Mars 17, 2015 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner 13.0 km

Schooltime in Niteroi!

We arrived at the "Instituto La Salle - Ceplas" - a project for very young kids...

..a colorful welcome...

...the children prepared paper torches...

...the national anthem...

...and the rising of the flags...

...a bird of Peace for Brasil...

...the kids very gently touched the bird...

...and released the pigeon into the sky....

...before the final take-off the bird had to reccover a bit...

...time for fun...

...cheerfully the kids passed the torch...

...great kids - great teachers...

...the school surprised us with a Run downhill - it was extremely steep!

...a final stampede...

...and back in the school...

Thank you for the heartfelt meeting! friends on our way through the city...

...and we reached the "Colégio São José"....

...and big smiles for welcome....

...the usual program: presentation, song, torch passing and running! The happy kids make sure we never get tired!

...we received nice gifts....

Thank you for the enthusiastic welcome!

...High Five on our way out...

...and getting ready for the next school: big things in action....

...the greeting committee...

...a street gang?

...we entered the lion's cave...

...big setup...

..arriving in the sort hall the children gave us a phantastic welcome!

...he national anthem of Brasil...

...nicer performances...

...singing and the full program...

...the Brasilian rythm is all-present!

...all the kids passed the torch and offered a wish for Peace!

The school is teaching in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi...

...our presentation...

Another certified Peace School! The principal almost drowned in the sea of kids....

A huge peace bird drawing! Thank you for the outstanding meeting!

Torch carried by
Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Apara Carvalho (Brazil), Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Bhumika Barros (Brazil), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luiza Cruz (Brazil).  
Aparanji Telles, Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 13.0 km in Niteroi.

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