Qershor 5, 2015 Live from the road

Vrútky - Žiar nad Hronom

Reported by Danica Cernakova, Padyatra Komak 79.0 km

In Vrutky we started our day in already hot weather, but it did not discouraged the representative of sport and cultural department. He didn't mind the heat and with determination took our Peace torch...

Vo Vrútkach sme vyštartovali už za horúceho počasia, ktoré neodradilo ani pána zo športovo-kultúrneho oddelenia Mestského úradu a s vervou sa chopil našej Mierovej pochodne...

... and lead us to the nice elementary school of M.R. Stefanika, where we were welcomed by almost 100 nice kids.

... a doviedol nás do peknej Základnej školy M.R. Štefánika, kde na nás čakalo takmer 100 milých detí.

Kids were in a good mood...

Deti mali dobrú náladu...

... and also the Deputy Mayor was smiling from ear-to-ear.

... a takisto aj prednosta Mestského úradu sa usmieval od ucha k uchu.

Gypsy dancers also made such a good show... that many of us started stamping our feet.

Rómske tanečníčky to tiež dobre roztočili... že sme si mnohí nohami podupkávali.

This is embodied sincerity and innocence.

Tomu sa hovorí stelesnená úprimnosť a nevinnosť.

The teacher can be truly proud of her talented students.

Pani učiteľka môže byť právom pyšná na svoje zverenkyne.

Next place where our torch headed was the city of Martin surrounded by beautiful hills and mountains.

Ďalším miestom, kam putovala naša pochodeň bolo mesto Martin, obklopené nádhernými kopcami a pohoriami.

In the city of Martin we visited one elementary school, where they have very talented children, as we were told, especially skiers, but also musicians.

V Martine sme navštívili Základnú školu na Mudroňovej ulici, kde ako sme sa dozvedeli, majú veľmi talentované deti, hlavne lyžiarov, ale aj hudobníkov.

Also maybe the motto on this trendy boy's T-shirt: "Never say never" - hides a peaceful message.

Možno aj slogan na tričku tohto trendového chlapca: "Nikdy nepovedz nikdy" - skrýva v sebe nejaké mierové posolstvo.

It happens that a peace runner holding the Peace torch in one hand and the mike in the other, worn out by the sun heat becomes, well... peace zombie.

Takto sa mierový bežec s pochodňou v jednej ruke a mikrofónom v druhej stáva v tieni za horúceho počasia hrbatou mierovou príšerou.

It seems that also theese reflexing stripes are very popular among the children.

Zdá sa, že aj reflexné pásiky sú u detí veľmi obľúbené.

And again Vlado's pantomime sketches bring forward beautiful smiles on children's faces.

A zase tie Vladove pantomimické vilomeniny takto decká pekne rozveselili.

Please notice, how the slovak flag on this picture is expressing itself: "Look, how big and colorful I am..."

Všimnite si, ako sa slovenská zástava na tomto obrázku vyníma...

... and on this picture, don't you miss anything? It took 3 minutes until our poor runner found out that he is running just with the stick... well at least we had a good laugh.

... a na tomto obrázku, nechýba vám niečo? Tri minuty trvalo, kým náš chudák bežec zistil, že beží len s paličkou... nuž aspoň sme sa dobre nasmiali.

In the next village Pribovce we were welcomed by kids in the kindergarden.

V ďalšej obci Príbovce na nás čakali deti v materskej škôlke.

It look like Mayor Mr. Jaroslav Brzak didn't find it difficult to become child once again...

Pán starosta obce Ing. Jaroslav Brzák PhD. nemal zjavne vôbec problém stať sa na chvíľu opäť dieťaťom...

... and neither did we.

... a ani my sme s tým problém nemali.

O, my little twin sister, don't be sad, I will give you this nice peace run sticker!

Sestrička dvojička, nebuď smutná, dostaneš mierovú nálepku!

We expressed our gratitude to the Mayor as well as to this wonderful kindergarden.

Tak ako pán starosta, ani táto krásna škôlka nemohla ostať bez ďakovného listu.

Thank you for delicious refreshment!

Ďakujeme aj za znamenité občerstvenie!

Before leaving Pribovce we made an excursion to the kindergarden and tried out how it feels to come 30-40 years back in time.

Pred odchodom sme si ešte spravili obhliadku škôlky a vyskúšali sme si, aké to je vrátiť sa o 30-40 rokov späť v čase.

All of a sweat but happy we are entering into beautiful town Turcianske Teplice.

Totálne spotení, ale šťastní pribiehame do krásneho mestečka Turčianske Teplice.

The representative of the town was very pleased to receive us.

Pán poslanec mestského zastupiteľstva nás veľmi vďačne prijal.

So little boy, because you holded this magic Peace torch, from today on you are 100% angel!

Tak chlapče, pretože si v ruke držal túto čarovnú Mierovú pochodeň, odo dneška budeš 100% anjelom!

At the beginning of the historical city Kremnica there were two young cross-country skier waiting for us...

Na začiatku historického mesta Kremnica na nás čakali mladí bežeckí lyžiari...

...and they were leading us through the streets of the city, so that we did not get lost.

...a sprevádzali nás ulicami mesta, aby sme nezablúdili.

The cross-country skier finally brought us to the playground where we met children from the local orphanage Maurícius for hearing impaired.

Lyziari nás doviedli až na ihrisko, kde sme mali stretnutie s deťmi z detského domova pre sluchovo postihnutých.

The kids nicely cooperated with us...

Deti s nami pekne spolupracovali...

... and not only those who could hear but everybody was watching us with an interest, because they had a good translator there.

... a nie len tí počujúci, ale i všetci ostatní nás so záujmom sledovali, lebo mali dobrého tlmočníka.

That is him - the translator for hearing impaired.

To je on - tlmočník pre sluchovo postihnutých.

The director of the orphanage Maurícius was happy to receive the Certificate of Appreciation with the Jharna-kala picture called "Change".

Pán riaditeľ Detského domova Maurícius v Kremnici od nás zaslúžene obdržal ďakovný list aj s Jharna-kala obrázkom s názvom "Zmena".

Our great coordinator of the day Lukas... "Where the hack are you?"

Náš skvelý koordinátor dňa, Lukáš... "Kde toľko trčíte?"

We are almost in Ziar nad Hronom...

Už sme skoro v Žiari nad Hronom...

In this we could get faster there...

Na tomto by sme tam boli rýchlejšie...

... well, and in this even faster.

... no a na tomto ešte rýchlejšie.

Well, the help of these great local sportsmen and sportswomen will work just fine.

Nuž, bude nám musieť stačiť pomoc týchto super miestnych športovcov.

Yes, you are right girls, you did a very good job!

Veru, milé športovkyne, zvládli ste to na jednotku!

At last I am in the little shadow and the hot sun is not baking me anymore. Thank you daddy!

Konečne som trochu v tieni a už na mňa nepraží to slnko. Vďaka ocko!

The Mayor of the city Ziar nad Hronom Mr. Peter Antal was very glad that the Peace Run came again into his city after some time and we were also happy to give him the Certificate of Appreciation, because he received us nicely.

Pán primátor mesta Žiar nad Hronom Mgr. Peter Antal bol rád, že Mierový beh zavítal opäť po nejakom čase do jeho mesta a my sme mu tiež radi odovzdali ďakovný list za krásne prijatie.

Torch carried by
Adam Studenik (Slovakia), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atul Arora (India), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Daniel Ignovski (North Macedonia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Lukas Michalec (Slovakia), Natalia Soldatova (Russia), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Robert Jaros (Slovakia), Sadajyoti Belzová (Czech Republic), Vlado Kulisek (Slovakia), Zdenko Michalec (Slovakia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Daniel Ignovski, Josef Sverma, Sadajyoti Belzová
The torch has travelled 79.0 km from Vrútky to Žiar nad Hronom.

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