Tet. 7, 2014 Live from the road

Smederevo - Belgrade

Reported by Apaguha Vesely, Dipavajan Renner 57.0 km

Today our 24.000km Peace Run - journey through all the countries in Europe 2014 came to an end. The last few km's were be pure enjoyment...

We woke up in Smederevo, beautifully located near the Danube River.

As we arrived in Grocka, a group of runners, led by famous Basketball player Ivan Paunic, joined in.

Together we reached the main square...

...salt, bread...

...and traditional pie. Very delicious!

The mayor of Grocka welcomed our team.

...Ivan Paunic...

...we received nice gifts...

...a phot taken just 10 minutes ago: Grocka proofed to be really ready!

The photo frame was a real highlight....

..time to move on....

24.000 km - 49 countries - many pair of running shoes and thousands of happy faces later we reached Belgrade, the capital of Serbia and the final destination of the Peace Run in Europe 2014!
For two days Belgrade hosts the final events of the Run.

...people along the road cheered us on our last km's...

...multi tasking...

Our first reception in Belgrade took us to Zvezdara, a district of Belgrade.

...nice costumes. Just a bit warm for the suny day...

...the welcome choir...

Mayor Zoran Bulicevic kindly received the flaming torch...

...our song...

Peace can be felt in the heart...

...time for performances...

...and the kids passed the torch...

Sumahat tries to walk on water...

...running on the busy roads of Belgrade...

...we planted the first 5 of 50 Peace Trees....

Our todays final meeting: the parliament of the Republic of Serbia!

Emir Bekric, champion runner over 400 m hurdles, kindly joined our team for the final (400) metres to the parliament...

...climbing the stairs to the parliament...

A red carpet for the Peace Run!

We were kindly welcomed by Mr. Vladimir Marinkovic, the Vice-President of the Parliament of Serbia.

...we passed the torch...

Mr. Andrej Marinkovic addressed the people...

The Peace Run was presented by Mr. Salil Wilson, Executive global director of the Peace Run...

...Mr. Dipavajan Renner, the European Peace Run Coordinator...

..and and by Mr. Predrag Knežević, the Serbian Peace Run Coordinator.

As special guests we welcomed representatives from the diplomatic missions of Australia, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Croatia, Finland, Slovenia, Olympian athletes, many mayors from the Serbian cities which the Peace Run visited along the last days as well as many international runners who came to Belgrade to attend the final ceremony.

...a short, symbolic Peace Run in the parliamnet!

A guided tour through the historic building was the perfect ending for or first day in Belgrade.

...the assembly hall...

...addressing the house...

...a future president???

Thank you Serbia for the fantastic day!

Torch carried by
Abhinabha Tangerman (Netherlands), Amur Basic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Andreas Riska (Finland), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Chanakhya Jakovic (Great Britain), Devarupi Buczkovska (Poland), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Emanuel Tomas (Croatia), Oliveria Lopez (France), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Salil Wilson (Australia), Serbian runners (Serbia), Stevan Letic (Serbia), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Tihomir Cundic (Croatia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Dipavajan Renner, Paramanyu Lebedev, Sumahat Strohn
The torch has travelled 57.0 km from Smederevo to Belgrade.

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