Qershor 25, 2015 Live from the road

Braslav - Daugavpils

Reported by Kalpa Lazarev 44.0 km

Peace torch in streets of Silene

Miera lāpa ceļo Silenes ielās.

Greeting the Peace Run by the county of Skrudaliena

Skrudalienas pagasta pārvaldes vadītāja sveic Miera skrējiena dalībniekus

We look different but in essence we are all alike

Mēs izskatāmies dažādi, bet savā būtībā esam līdzīgi.

Lets put our small thought into the flame, so it can go in the wide world.

Ieliekam savu mazo domu lāpas liesmā – lai dodas plašajā pasaulē!

Bon appetit!

Labu apetīti!

Torch carried by
Aigul Komelkova (Russia), Alexey Tikhonin (Russia), Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Guzel Shaikhutdinova (Russia), Kalpa Lazarev (Russia), Lina Rybak (Ukraine), Rita Elstina (Latvia), Upakaraka Tolstopyatenko (Russia).  
Accompanied by  
local runners
Aparanji Telles, Kalpa Lazarev
The torch has travelled 44.0 km from Braslav to Daugavpils.

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