Qershor 30, 2015 Live from the road

Brautartunga - Reykjavík

Reported by Suren Suballabhason 110.0 km

We started in the highlands where we left off yesterday

Við hófum hlaup á hálendinu

Natural hot pool


The glacier is never far away

Ávallt sést í jökulinn

It's impossible not to be moved by the peace of Iceland in these beautiful surroundings

Friðurinn í íslensku náttúrunni hefur óneitanlega áhrif á hlauparana

Arriving at Þingvellir national park and all the tourists wanted to hold the Torch and make a wish for peace

Þegar við komum að Þingvöllum vildu allir ferðamennirnir halda á Friðarkyndlinum og leggja fram sínar óskir um frið í heimi

At Mosfellsbær, the local running club, Mosóskokk joined us

Í Mosfellsbæ slógust í hópinn Mosóskokkararnir

The Peace Tree of Mosfellsbær, planted 2 years ago

Friðartréð í Mosfellsbæ, sem plantað var fyrir 2 árum

Entering into Reykjavík, the first district is Grafarvogur, where the running club, Skokkhópur Fjölnis joined us. They have run with us many times before

Í Grafarvogi bættist Skokkhópur Fjölnis í hópinn, en þau hafa hlaupið margsinnis áður með okkur

The next district was Grafarholt, where the running club Fram joined us. By now, we were quite a large group

Í Grafarholti bættist Skokk- og gönguhópur Fram í hópinn

Feeling the joy of peace

This lady ran with us 14km and her son joined her for the last steps

Our final destination of today: The Peace Tree of Reykjavík, where we'll have the opening ceremony tomorrow. Many thanks to all the runners for joining us; many of them ran about 15km with us!

Komið að friðartré Reykjavíkurborgar þar sem opnunarathöfnin fer fram á morgun. Kærar þakkir hlauparar fyrir samfylgdina! Mörg þeirra hlupu 15km með okkur.

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Jóhann Fannberg (Iceland), Pathik Kozub (Czech Republic), Pierre Lantuas (France), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Udayachal Šenkýř (Czech Republic).  
Apaguha Vesely
The torch has travelled 110.0 km from Brautartunga to Reykjavík.

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