shady spot on the lawn of a nearby park.

Officer Provost enjoyed it so much that he stayed for the whole ceremony.

Some of our helpful local coordinators also showed up to enjoy the show.

Sweta from Nepal sings one of our songs as she holds the banner.

Feeling the peace.

Janelle, the Site Coordinator for the Newburyport YWCA, also shows her hearfelt participation.

Dija, a staff member, is enjoying the peace as well.

Kanyaka from Bali offers Janelle our Certificate of Appreciation.

Time to run with the torch.

We had a long Peace Train run all around the small lake at the park.

Some kids had a little help to make it all the way around.

Sharing the torch and wishing for peace.

Made in the shade.

Time for a delicious brunch provided by our friends from Boston.

Dave, a friendly local, offered us free parking near the beach at Plum Island. We are always grateful when people spontaneously offer their goodwill and support.

We hit the road again to make our way to Boston.

Taking a little break on the side of the road.

Some lovely sites along the way.

Running to our next ceremony in Arlington.

We were greeted at Arlington City Hall by one of our own coordinators, Begabati Lenihan, and other local citizens.

Ganapati representing Peace Run Africa has his roots in Liberia.

Charlene Smith, biographer for Nelson Mandela, kindly came to show her support and share some very inspiring stories about the late former President of South Africa.

Our ceremony was documented by the local media called Arlington Community Media.

Begabati Lenihan was our MC for the media coverage.

Ganapati asks some questions of Charlene as two members of Arlington United for Peace, a local peace group, look on.

Charlene Smith receives our Torch-Bearer Award for her lifetime dedication working for peace and understanding among people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds and for her many books about Nelson Mandela and the struggle for peace and freedom in South Africa.

Charlene shares some very uplifting stories about Mandela and South Africa with the captivated audience.

Charlene receives a World Harmony painting by Sri Chinmoy.

Arlington Community Media covered the whole exciting program here.

Pragati introduces herself on her last day with our team.

Passing the torch to offer wishes and prayers for peace.

We are grateful to Arlington Community Media and all those locals who came to offer their goodwill and support of our efforts to share peace and friendship with their community.

Please send us a message, we would LOVE to hear from you.

See who is sending us messages

Torch carried by
Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Odgiiv Jadambaa (Mongolia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Harita Davies, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 50.0 mi from Rye Beach, NH to Boston,MA.

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