Prill 6, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner, Teekshanam Dodonu 13.0 km

Schooltime in Geneva! Our first day in Switzerland turned out to be a busy one: four schools lay ahead of us...

our first meeting: the British School of Geneva!

...several classes assembled in the main hall...

...the country guessing game turned out to be no problem for the kids...

...nice drawings...

...some children presented beautiful poems...

...we handed the torch over to the head teacher - a good friend of the Peace Run!

..all the kids offered a wish for peace... did some of the parents...

A big hand to the British School of Geneva for the enthusiastic welcome!

...right away into the next meeting:

...the kids from the "Institut Florimont" lined up for "high five"...

...we got big smiles...

...the children organised a relay-run around the school yard for several groups of students...

Thank you "Institut Florimont" for the warm welcome!

...pedestrians greeted our runners...

The Internat "Lycee Prive Töpffer" was next:

...a lovely private school - nicely enbedded in the city...

...the school received the torch...

...we all enjoyed the warm, sunny day after the heavy rain the days before...

...well prepared drawings and poems about peace...

...nice refreshments...

...and a symbolic run around the school ended the meeting...

Thank you "Lycee Prive Töpffer" for the fun!

...we arrived at the official Peace Mile in Geneva, inaugurated in 1986 by Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Peace Run...

...a quick group photo...

...and we went on to visit some of our organisers in Geneva in their gift shop...

In the afternoon we visited a lovely small school: the Swedish school "Svenska Skolföreningen i Geneve" like climbing trees...

...we met the kids and together we went to the nearby park... of the present parents was already running with the torch in Iceland many years ago...

...a final Run!

...some kids took it easy...

Thank you "Svenska Skolföreningen i Geneve" for the perfect ending of our first day in Switzerland!

Torch carried by
Adarini Inkei (Switzerland), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dmitriy Gameza (Russia), Frederic Gat (France), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Marius Michalak (Germany), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Piloo Iljazovic (Austria), Puruvaj Nikolic (Serbia), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Teekshanam Dodonu (Switzerland), Uhaina Maya (Mexico).  
Paramanyu Lebedev, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 13.0 km in Geneve.

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