Tet. 4, 2014 Live from the road

Niigata 新潟市 - Nishi-aizu 福島県西会津町

Reported by Harashita Sunaoshi 83.0 km

Our 4th day started at Niigata City, the capital of Niigata Prefecture. A newspaper reporter enjoyed holding the torch during his pre-ceremony interview.


Mr. Akira Shinoda, Mayor of Niigata City, welcomed us with a big smile though it was early in the morning on Saturday.


The three 'yuru-chara' cute-sweet mascots of Niigata were present to make the ceremony cheerful.


Members from NTT Running Club were also present at the ceremony. They were to run with us till the next city Agano.


We all recognized this one, modeled after the endangered bird toki native to Sado Island, where we ran yesterday.


Mayor and NTT Running Club members handed the torch to the Peace Run on behalf of the people of Niigata.


This boy is still small, but his running capacity was something.


Off we go in two teams.


The gentleman in pink, Mr. Takahashi (leader) made a Guinness record by running 2000km in one month last year.


Our next stop was at Kyogase Elementary School, meeting children of a mini-basketball team and a soccer team having a practice there. NTT Running Club participated in the program as well.


Let's be really quiet and feel peace inside our heart...we already have it!


Peace-skit game is fun! Everyone knows what's 'peace' and what's not 'peace'.


Making a wish for peace...


Representative children sign their names on the map that travelled all the way from Russia.


We presented Certificate of Appreciation to NTT Running Club, who enthusiastically relayed the torch up to this point.


Sudasa is one of the 4 drivers...


Here are two STRONG runners running together. Surasa (left) completed twice the world's longest certified race: 3100 Mile Race. Shradda (right) did the 10-day race more than once, too. Both races are organized by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.

パワフル・ランナー二人が一緒にトーチを運びます。シュラシャ(左)は世界最長の公認レース3100マイル(約5000キロ)を50日半で2回完走した頑強ランナー。シュラダ(右)も10 Day Race (10日でどれだけ走れるか競うレース)に何度も出場してます。(共にシュリチンモイ・マラソンチーム主催)

Usra, who joined us today, happily ran in the drizzling weather.


Harashita then continued on.


Our photo- & video-grapher Ashirvad had a joyful run as well.


We entered Fukushima Prefecture, finished the day's run at Nishi-aizu Town.


Torch carried by
Ashirvad Zaiantchick (Brazil), Emily Oliver (New Zealand), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Ken-ichi Nobunaga (Japan), Laksyavedi Munkh-Erdene (Mongolia), Midori Shimizu (Japan), Munkh jargal Lkhaasuren (Mongolia), Pramiti Niwa (Japan), Shraddha Kurzemniece (Latvia), Sudasa Yoshida (Japan), Surasa Mairer (Austria), Usra Yamada (Japan), Victor Lusis (New Zealand), Yahva Hoffmann (Japan), You Yamada (Japan).  
Akanda Norov, Ashirvad Zaiantchick
The torch has travelled 83.0 km from Niigata 新潟市 to Nishi-aizu 福島県西会津町.

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