Qershor 29, 2015 Live from the road

Langjökull - Brautartunga

Reported by Suren Suballabhason 75.0 km

Today's destination was the glacier Langjökull

Í dag heimsóttum við Langjökul

The company Into the Glacier has dug a tunnel here, and invited us to light the Peace Torch here

Into the Glacier bauð okkur að kveikja Friðarkyndilinn hér

Jóhann officially lights the Peace Torch for Iceland 2015

Jóhann kveikir Friðarkyndilinn 2015

While in the tunnel we did some running

Við hlupum um ísgöngin

It's an otherworldly experience of light, purity and beauty

Our sincere gratitude to Into the Glacier for offering us this opportunity

Við viljum þakka Into the Glacier kærlega fyrir að veita okkur þetta tækifæri

Up on the surface of the glacier again, symbolic steps for peace are taken

Upp á yfirborð jökulsins aftur og við stígum skref í þágu friðar

After we got down from the glacier, we started our 169km run to Reykjavík, where the opening ceremony will take place on Wednesday

Eftir að komið var niður af jöklinum tók við hlaup til Reykjavíkur, en þar fer fram opnunarathöfn á miðvikudaginn

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Aryavan Lanham (Australia), Jóhann Fannberg (Iceland), Pathik Kozub (Czech Republic), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Snatak Kjeld (Iceland), Udayachal Šenkýř (Czech Republic).  
Apaguha Vesely
The torch has travelled 75.0 km from Langjökull to Brautartunga.

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