Korrik 9, 2015 Live from the road

Egilsstaðir - Vopnafjörður

Reported by Salil Wilson 136.0 km

The women's team started first this morning.

Kvennaliðið hóf hlaupin í dag

As you can see they were very enthusiastic.

Eins og sjá má þá voru þær mjög áhugasamar

Neelabha loves running.

Neelöbhu þykir mjög gaman að hlaupa.

If there is one thing you can count on it is waterfalls in Iceland.

Það má alltaf treysta á að sjá fossa á Íslandi.

Vasko takes his first steps on the Peace Run.

Vasko tekur fyrstu skrefin sín í Friðarhlaupinu.

We drove past the women's team and got a few photos. Here's Zuzka.

Við keyrðum fram á kvennaliðið og tókum nokkrar myndir. Hér er Zuzka.

Laufey was enjoying the running.

Laufey hafði gaman að hlaupunum.

Silvia was running well.

Silvia hljóp vel.

Some of the local inhabitants.

Nokkrir af íbúum svæðisins.

Suren tackles a long uphill.

Suren hleypur upp í mót.

Salil continues that hill.

Salil hleypur áfram upp brekkuna.

Vasko gets his first taste of the head wind.

Vasko kynnist mótvindinum.

As we ran into Vopnafjörður we met some very enthusiastic Americans from Boston - David and Julie. They were travelling around Iceland also but going in the other direction. Thanks for stopping it was lovely to meet you.

Þegar við hlupum inn í Vopnafjörð hittum við tvo áhugasama Bandaríkjamenn frá Boston - David og Julie. Þau voru að ferðast um Ísland eins og við, en reyndar í hina áttina. Takk fyrir að stoppa, það var gaman að hitta ykkur.

Magnús from Vopnafjörður municipality came and met us. Many of the village children were participating in a local soccer tournament.

Magnús Már frá Vopnafjarðarhreppi kom til að hitta okkur. Flest krakkanna í þorpinu voru að keppa í fótbolta og gátu ekki hitt okkur.

Magnús very kindly arranged for us to have a delicious hot drink. Salil indulged in hot chocolate with whipped cream.

Magnús var svo góður að útvega okkur heita drykki. Salil fékk sér heitt súkkulaði með rjóma.

Pierre was satisfied without whipped cream alothough he did say afterwards he would have preferred whipped cream.

Pierre var ánægður með að sleppa rjómanum.

The cafe.


Torch carried by
Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Neelabha Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Pierre Lantuas (France), Salil Wilson (Australia), Samviraja Gori (Italy), Silvia Di Nunzio (Italy), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Vasko Jovanov (North Macedonia), Zuzana Klásková (Czech Republic).  
Neelabha Šenkýřová, Pierre Lantuas, Samviraja Gori, Silvia Di Nunzio, Vasko Jovanov
The torch has travelled 136.0 km from Egilsstaðir to Vopnafjörður.

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