Qershor 6, 2015 Live from the road

Žiar nad Hronom - Lučenec

Reported by Danica Cernakova, Kuladipa Babusik, Padyatra Komak, Sadajyoti Belzová 96.0 km

In the morning we started our running from Ziar nad Hronom to the village Trnava Hora in very relaxing way...we did not have an idea what an adventure is awaiting us...

Zo Žiaru nad Hronom sme ráno veľmi relaxovane vyštartovali do obce Trnavá Hora...to sme ešte netušili, aké dobrodružstvo nás čaká...

In Trnava Hora we were hearfully welcomed by the Mayor of the village alone, Mr. Pavel Kravec...since it was saturday.

V Trnavej Hore nás srdečne privítal sám pán starosta Mgr. Pavel Kravec...keďže bola sobota.

The Mayor was happy that the Peace Run was going through his village and for our journey he proudly gave us full box of slovak favourite sweets Horalky

Pán starosta bol rád, že Mierový beh prechádzal cez Trnavú Horu a na cestu nám nabalil plnú krabicu našich obľúbených Horáliek.

Our another stop was the village Hronska Dubrava, where everything happened similarly, we were heartfully received by the Mayor Jozef Brhlik.

Ďalšou našou zastávkou bola obec Hronská Dúbrava, kde všetko prebehlo podobne ako v Trnavej Hore, mali sme srdečné prijatie pánom starostom Mgr. Jozefom Brhlíkom.

At noon we reached the city of Zvolen, where there was no official reception...but inspite of that the itensity started rising.

Na poludnie sme dorazili do Zvolena, kde nebolo žiadne oficiálne prijatie...no napriek tomu intenzita začala pomaly stúpať.

...we have even accidently met very interesting person. He was not only runner but also the winner of the prestige Boston Marathon in his category over 70 years.

...dokonca sme náhodou stretli veľmi zaujímavého človeka, ktorý nielenže bol bežec ako my, ale dokonca víťaz prestížneho bostonského maratónu vo svojej kategórii nad 70 rokov.

Atul is performing one of the yoga asanas.

Atul predvádza jednu z jógových asán.

In the village Zvolenska Slatina they welcomed us in the traditional costumes because they had some traditional event going on.

Vo Zvolenskej Slatine nás privítali v tradičných krojoch, pretože tam akurát prebiehalo "rúcanie májov".

The village is known as producer of traditional sheep cheese. They are the oldest producers in the central Europe so they prepared for us refreshment with very tasty sheep cheese spread.

Zvolenská Slatina je známa výrobou výbornej bryndze. Jej výroba má v tejto obci najdlhšiu tradíciu v strednej Európe, preto nám Slatinčania pripravili na občerstvenie chlieb s chutnou bryndzovou nátierkou, zvanou "šmirkas".

Welcoming words of Deputy Mayor of Zvolenska Slatina were touching our hearts.

Zástupca obecného úradu nám povedal pár pekných slov na privítanie, ktoré boli mierené rovno do naších sŕdc.

This is hand made embroiery with special technique. To make them takes a lot of days.

Ich tradičné kroje boli ručne vyšívané špeciálnou krivou ihlou.

The beautiful costumes were in tune with their shining faces.

Krásne kroje ladili s ich žiariacimi tvárami.

Although this group of young people were very busy with their own village programme they ran with us a little bit. Thank you very much for that.

Hoci mali chlapci a dievčatá v tento deň nabitý program, pobehli s nami kúsok cez obec, za čo im veľmi pekne ďakujeme.

Ocova was not on the original plan but we were very happy to run through this village with the live folk tradition.

Očová bola odbočkou od pôvodnej trasy, no nakoniec sme boli veľmi radi, že sme sa zastavili v tejto krásnej folklórom žijúcej obci.

The children from the elementary school did not sit at home and joined us to run with the peace torch even on Saturday.

Aj keď bola sobota, deti z miestnej základnej školy nesedeli doma, ale prišli si pobehnúť s mierovou pochodňou.

The local folk group welcomed us with the beautiful performance.

Očovania nás privítali pekným folklórnym vystúpením.

The Mayor of the village Jan Senko also contributed to the heartful atmosfere.

Pán starosta obce PhDr. Ján Senko sa tiež veľkou mierou pričinil o srdečnú atmosféru tohto stretnutia.

Visiting Slovak children from folk group living in Serbia also contributed with their nice performance to our peace programme.

Keďže sa v obci práve konala prehliadka detských folklórnych súborov, podujatie oživili aj slovenské deti žijúce v Srbsku.

Atul surrounded by charming slovak girls.

Atul obkolesený rúčimi slovenskými devami.

Light dance steps can sometime change into swift running ones.

Ľahký tanečný krok sa vie občas zmeniť aj na svižný bežecký.

Here we are in Detva where they welcomed us with bread and salt according to the tradition.

Aaaa tu už sme v Detve pod Poľanou, kde nás privítali, ako sa patrí, chlebom a soľou.

The master...


...and the pupil.

...a učeň.

The future hockey players from Detva...

Budúce hokejové nádeje z Detvy...

...before we could take the picture they ran away.

...kým sme ich stihli odfotiť, ušli.

But it was not the problem to find them.

Ale nebolo ich problém nájsť.

The big audience welcomed us at the Detva´s stadium.

Na letnom štadióne v Detve nás vítalo veľké obecenstvo.

The Mayor of the town Jan Sulfliarsky honoured us with the Certificate of Appreciation.

Pán primátor mesta Ing. Ján Šufliarsky nás poctil ďakovným listom.

MC Jozo Procko helped us to make from our programme the great fun.

Moderátor Jožo Pročko nám pomohol urobiť z nášho programu poriadnu šou.

Not only audience was entertained...

Bavili sa nielen diváci...

...but also the runners.

...ale aj bežci.

We did not stay behind and we presented the Mayor with our own Certificate of Appreciation.

Ani my sme nezaostali a pána primátora sme obdarili ďakovným listom.

Among spectators here and there we have found creatures like this.

V hľadisku sa sem tam objavili aj takéto zaujímavé (po)tvory.

Local Peace Run coordinator Danica (in the middle) with the family.

Lokálna koordinátorka mierového behu Danica (v strede) s rodinou.

Missis Anna Budacova from sport and cultural department helped us to organize most of the events in Detva. She is holding the torch with promising Slovak chess competitor Stela.

Kultúrno-športová referentka pani Anna Budáčová, ktorá pomohla zorganizovať väčšinu programu v Detve drží pochodeň s veľkou slovenskou šachovou nádejou Stelou.

Little Viki ran away from her mom, took the torch and ran with us to the Cultural House.

Malá Viki ušla mame, zobrala pochodeň a dobehla s nami až po kultúrny dom.

The Mayor joined us for a bit.

Na kúsok sa k nám pridal aj pán primátor.

It is obvious that the Mayor is not afraid of manual labour, he planted the Peace tree all alone.

Je zrejmé, že pán primátor sa manuálnej práce nebojí, Mierový strom zasadil úplne sám.

We sang the peace song to the newly planted Peace tree.

Novozasadenému Mierovému stromčeku sme zaspievali mierovú pieseň.

The rabbit in the park almost perfectly imitated Pepino.

Zajac v parku takmer dokonale napodobnil Pepína.

Our big...

Náši veľkí...

...small supporters.

...malí priaznivci.

Levitating runners...

Levitujúci bežci...to sú bežci hrajúci sa na levov.

Entering Lovinobana.

Vbiehame do Lovinobane.

Even injury did not prevent Deputy Mayor to come and greet the runners.

Zástupcovi obce ani úraz nezabránil, aby prišiel pozdraviť bežcov.

Lovinobana´s masonry wonder.

Lovinobanský murársky zázrak.

Last Mohycane with the torch.

Posledný Mohykán s pochodňou.

Although we were planning to finish in Lovinobana, this enthusiastic runner inspired us to run another 16 km to Lucenec.

Aj keď sme plánovali v Lovinobani skončiť, nadšený bežec z Lučenca nás nakoniec potiahol ešte 16 km až do Lučenca.

Torch carried by
Adam Studenik (Slovakia), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atul Arora (India), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Daniel Ignovski (North Macedonia), Devarupi Buczkowska (Poland), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Jan Stanko (Slovakia), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Linda Kralikova (Slovakia), Lukas Michalec (Slovakia), Natalia Soldatova (Russia), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Robert Jaros (Slovakia), Sadajyoti Belzová (Czech Republic), Shilanyas Bielik (Slovakia), Vlado Kulisek (Slovakia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Daniel Ignovski, Josef Sverma, Sadajyoti Belzová
The torch has travelled 96.0 km from Žiar nad Hronom to Lučenec.

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