Korrik 4, 2016 Live from the road

Moscow. Friendship Park - Indian Embassy

Reported by Kalpa Lazarev 7.0 km

Running in the Friendship Park. Sri Chinmoy is a great son of Bengal and India. Paying homage to his memory, today the Peace Run started by the monument of Rabindranath Tagore

Пробег по Парку Дружбы. Основатель эстафеты Шри Чинмой – великий сын бенгальского и индийского народов. Отдавая дань его памяти, эстафета сегодня берет старт от памятника Рабиндранату Тагору.

By the monument of Kyrgyz epic hero Manas the Magnanimous

У памятника герою киргизского эпоса Манасу Великодушному

By the monument of Hungarian and Soviet Union friendship

Возле стелы венгерско-советской дружбы

By the Peace tree

Возле Дерева Мира

The Peace tree was planted on May 9, 1993

Дерево посажено 9 мая 1993 г.

By the Embassy of India

У Посольства Индии

Mr.Ashish Sharma, the director of the Cultural Center of Jawaharlal Nehru at the Embassy of India in Russian Federation

С факелом г-н Ашиш Шарма, директор Культурного центра имени Джавахарлала Неру при посольстве Индии в РФ

By the monument of Mahatma Gandhi

У памятника Махатме Ганди

By the monument of Jawaharlal Nehru with the workers of the Cultural Center

У бюста Джавахарлала Неру с представителями Культурного Центра

Torch carried by
Alexandr Shutov (Russia), Alla Denisova (Moldova), Harikanta Ketova (Russia), Inna Vdovenko (Russia), Jayasalini Abramovskikh (Russia), Kalavati Kolesnichenko (Russia), Kalpa Lazarev (Russia), Karpani Tsybenko (Russia), Marina Pak (Russia), Oleg Shestov (Russia), Olga Pushkareva (Russia), Oxana Shelkovnikova (Russia), Pavel Banschikov (Russia), Pavel Trotsenko (Russia), Raisa Trinditskaya (Russia), Sambhava Tsybenko (Russia), Yaroslava Karavayeva (Belarus).  
Kalpa Lazarev
The torch has travelled 7.0 km from Moscow. Friendship Park to Indian Embassy.

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