Prill 17, 2016 Live from the road

Elizabeth, New Jersey - Princeton, New Jersey

Reported by Harita Davies, Tavishi Matthews, Yashodevi Samar 32.0 mi

It was a picture perfect day for our 2016 North American team extended family to get a group shot before officially setting off on our 10,000 mile journey around North America.

Pierre from France and Puroga from Hungary have both signed up for the entire journey. This is the "before" photo. We will have to wait 4 months to see how they look for the "after" photo!

We were joined for the day by veteran Peace runner, Banshidhar, from Hawaii and his friend Anudvega from Serbia, both pictured attempting to decode the days schedule.

One last team shot at our official start point for the day in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

The weather was beautiful for the women's team to begin our first day of running!

Luana from Germany and Samunnati from Ukraine were thrilled to meet some adorable young peace lovers along the way.

This one was particularly enthusiastic!

O what a glorious day!

Yasodevi, Tavishi and Luana, from Ukraine, Australia and Germany respectively, finished the miles for the day in fine form!

Meanwhile, further down the road the mens team were enjoying their first steps of this incredible journey around North America.

Puroga from Hungary taking his first steps of this incredible 4 month journey!

A new friend along the way.

Mr Dawud Assad, Chairman of Religious Events Planning Committee and founding member of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey, warmly greeted the Peace Run Team. Prayers from the Koran were offered and translated for the team. Mr Assad emphasized the unity and peacefulness of all religions. He explained that the word "Islam" means peace.

Cub Scout master, Mohammad Aref, led a group of boy scouts to march to the front of the room and devotedly recite their Scouts Honour and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Master of Ceremonies, Subhamaya Tom Cusack is our local New Jersey Peace Run Coordinator. He warmly introduced the team, emphasising how many similarities we can find between the goals of the
Peace Run and Islam.

Wishing for peace, always a beautiful and sacred moment.

Singing the Peace Run song.

Mr Riaz Siddiqui and Dr Mohammed Yousef, both founding members of the ISCJ, joined Tom and Dawud Assad to enjoy the pizza kindly provided for the whole team by the Islamic Society.

On behalf of the team, Salil Wilson, Peace Run Executive Director, presented our Certificate of Appreciation to the Islamic Society Interfaith director, Mr Dawud Assad.

A plaque featuring a Jharna Kala painting by the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, was also presented to the Islamic Society.

Running with the Peace Torch was the final part of the presentation, and the part we all enjoy the most.

Our next visit was to the magnificent Buddhist Vihara in Princeton, the largest statue of Lord Buddha in the Western Hemisphere!

We first visited here two years ago, and were once again struck by the powerful presence of the statue and the tangible emmanation of peace and compassion.

Head Monk, Hungampola Sirirathana, and local resident Buddhist monks led as the team circumnavigated the giant Buddha three times in a silent walking meditation.

The monks offered their blessings and prayers for the safety and protection of the team as we journey around North America. Picture second from the left is Vineeta Nepal, our contact who kindly made it possible for us to visit.

We were delighted that long time friends of the Peace Run, Michael, his daughter Amy, and her two children Zachary and Carina came out especially to meet the team and run with the torch.

So sweet!

Pankaj Brahmbhatt from TV Asia has enthusiastically followed the Peace Run many times, and came out to film us and interview Arpan for a story.

Some lovely Princeton locals, Deb Walker and Joe Sarbello, held the Torch, offered their support to the Peace Run and wished the team all the best.

Reverend Sharyl Dixon, Presbyterian minister and pastor of the Kingston Presbyterian Church, came to visit the team. As she was unable to welcome us to her Church due to prior commitments, she baked enough quiche for 20 runners and personally delivered them. We were deeply moved by her passion, enthusiasm and goodness, and the quiche was delicious!

The last stop for the day was the Durga Mandir temple in Princeton. We were warmly welcomed by Dr Bikki Jaggi (pictured on the left) and Prithvi Bhalla, trustees of the temple.

The Hindu priests gave blessings in Sanskrit to the team and explained the significance of the worship of the deities in the temple. Each team member was given a protective Stole to wear. It was deeply inspiring and illuming for all of us to feel their love for the temple, their spirituality, and warmest oneness with the message of the Peace Run and the team.

Srutavinda Ginny Cusack and Subhamaya Tom Cusack are long time friends and big time supporters of the Peace Run. They coordinated all of our events in New Jersey, fed our team sumptuously and accommodated 20 of us in their beautiful home. Their ever generous enthusiasm and oneness gave tremendous joy and comfort to all of us.
All our gratitude to everyone who contributed to such a beautiful and auspicious first day of our 4 month journey.

Oneness Is the foundation Of peace. -Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Akbota Jumabayeva (Kazakhstan), Anudvega Marinkovic (Serbia), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Himadri Kavai (Hungary), Luana Koch (Germany), Papaha Gosline (United States), Pierre Lantuas (France), Puroga Theobald (Hungary), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sarankhuu Jargal (Mongolia), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine).  
Harita Davies, Pierre Lantuas, Yashodevi Samar, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 32.0 mi from Elizabeth, New Jersey to Princeton, New Jersey.

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