Gus. 15, 2014 Live from the road

Port Chester, CT - Queens, NY

Reported by Harita Davies 30.0 mi

We spent the last night at the beautiful home of our good friends, Nripal Peterson and Nidrahara Rhodes. The Peace Run has stayed here in Connecticut on the last night many times before the last day's run back to New York. We could not imagine a more perfect way to spend our last night!

Pictured centre holding the torch is Eric, who has joined the Peace Run on many occasions, and along with Nidrahara who unfortunately was not here at the time of the photo, continues to be an enthusiastic and dedicated supporter of the Peace Run.

Combined with a Peace Run event in St. Louis, Missouri on May 17 Eric Peterson gave a lecture on Thomas Jefferson's Vision for Peace which was very informative and inspiring for all those who attended, including our whole Peace Run team. Eric has edited a book called 'Light and Liberty', which is a compilation of Thomas Jefferson's Reflections on the Pursuit of Happiness.

Before we hit the road for the last time it was time to do a big clean out of our three vehicles.

A huge amount of things are stored in the RV(recreational vehicle), the camper we would be lost without.

Of course we also accumulate a lot along the way!

Anyone want this butter or salad dressing?

Mahasatya contemplates the final lighting of the torch...

Entering New York from Connecticut!!

We all ran together as a team today, which was nice for our last day together.

We ran through the lovely neighborhoods of some of the cities and towns in Westchester County.

As always, we met enthusiastic supporters along the way! Looks like this gentleman has the record for the longest beard torch bearer.

Yatkara, our main photographer, occasionally gets in the photo as he happily carries the torch for a while.

We were delighted to meet Adaeze and her son who are from Nigeria and were very happy to see us running past their store.

Entering Queens..

Some extra runners joined us for the final stretch. Pictured in the blue T-shirt is our incredible accommodations finder, Devendra. We were so happy Devendra could join us for the final stretch as he has worked tirelessly for many months contacting countless hotel, motel, and campsite owners with the opportunity to provide the team with accommodations along the way. Without his dedicated and hard work this run would not be possible!

Arpan and Dennis carried the torch for the final stretch. Dennis was the youngest, and Arpan the oldest team member, with 40 years difference between them! They were also the only two team members to be on the run from start to finish, 4 months in total! The torch is being passed from one generation to another.

We were all happy and sad to finish our incredible journey. Apart from the Closing Ceremony which will take place in a few days, we have reached the end of our North American Heart and Land Adventure. Deepest gratitude to the thousands of people from all around the world who have supported and offered their hearts to this run in multifarious big and small ways. We are deeply grateful most of all to the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

There shall come a time
When all children of the world
Will enjoy one thing:
-Sri Chinmoy

Please send us a message, we would LOVE to hear from you!

See who is sending us messages.

Torch carried by
Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Odgiiv Jadambaa (Mongolia), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Accompanied by  
Devendra (US), Stacey (NZ)
Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 30.0 mi from Port Chester, CT to Queens, NY.

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