Qershor 14, 2015 Live from the road

Klin - Ruza

Reported by Kalpa Lazarev, Pratishruti Khisamutdinova 91.0 km

Team captain Oleg Shestov

Капитан команды Олег Шестов на трассе

Gundega from Latvia is running Peace Run in Russia for the 2nd time

Гундега из Латвии второй раз бежит по России

Children from Ruza are writing their wishes on the Peace Heart

Дети Рузы пишут пожелания на Сердце Мира

Head of Ruza town sports committee is holding the torch

Начальник спорткомитета города Рузы с факелом Бег Мира

Peace Run song

Поем Гимн Бега Мира

Torch carried by
Aigul Komelkova (Russia), Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Ekaterina Russina (Russia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Harikanta Ketova (Russia), Hridayesa Karpov (Russia), Ilya Novikov (Russia), Kalpa Lazarev (Russia), Marina Pak (Russia), Nikolay Trotsenko (Russia), Oleg Shestov (Russia), Pratishruti Khisamutdinova (Russia), Raisa Trinditskaya (Russia), Tatyana Troyanovich (Ukraine).  
Hridayesa Karpov, Kalpa Lazarev, Nikolay Trotsenko
The torch has travelled 91.0 km from Klin to Ruza.

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