Korrik 16, 2015 Live from the road

Hólmavík - Ögur

Reported by Natabara Rollosson, Salil Wilson 119.0 km

Natabara trials a new Peace Run costume.

Natabara prófar nýjan Friðarhlaupsbúning - sérsniðinn fyrir íslenskar aðstæður.

Pierre starts out on a somewhat warmer morning.

Pierre fer af stað og nú hefur eitthvað hlýnað.

By the time Suren ran the temperatures had fallen again.

En þegar komið var að Suren hafði hitinn lækkað á nýjan leik.

And then the sun came out!!!

Og svo birtist sólin!!!

Natabara sunk deep in relaxation.

Natabara mjög afslappaður.

Salil approached the car.

Salil nálgast bifreiðina.

He saw his shadow for the first time in Iceland!!!

Hann sá sinn eigin skugga í fyrsta sinn á Íslandi!

The colours when the sun came out were amazing.

Litbrigði jarðarinnar í sólarljósinu voru undraverð.

Blue sky.

Hér má sjá í heiðan himinn.

Torch carried by
Ashadeep Volkhardt (Australia), Danival Toffolo (Iceland), Edyta Wolska (Poland), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Pierre Lantuas (France), Salil Wilson (Australia), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Vajin Armstrong (New Zealand), Zuzana Klásková (Czech Republic).  
Natabara Rollosson, Pierre Lantuas
The torch has travelled 119.0 km from Hólmavík to Ögur.

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