Korrik 1, 2016 Live from the road

Revelstoke, BC - Golden, BC

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 150.0 km

Surrounded by snow capped peaks in the area of Revelstoke, we had a perfect backdrop for a traditional Canadian celebration.

For Canada Day, the day Canada officially and amicably gained their independence from Britain 149 years ago, our Peace Run Team prepared some songs to celebrate the occasion.

We started the day with a free pancake breakfast at Chubby Funtsters Restaurant in the mountain town of Revelstoke.

We were served by a very enthusiastic and friendly employee who shared the torch with us.

Needless to say the pancakes were delicious.

Four satisfied pancake customers ready for the start of the parade.

Running through town on our way to the start of the local parade.

The parade Marshall, Peter Bernacki, gave us a little ride before the start of the race.

Our Hungarian runner, Puroga,may have had too many pancakes before the start of the local parade. May he rest in peace.

Some local runners also shared the torch with us before the parade.

Mayor Mark McKee welcomed us at the start of the parade to the beautiful city of Revelstoke with the impressive courthouse in the background.

Classic cars were a great addition to the local parade.

Natural wildlife also found a place on the parade floats.

Fishing is quite popular with all the local rivers and lakes around this area.

Bears are also quite prevelant here in BC.

Even some of the children had their own floats.

Caribou moose also were able to join in the parade.

Some of our runners took the easy route of proceeding in the mile long parade.

The RCMP, of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, were a colorful addition to this Canadia celebration.

For those who could not walk there were friends who helped them participate in the parade.

Many spectators along the way were eager to share the torch and make a wish for peace.

Some of our fearless team marched the whole way singing and sharing the torch with the crowds.

Local organizations help bring peace to the community.

The Canadian flag came in all shapes and sizes today.

Our view from the end of the parade at Queen Elizabeth Park

Our team shares the torch with one of the former Mayors of Revelstoke and local medical doctor(in red), and current Mayor Mark McKee, in blue.

We were so happy to share the torch with people of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

These friendly locals were from India.

Two students from Brazil.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP, were quite impressive as they held the torch for peace. Their service to the community is very important and effective in keeping the peace and safety for all.

A proud mother and son share the peace.

This cake says it all

The huge, beautiful cake offered at the ending ceremony was quite impressive as it illustrated important aspects of the community here in the Revelstoke area of B.C.

Mayor McKee and the RCMP commander humbly cut and serve the cake to the hundreds of people gathered at Queen Elizabeth Park in Revelstoke.

Brahmata Michaels, from Ottawa Canada, introduces the Peace Run to the large audience.

Our team offered a short presentation as we sang the song, 'Canada Is Canada's Self-Giving Soul', written by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Spectators came in all sizes as shapes like this patriotic and beautiful Canadian Canine.

The torch was passed to hundreds of people who stayed for the festivities here at the park.

Even the youngest of spectators were able to offer some peace and pure sweetness to the torch.

Pierre jumps for joy as he holds the Peace Run flag aloft.

Scott helps prepare the dinner at our campsite after a long day.

A short run in the mountain town of Golden as we were invited to another event there after dinner.

Pujari and Pierre practicing their newly written song about Canada.

Our fearless women's team practices our songs for the evening event.

Performing in Golden at the Golden Municipal Campground.

Carl and Friends perform some great music for the crowd here tonight as well.

Brahmata offers our Certificate of Appreciation to Jordan Petrovics, Manager of Recreation Services, for inviting us to their event.

Passing the torch to the crowd was again a great way to share peace and friendship on this special day for Canada.

The sun sets around 9:45 pm here at the western edge of the mountain time zone we just entered today.

Fireworks were set off here at our campsite as the Canada Day celebration continued late into the night.

Happy Canada Day!!!

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Pierre Lantuas (France), Pujari Schaffer (United States), Puroga Theobald (Hungary), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Scott Schuetzler (United States), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 150.0 km from Revelstoke, BC to Golden, BC.

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