Nën. 15, 2014 Live from the road

Albury, NSW - Corryong, Vic

Reported by Amalendu Edelsten, Nurari Merry, Pranava Runar Gigja 141.0 km

Being the weekend, we had a late start today, with some of us getting energised with smoothies and coffees.

Unrelatedly we decided to wash the van. The aim is to wash the van thouroughly whilst spending as few coins as possible and also trying to wet those around you. The van is now sparkling ...

... as is Fido.

Our first team started running from where we finished yesterday, at Lake Hume, some 14 km from Albury.

From Hume Dam we started our run over a beautiful old metal bridge.

The first part of our run today followed alongside the long Lake Hume.

Pranava preparing for his first run with a moment's silence.

Although we are still following the Murray River, the terrain is becoming hillier ...

... and our course ...

... more curvaceous.

We passed many cows, sheep and other animals like birds and butterflies. There were many scenic small lakes and around them the hills were golden.

A new applicant for the team ...

... ready to run.

The lake began to thin as the mountains behind began to rise.

It was cloudy today with the humidity level high.

Running through the hills was a completely new and different experience since the run started in Uluru. Until now we have been running on the flat surface.

We ran along the Murray Valley Highway which for the most part follows the Murray River.

Pranava and Atul each covered a Half-Marathon distance today.

Our girls team ran the middle section today – after appropriate inner preparation.

This area is much more wooded and becoming hilly.

The second boys team first drove 86 km over the sections being run by the other two teams, and started running higher up the valley.

Happy birthday to Misha! 49 years young, that's 7 x 7 he explained.

Grahak, still computing how many times 7ses he has seen.

The Snowy Mountain range is now in clear view. Two days from now we will be atop Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko.

Two more team members - Amalendu Edelsten and Steve Elliott – arrived, having driven down from Brisbane.

Our whole team met at Bringenbrong Bridge, a significnt milestone in our journey: considered by many as the official Starting Point of the Murray. Upstream of here, the river is called the Indi River on some maps. Downstream from here there is no dispute: it is the Murray. Those who swim or paddle the length of the Murray, traditionally start from this point, Bringenbrong Bridge.

It seems only yesterday that we embarked on this journey along the Murray, from its Mouth near Goolwa in South Australia. A memorable, moving and fulfilling adventure.

Above this point the Murray is a mountain stream.

Although one goal was reached, our day was not yet done. We ran into Corryong together ...

... where the Peace Run team was enthusiastically greeted by a host of people representing several community groups in front of "The Man from Snowy River" Museum.

The volunteers from the museum provided a delightful selection of refreshments for the runners and other guests.

The first Certificate of Appreciation was presented to John Whitehead, President of The Man from Snowy River Museum. He offered his Museum's best wishes, thanked us for calling on them, and then said we had the freedom of the museum for the afternoon.

Peter Humphrey represented the Rotary Club of Corryong.

Jan Craig represented Corryong Red Cross.

Jan stated that they pray for peace each morning they have a meeting.

Glenda Haberecht represented Corryong Probus Inc.

Lorraine Griffiths represented Lions Club of Corryong.

Lorraine also presented the Peace Run team with a pennant from the Lions Club, which is reserved for people of importance.

The museum is a fascinating collection of history with several local historic buildings transported to this location. It resembles a historic village, demonstrating the pride in their heritage from all the volunteers.

Corryong is a close knit, supportive community who identified with the ideals of the Peace Run.

Thank you Corryong!

A very big "Thank You!" to Murray at the Corryong Court Hotel for offering us accommodation in their lovely cottage at the rear of the hotel.

Now that the day is done, let's look back on a Day in the Peace Run, hour by hour ...

... from Nurari's perspective.

Alarm bell rings and from my sleep I stir
With its daily message
“An important event is about to occur.”
A little while I meditate
To love and softness I can try to dedicate.

Strip the beds, take a shower,
Motel donated brekkie for some running power ...

... Stroll along the river,
Time alone-a sliver.
Sparkling fairy wrens, lorikeets squawking,
Yogis, bikers, friendly locals walking.

Stacey with cell phone, coffee and computer,
Pack our car and set off to the future.
A drive to the newly blossomed flower Peace Weir,
Onto the section start and 36k clear.

Crossing a mini Forth Bridge, grey not red,
A narrow road it most be said ...

... Across Hume Lake wide
Seeing red sand beaches on the lakeside.
An isolated school and a little farms,
Hazy reflections, glass-like calm.

Pelican drifting across submerged tree graveyard,
A grey heron flaps to move humid air,
Silent running circled by birdcalls,
Contemplate sharpness and softness
Accepting each other to coexist.

Exciting moment – pre-made lunch handed over!
Five zooming bikers, thundering, booming ...

... Overlapping rolling hills a fresh new panorama
Giving speed and joy as we run.

Curious cows run, huff and swish.
Pass under crossed tree branches and make a wish ...

... Green carpet on a riverside pool.
Flies out in force, humid but cool.

“Are we running to set fire to fields?” two townsfolk say.
OK – no more flame on our torch today ...

... Cattle resting, huddled under a tree,
Lambs scarpering up the slope away from me.

Dark green mountains on the horizon rising, ...

... Bull ants and dandelion flowers at a siding.
Briefly passed through Towong,
It wasn’t very long.

Bringenbrong Bridge and a mountain river,
Refreshing and cold, but not enough to shiver.
At this official Murray River start we wait,
A lost runner and a van late.

Meeting at Museum for Man from Snowy River.
Certificate for golden hearted Aussies given.
Australian icons and past enshrined,
A history of Corryong Village to find.

Fearless we face our accommodation
For a meal and evening aspirations.
A sweet place it turns out to be
Outside our window a laden lemon tree.

Torch carried by
Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Atul Arora (India), Felix Lindner (Switzerland), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Kaspars Zakis (Latvia), Mikhail Vasilchenko (Russia), Nurari Merry (Great Britain), Prabhakar Street (Canada), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Steve Elliott (Australia), Sukhajata Cranfield (New Zealand), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine).  
Kaspars Zakis, Prabhakar Street , Yashodevi Samar
The torch has travelled 141.0 km from Albury, NSW to Corryong, Vic.

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