Tet. 19, 2014 Live from the road


Reported by Harita Davies, Krishna Kushwaha, Rajendra Sharma, Suman Mandal 15.0 km

We started our Peace Run in Pokhara from Bindhyabasini Temple, which has spectacular views of the nearby Annapurna Mountain Range.

The majestic Machhapuchchhre is almost unbelievably close by.

Sunita, Harita, Babita and Shivani.

Our team was delighted to be joined by Naser from Bangladesh, pictured on the far left. Naser arrived just in time, at 5am this morning, after catching a plane and then an overnight bus from Kathmandu.

We passed the torch from person to person, each making our own wishes and prayers for peace. Holding the torch high is Amit Raj Mulmi, one of the main organisers of today's events, representing NYEF, (Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs Forum).

Suman, one of the Coordinators of today's events, passes the torch to a representative from the SSP.

Harita passes the torch to a representative from Nepal Scout Pokhara.

Pictured is Binod, an 800 metre running champion in Pokhara.

In front of the banner from left to right are Pokhara Peace Run Organisers: Prakash Balikhe, Amit Raj Mulmi, Ishwor Karmacharya, Dev Chhetri, Suman, Krishna and Rajendra. Holding the banner are Devesh and Gurudatta.

Pokhara Chamber of Commerce and Industries Members.

Thank you so much to all the people who came to open and bless our 2014 Pokhara Peace Run...time to start running!

Pictured on the left is a representative from Nepal Scout Pokhara, in the centre is the Chief Guest of the programme, Western Regional Administrator of Nepal, Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya, and NYEF member, Prakash Palikhe. Right behind them are the youngest members of our team, Sujal and Prerana.

We had a great team to run through the streets of Pokhara!

Bhairav Tole of Pokhara welcomes the Peace Run.

Holding the torch is the oldest man in Pokhara, 102! He is the founding president of PCCI.

Prerana passing Peace Run stickers to local children.

Local business people from Mahendrapul came out especially to welcome the runners!

Babita carries the torch!

Naser from Bangladesh is participating in the Peace Run for the first time...we hope he will join us many times in the future!

Pramod sharing the peace.

Harita getting left behind.

We received a spectacular welcome from traditional folk musicians called Panche Baja when we arrived at Pokhara Stadium.

Young athletes from different sports clubs of Pokhara lined the entire inside loop of the 400 metre track. They passed the torch the whole way around, from person to person, and then joined the team to walk around.

All the boys in orange are from an organisation called Lotus and are training to be British Gurkha.

The boys in Blue are from Task Force, and are also training to join British Gurkha.

Our team kept growing and growing.

Dinesh led the team on a super fast lap around the track.

Krishna and others tried hard to keep up.

We then began the final stretch of the run, approximately 10km to Lake Fewa. We were so happy to be joined by super enthusiastic athletes from Lotus and Task Force.

The athletes chanted 'Peace Run' in various ways untiringly until the end of the run!

Finally we reached the lake!

What a spectacular final stretch for our Peace Run.

Task Force athletes added so much energy and joyful enthusiasm to our team. Thank you so much for joining us!

Prerana ran a lot today, and she still looks like she could run more.

The natural peace of our surroundings made us so happy.

Running to the very end.

Local Pokhara folk musicians performing Dhime Baja were the perfect Nepalese style welcome!

Time to celebrate!

Passing the Peace to all.

Suman thanks all the people who so enthusiastically supported our Pokhara Peace Run to make it such a wonderful, heart-felt day!

Harita speaks about the Peace Run and thanks the people of Nepal for sharing their peace and inspiration with the world.

Gopi Bhattarai, President of REBAN Restaurant and Bar Association of Pokhara, was instrumental in organising our Closing Ceremony, thank you so much!

The president of the Pokhara Tourism Board, Surya Bhujel, gave a closing note offering his sincere support and encouragement for the success of the Peace Run- thank you so much!

This local woman was very persuasive in getting Harita to do some traditional Nepalese dancing with her!

Thank you so very much to the people of Pokhara and all of Nepal for embracing and sharing the message of the Peace Run with so much oneness and joy. Our vision of a Oneness-World Family does not seem so far away!

It was time to pack up, but these children did not want to let go of the banner ;)

Due to some unpredictable circumstances Sweta and Gautami could not be physically with us in Pokhara, but as you can see they were definitely there in spirit!

Today officially marks the end of the 2014 Nepal Peace Run. We are so grateful for all the beautiful experiences we had with the people and nature of Nepal, and already look forward to next time! The Asia Pacific Run is already continuing in Australia, and will start in Malaysia on October 30...thank you for sharing the journey with us!

The world is something very huge, but each person represents the world. You and I create the world by the vibrations that we offer to the world. Any little room, let us say, is a miniature world. If we can invoke Peace and then offer it to somebody else, we will see how Peace expands from one to two persons, and gradually to the world at large.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Babita Kushwaha (Nepal), Devesh Ghimire (Nepal), Gaurav Singh (Nepal), Guru Datta Mandal (Nepal), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Krishna Kushwaha (Nepal), Mamta Mehta (Nepal), Naser Bhouiyan (Bangladesh), Pramod Shah (Nepal), Prerana Mehta (Nepal), Rajendra Sharma (Nepal), Shant Kumar Mehta (Nepal), Shivani Mishra (Nepal), Sujal Mehta (Nepal), Suman Mandal (Nepal), Sunita Mishra (Nepal), Vijay Mishra (Nepal), Yam Narayan Shrestha (Nepal).  
Accompanied by  
Dinesh Maharjan
Babita Kushwaha, Devesh Ghimire, Harita Davies, Shivani Mishra, Suman Mandal
The torch has travelled 15.0 km in Pokhara.

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