Maj 4, 2015 Live from the road

Kemi - Paltamo

Reported by Jan Klaile, Salil Wilson 72.0 km

Dawn is yet to break over Hannukselanrannan leirikeskus on Housukari Island in Kemi...

We wish to thank Kemin Into so much again for providing our accommodation place for the night!

This morning we will be visiting schools in Oulu, the capital of the North...

A soccer game is in full swing at the first school of the day: Aseman koulu

With time to spare before our ceremony, Josef joins the fun!

This game is an outdoor version of salibandy. It is like icehockey but without ice and skates, and a ball instead of a puck...

Ok! Everyone's gathered! Time to begin...

Guessing countries...

...of tomorrow's SUN...

Morning gymnastics! The kids are really great!

Principal Mika Kenttämaa receives the school's certificate of appreciation...

An enthusiastic run around the field...

Thank you so much Aseman koulu for the very warm welcome! (more pictures will be added some time later for Aseman koulu)

The team splits into two. Team A stops here to replenish their energy resources...

The students have neatly gathered outside Pöllönkankaan koulu to greet the team..

The school has some 500 students!

Believe it or not, even with the student body being 500 strong, during our feeling-peace-in-our-heart-excercise, there was pindrop silence!

Principal Risto Saartoala receives our gifts and holds the torch high...

500 new team members take several steps for peace...

Thank you so much Pöllönkankaan koulu for the heartfelt welcome!

Team B visits the Oulu International School...

Gathering all around...

The children were open, cheerful and friendly!

This teacher was from New Dheli.

Principal Raija Johnson receives the Jharna Kala...

At the front of the school, flames like those of the Peace torch are depicted! Thank you so much Oulu International School for the cordial welcome! \

An enthusiastic welcome from Oulun steinerkoulu - Oulu Steiner School...

Ultramarathon legend Pekka Aalto takes the stage...

A helping hand makes for a better world...

The music teacher leads group singing with the Kantele:
Singing all together,
Singing just for joy,
Sining all together,
Every girl and boy!
(Peace runners were heard singing this song later that day and the next :) )

The great singers now feel peace in their heart's...

Principal Maili Liimatta receives our gifts...

Time to run!

A fence proves a negligible obstruction for eager runners ready to get to the running path...

Thank you so much Oulun steinerkoulu for the warm welcome!

Tanuja leaves us in Oulu back to the Czech Republic! Thank you for running with us through Finland!

It's time to hit the road...

The team now heads south east...

We follow shimmering Oulujoki - Oulu River...

Spring is approaching. ..

The river runs by Muhos...

The road winds in and out of the forest to the river bank...

These are typical finnish forest lichens. Springing up from amongst them are lingonberries, which in summer will carry the sour red berries, 'used in Finnish cuisine...

A young spruce tree among the birches...

Finland is the land of a thousand lakes. This is Utajärvi...

In Finland there are 187,888 lakes over 500 square metres...

Some parts of the lake are still frozen...

We have arrived to Paltamo, our last stop of the day. Here we see railway bridge over the river Kiehimänjoki which flows into Oulujärvi...

In Paltamo Anu Leinonen, head of sports and fitness, cordially greets the runners. Paltamo is magnanimoulsy accommodating us tonight, plus providing the team with breakfast supplies!

In addition Anu has set up a golf experience for us!

Maarit and Arto are our golf instructors...

Arto is the Secretary and Maarit is the Lady Coach of the golf association...

Teaching the basic swing...

Jan's post-swing pose may look impressive, but how far the ball flew (or perhaps rolled) is another story...

Pekka sees the ball...

Andreas concentrates...

Lauri contemplates...

Iiris encourages...

Anne admires the neighbouring shot...

That was fun! This might be the first time ever that a Peace Run Team has been treated to a Golf lesson...

Singing the song on the Driving Range...

This is Oulujärvi, the 5th biggest lake in Finland at 887 square kilometres...

The evening is tranquil...

This is Metelihouse! A beautiful twin house which Paltamo generously accommodated us in!

The wooden architecture is exquisite, although here the hungry photgrapher has put tonights dinner in focus :) ...

That's all folks!

Torch carried by
Andreas Riska (Finland), Anne L Leinonen (Finland), Chetana Hein (United States), Daniel Novák (Czech Republic), Iiris Nuuja (Finland), Jan Klaile (Finland), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Kamaniya Palmer (Sweden), Lauri Tervo (Finland), Lilu Lähdesmäki (Finland), Pekka Aalto (Finland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sanita Slare (Latvia), Tanuja Konečná (Czech Republic), Zuzana Klásková (Czech Republic).  
Andreas Riska, Lilu Lähdesmäki, Salil Wilson
The torch has travelled 72.0 km from Kemi to Paltamo.

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