Korrik 6, 2016 Live from the road

Amsterdam - Velp

Reported by Abhinabha Tangerman 115.0 km

We started our run at elementary school ASVO in the centre of Amsterdam.

Two large groups of children came to listen and participate in our presentation.

They had lots of great questions for the runners.

2nd group.

All smiles for peace.

Where can you feel peace?

The children were extremely nice and smart.

Touching the Peace Torch

Where do you go next?

Well, we went to a beautiful village called Nigtevecht...

...to a beautiful castle...

...to meet two beautiful people.

Concert pianist Michiel Borstlap...

And his partner Wendy Brouwer, a television actress.

They wholeheartedly supported the Peace Run.

Vapushtara, our Dutch peace-runner, is both Michiel Borstlaps piano tuner and his good friend!

We talked about music and peace.

And we were invited into his private studio and intimate concert hall...

...where Michiel played a soul-stirring piece for us on his grand piano. It was a moment we will not lightly forget as we were moved beyond words.

Two friends.

Michiel composed a mini-opera about the Arabic sage Ibn Sna, known as Avicenna in the West.

Thank you so much for this wonderful reception!

From Nigtevegt the route led us through beautiful countryside...

...towards the town of Hilversum where Nel Zuidema, the mother of our Dutch runner Nitish, had prepared a sumptuous lunch for us.

Nel and her husband received us most kindly.

From Hilversum we ran through more lovely scenery towards the town of Velp.

Always there are nice people along the way.

Torch carried by
Abhinabha Tangerman (Netherlands), Frank Stassen (Netherlands), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Pranayani Schuringa (Netherlands), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Sukhada Korshunova (Russia).  
Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 115.0 km from Amsterdam to Velp.

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