Nën. 13, 2014 Live from the road


Reported by Salil Wilson

We took the opportunity to visit the remarkable archive and museum Resistencia Timorense which captures Timor-Leste' journey toward independence. Alvaro served as our knowledgeable and informative tour guide.

Mr. Avaro very kindly provided an informative and heart wrenching tour explaining this country's struggle for independence. The slogan for their freedom struggle was "Resistance is victory!" This powerful statement is captured in Xanana Gusmoa's own hand writing on the walls of the museum as well as in their printed materials.

We presented a certificate of appreciation to our dear friends Sergio and Dilson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. These two gentlemen who serve as protocol officers provided invaluable service driving us to every destination safely and ensuring we were always on time. They also helped in so many other ways enabling us to realise all of our hopes and dreams in Timor-Leste. We will miss their kind and gracious presence greatly.

We also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to our ever present police escort who provided for our safe passage throughout our entire visit.

Thank you to the entire team.

While we were waiting in the VIP lounge we met H.E. José Luís Guterres, Minister of State and of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation whose ministery had supplied our protocol officers Dilson and Sergio.

H.E. José Luís Guterres' wife Ra Adriani Kusuma Wardani (right) serves as an Socio-Economic Adviser for the Prime Ministers Office was also present and it turns out she is from Solo where we have good friends. She invited us to explore the possibilty of bringing the Peace Run to Solo.

Finally we saw once again our dear friend H.E. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Minister of Tourism, who was saying farewell to Sujiatmi Notomihardjo, mother of H.E. Joko Widodo, Indonesian President.

Sujiatmi Notomihardjo, mother of H.E. Joko Widodo, Indonesian President has a beautiful smile.

Torch carried by
Agraha Levine (United States), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Salil Wilson (Australia), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Urdhacheta Yap (Singapore).  
Urdhacheta Yap

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