Mars 18, 2015 Live from the road

Rio de Janeiro

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 3.0 km

Our last Peace Run event brought us to one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Rio de Janeiro.

Embedded in high rocks, the blue of the Atlantic Ocean, the green of the dense forrests and the white beaches make Rio de Janeiro a most attractive place with an unique flair...

Our first meeting brought us to the "OLM - Our Lady of Mercy School" - a lovely English school almost at the feet of the Corcovado. The greeting committee awaited us eagerly...

...the children prepared beautiful banners...

...High Five for a welcome... was really nice how the children participated in our song...

...the torch went from hand to hand...

...big friends...

Happy Birthday!

Also the teachers gave us a big smile..

...a group picture with the staff...

...and under the thundering cheers of the childen the teachers showed great spirit and ran one lap around the sport field...

...a delegation of children ended the event with a symbolic lap for peace...

...a certified "Peace School"...

A big "Thank You" to the "Our Lady of Mercy School" for the outstanding meeting! We hope to meet you again, soon!

...a well deserved moment of peace before the next school...

The Corcovado is almost all-present in Botafogo. .. unexpected city-dweller... the middle of the city Rio de Janeiro surprises with a rich flora...

The "Colégio N.S. de Lourdes" was our next destination.

...a heartfelt welcome...

...Corcovado meets Ghostbusters...

...all the kids lined up in the gym hall...

...the national anthem of Brasil...

..Peace in the heart...

...all the children sang for us - including a nice choreography...

...all children and teachers joined in a well organised run...

Thank you "Colégio N.S. de Lourdes" for the enthusiastic welcome!

...on our way out we met also the smallest children...

...a quick presentation...

and good bye "Colégio N.S. de Lourdes"!

...while running in downtown Botafogo we caught already a glimpse of our final meeting place: the Community Santa Marta. The colorful houses are visible from afar.

The people in Brasil call places like Santa Marta "Favela", but in reality many of these settlements are already progressing social communities with an even surprising infrastructure.
The Community Santa Marta is no exeption: a train transports people and goods up the steep hill.

...we entered the community with lots of curiosity...

...a first impression...

...two nice ladies from the community gave us the "big tour"...

...all the people we met cheerfully embraced the Peace Run...

One thing have most "Favela's" in common: a beautiful view!

The community leader welcomed our team... the 90's Michael Jackson visited the community for a music video...

...the place is it is still a touristic site...

...street artwork...

...and football is all-present in Brasil!

Our wonderful Peace Run in Brasil concluded with a run up to the Corcovado. What a view!
Our deepest gratitude to all the people in Brasil for giving us such a wonderful time! Soon we will come again!

Torch carried by
Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Bhumika Barros (Brazil), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luiza Cruz (Brazil), Maria Amelia (Brazil), Nandika Galvis (Brazil), Salalu Galvis (Brazil).  
Aparanji Telles, Carlos Machado, Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 3.0 km in Rio de Janeiro.

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