Shta. 25, 2015 Live from the road


Reported by Harita Davies

Our first school in Boulder was Whittier International Elementary. Over 400 enthusiastic students were gathered to welcome the Peace Run team.

International Baccalaureate Coordinator, Alysia Hayas, introduced our team. Alysia wes the main organiser of our visit to Whittier Elementary.

Peace starts from the heart.

Cathy Oerter presented Alex Jaquez-Aguirre with the Al Oerter award.
In the words of his teachers, Alex was chosen for "being a student who seeks challenges that will have a positive impact in all facets of his life and working to the best of his ability to meet these challenges. Alex thrives on intrinsic motivation, using the value of lessons learned in the class, on the playground and at home to push himself to succeed . He is inclusive, empathetic, and a leader-by-example that many students look up to and like".
Congratulations, Alex!

We were thrilled to be joined by local Boulder ultra-running legend, Peter Bakwin. Peter spoke to the kids about his experiences running ultras around the world and how it has enabled him to connect and have oneness with people who did not speak the same language.

The children all sang the song "Together we can change the world" for us. It is a bautiful song and they sang with all their hearts, we were all very touched.

Phaedra teaching the World Harmony song.

Finally it was time to run!

Alex with the Al Oerter award.

Peter ran with us too!

Thank you Whittier International Elementary for joining our team!

Our next stop was University Hill Elementary.

Here the whole school was waiting to welcome us with a programme packed with Peace! A big thank you to Mary Powell, who is introducing our team in this picture. Mary is the Art specialist and was super enthusiastic and instrumental in preparing the programme for our visit.

The children had all learned our Peace Run theme song. They sang it so well!

The 5th grade class prepared for our visit by studying Al Oerter. They gave a special presentation about his achievements and philosophy. Each of these kids read out a fact about Al Oerter, an Oerterism, and a 5th graderism about how to be the best you can be. It was a wonderful presentation! We gave the whole 5th grade class the Al Oerter Award!

Cathy invited the kids up to tell us what Peace means.

Peter spoke about running and peace.

And finally it was time to run!

Each grade ran a whole lap of the field while the rest of the school cheered them on. They even practised before our visit with a fake torch!

Our final school in Boulder was Creekside Elementary.

It was a beautiful, but very hot afternoon! The children of Creekside Elementary also learned and performed our Peace Run theme song. We were very impressed and grateful!

Holding up the Peace Torch!

Cathy presented Zuza Kostecka with the Al Oerter Outstanding Student Award.

Zuza's proud parents were present for this special moment.

Peace artwork by the children.

A moment of peace.

Handing out the Peace Run cards. Each card has a painting on the front by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy.

Time to run!

What a beautiful location for a school playground!

Passing the torch..

Thank you to Principal Francine Eufemia, P.E. Teacher Paul Lealman, and all of Creekside Elementary for a sweet ending to a magical peace-filled day in Boulder!

My peace-tree blooms
Only in my heart-land
And nowhere else.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Adhiratha Keefe (United States), Alakananda Lebedev (United States), Cathy Oerter (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jennifer Cluck (United States), Phaedra Rosario (United States), Prakhara Harter (United States).  
Accompanied by  
Peter Bakwin, George Keefe, Tina O'Sullivan
Alakananda Lebedev, Harita Davies

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