Mars 27, 2015 Live from the road


Reported by Devashishu Torpy 20.0 km

The Peace Run flag flies proudly in the national stadium.

Todays route will take us through the capital city of Praia, with several meetings.

Local residents come out to see what is happening.

Our first greeting party of children fills the street.

The children perform martial arts, music and recitations.

Can you spot Cabo Verde on this globe?

The children perform Sri Chinmoy's Peace Run song.

The teachers are as excited as the children.

The Peace Run is escorted by the police as it snakes it's way through the city.

Runners as far as the eye can see.

Children from Constantino Semedo School meet us on the road, and join the run.

70% of the population are under the age of 30 - and today many, many children will hold the torch and run.

After a school greets us, they join the mass of runners to the next appointment.

The Liceu Domingo Ramos.

The lady on the right is the delegate of the Minister of Education.

Ariana Rodrigues from Sao Vicente is one of the fastest lady runners in Cabo Verde.

The Deputy Mayor (in black shirt) and the staff of City Hall hold the torch with Ariana.

ESPCR School.

A big percussion group receives the Peace Run at Cesaltina Ramos School.

The torch is received by the Olympic Committee. The President of the Olympic Committee Filomena Fortes accepts a Certificate from the Peace Run team.

Outside the Olympic Committee headquarters.

It is a lot of running on a hot day and there are not many chances to sit down and stretch out.

A quick, unscheduled stop for ice cream.

It's not hard to know where his concentration is at this moment!

Pedro Gomes School.

The military join us. The men in blue berets are marines, in red berets are the military police and in the brown berets are the army.

The soldiers run in two columns, on the left and right, keeping time and shouting out calls in rhythm.

One Peace Runner attempts to sign up.

The Paralympic Committee hold the torch.

The soldiers inject the run with dynamism as they clap to the rythym of their running.

A long final stretch downhill as we approach the Varzea Stadium.

The scouts are there to greet us at our final destination.

Our MC Vitor Fortes hails the arrival of the runners.

(From left to right) Fernando Pinto, the First Lady Mrs Ligia Fonseca, The Minister of Sports and Education Dr Fernanda Maria B L Marques and the Mayor of Praia Dr Jose Ulisees de Pina Correia e Silva.

A young volunteer holds the torch for the opening of the final ceremony.

Today is National Woman's Day in Cabo Verde.

Everyone stands for the National Anthem.

Jorge Pina says that after 6 days of running he now realises how big Cabo Verde's 'heart' is.

The First Lady congratulates the runners.

The Mayor of Praia accepts the torch.

A representative from the United Nations holds the torch.

She reads the message of the UN resident coordinator of Cabo Verde, Dr Ulrika Richardson-Golinski.

Fernandao Pinto receives the Torch Bearer Award on behalf of the Cabo Verde Athletics Federation (FCA).

Children demonstrate Capoeira.

The Scouts sing a final song for everyone.

After a long week of running and presentations, the weary runners board their bus.

The Deputy Mayor of Praia chats in Czech with Apaguha, our Czech runner.

A final dinner with the Cabo Verde Peace Run organisers.

Franklin Tavares, the Mayor of Sao Domingos receives the Torch Bearer Award on behalf of the Association of the Cities of Santiago, of which he is President. He was very moved.

The Mayor of Sao Miguel, Dr Joao Goes Duarte (front row fourth from the left), joins us. Gratitude to all the organisers for their hospitality. A special thanks to Dr Jose Eduardo, the Director of Sports in Praia (the gentleman behind and to the right of Franklin Tavares). He is the main organiser of the final day in Praia along with our dear friend Fernando Pinto.

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Daniel Bento (Portugal), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dulce Manso (Portugal), Jorge Pina (Portugal), Mena Seguy (France), Nivedak Corradini (Italy), Pushkar Müllauer (Switzerland), Rachel Pina (Portugal), Samalya Schäfer (Germany), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal).  
Apaguha Vesely, Carlos Machado, Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 20.0 km in Praia.

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